Chapter Eight

Dru shifted away from the wall as he heard Echo start speaking, he couldn't even rest for five minutes.

"Captain, we just got a sit-rep from Atlas."

"Which team?" Swiftly he moved away from the armoury, and from any prying ears.

"Phantom Two, they're being debriefed now. According to the report there are four main factions currently warring each other in this sector: The Kuvak Dynasty, The Vah'hsck Council, the Hitux Merchants' Pact, and the Ko'dyn. From what they found out it looks like tensions rose between the Dynasty and the Council, as both had interests in a few independent mining colonies in the neutral zone that served as the border between them. According to some rumours the conflict was sparked by a drunken brawl between some representatives on a colony, the Vah'hsck representative was apparently beaten to death with a rock by the Jotok representative. That's only a rumour but it came from the same colony and matches with all available evidence." Echo stopped for a moment, probably reading the report again. "From there it escalated to zero-g skirmishes and the capturing of some colonies, eventually growing into a full scale war between the two powers. After a few months a couple dozen or so colonies made a deal for the Hitux Merchants to deliver a shipment of weapons and shield generators, but the convoy was attacked as neither the Council nor the Dynasty wanted the colonists fighting back. In response the Pact declared war on both, then delivered several shipments at a lower price to the colonies. Then because the colonists had more money than they'd anticipated they hired the Ko'dyn to act as their fleet, leading to the clusterfuck known by the participants as 'The War of Four Titans'."

Dru digested the report, concocting plans and contingencies based on the little information he had. As he made his way back to the workshop he wondered what was going on in the heads of the combatants, he'd probably have to send Phantom Two orders to find out. He thought it was impressive that so few people could create such a big shitshow.

"Send me the full report, I'll look it over once our guests have left. Speaking of, get Birgir to bring that Jotok to the workshop." With that he opened the workshop door, revealing Professor Zeth'an conversing with the translators' interface using guttural grunts and raspy gurgling.

Hearing that the door had opened Zeth'an turned to look at him, after a moment the little lizard attempted to imitate a smile. Attempted, the Professor ended up failing in a rather disturbing manner. The Vah'hsck bared its' dull, blocky teeth through a wobbly parting in his scaled lips. The result looked like an oversized gecko with its face pinned on by an armless lunatic.

On a frigid, desolate freighter outbound from Guthra, an icy hellhole situated deep within the veil of The Darkness, a densely built man draped in a thick, fluffy hide sat humming a mellow tune. He was surround by small amphibian fox-like creatures, they lay sprawled out on the frozen floor, their scales clicking against the brittle steel. Occasionally the seemingly young human would reach one of his smooth, dexterous hands into a pouch sewn to his coat; after a moment of rummaging he would produce a thick slab of salted meat from the pouch. Each time he would rip a lump of the dried flesh from the slab and unceremoniously gulp it down in a few bites, then toss the remaining feast to the Shyck lazing about around him.

A rusty, barnacle ridden freighter swooped into its' private hangar aboard the Obosyran, with the grace of a rabid dog. The screeching of ice and steel viciously scraping against one another echoed throughout the deck, alerting the lethargic mechanics nearby; moments later the grand hallways were abuzz, heaving with the Vah'hscks' fervent anticipation.

Several endless moments later the aft of the freighter began trembling, slowly rifts began forming in the thick layer of ice as the freighters' cargo bay drifted open. When the door made contact with the hangars' sturdy floor, the ice which was seemingly welded on, shattered all at once with a satisfying crunch. A chilly breeze assaulted the workers, who had gathered to watch the spectacle, causing several of the younger Vah to shudder. Moments later The Darkness flooded out, stalking the frostbitten wind.

Silently a giant loomed deep within the cargo hold, silhouetted against a tepid, sterile light. Several shadows slivered around within the great steel beast.

With bated breath the gathered workers endured the Darkness; the older Vah stood valiantly against the tide, showing the younger workers an unbreakable facade. Several of the youthful Vah collapsed under the strain, losing consciousness and flopping to the floor like rag-dolls. Those still standing paid little attention to the fallen Vah, unanimously and silently deciding to leave them to the med-drones.


Iphka, the eldest of the Shyck, raised his silvering head above his sprawling black body, the sudden shriek of metal grinding against icey metal had caught his attention. They had landed, more or less.

"Get that cargo ready young ones, Obossyran awaits!" Iphka growled, sending a thunderous thought to the minds of his kin.

As the oldest among his kin, his duty was simple; to guide his juniors and to teach them how to live, whilst also serving The Ancient One directly. He had survived a staggering thirty Human years on the hostile wasteland of Guthra, almost as long as the legendary Yitac who had fought loyaly by The Ancient Ones' side centuries ago.

"Iphka, gather the elders. I have a good feeling about today." The Ancient Ones' voice echoed within his mind like an earthquake.

"At once, master." Iphka replied, stretching his six lean legs.