Hyenas Assemble

After Steve told Andrew to assemble his pack of hyenas they continued walking. They soon came across a house which looked like it was abandoned for years. Steve looked at it and said "Looks like they sect kept a low profile." Andrew was shocked 'How can master sense people? It doesn't make any sense. How are his senses so sharp?' Steve smiled and walked in. As soon as he walked in a man came out. His eyes looked like he was a hungry lion looking for a prey. He looked like he was in his 50's. He looked at Steve and his once murderous eyes were soon filled with fear and disbelief.

He suddenly bowed down to Steve and said "I-It is an honor to meet you again Death God. W-what brings you here?" Steve frowned. Looking at Steve's frown the old man fell to his knees. He was looking at the ground not daring to look in the eyes of the vicious Death God. People think he is a rumour but this old man witnessed the vicious Death God in action. Steve looked at him and said "Well grandmaster! Stand up. You are my senior. It is disrespectful for me to let a senior bow in front of me. Please rise."

The master was dumbfounded. He looked at the man in front of him and said "You are a lot more senior compared to me. I can't even hold a candle next to you. I should respect you." Steve looked at him and said "Master Ning please stand up. Also maybe I am a senior to you in power but nothing in front of your experience." The old man stood up and looked at Steve he was walking towards him. Master Ning saw Steve bow his head in respect and he returned the gesture. Steve soon asked "Master would you like to be a part of my hyenas? You once were a part of my secret force how about once again?" Ning looked at him and immediately shook his head and replied "It will be an honor. Master Steve."

Steve smiled and said "Welcome to my hyenas. You will lead them and Andrew will be your second in arm." Master Ning looked at Andrew then back at Steve and said "He is way more powerful then me. He should be the leader." "Master Ning Andrew might be powerful but he is inexperienced. You will lead them." Master Ning raised his head in pride and said "I will not let you Down." Steve nodded and soon walked into the room. He saw a wood box he punched it open and it also had an old page. He looked at Andrew and said "Well I am a master of one page but I need to master the rest as well." Andrew nodded and made a call. He just said "Reconstruct the training room for master. It should be 10 times stronger then the last one." He cut the call and Steve said "Let's go." they walked into the woods. Soon Andrew heard footsteps. The footsteps had a specific rhythm to them. It was terrifying. Steve just smirked. He looked at Andrew and said "Looks like my hyenas are here." Soon Andrew Steve and Master Ning were surrounded by more then 20 men. Steve smirked and said "Well had a goodnight sleep. Now it is time to work again." The hyenas cheered and soon a man came out of the woods. He looked at the hyenas and said "Stop the noise before I end you all." This was also an old experienced and powerful martial artist. He looked at Ning and said "Ning what is the meaning of this. What are you doing with this child. You."




Only few sounds were heard and Andrew was standing in front of that old man and said "No one dares to speak to the leader of our pack like that." the man on the ground looked at Andrew then said "I know you. You are the vicious daredevil Andrew. Please forgive me. You are supposedly the most powerful after Master John. Pl---" Before he could speak another word Andrew slammed his leg on his chest breaking his ribs and killing him instantly.

Andrew walked back to Steve and said "Master we are in a place where most of the members of the sect stay. We will come across multiple fighters if we stay here." Steve just replied "Let's go train." The hyenas all smiled and they all disappeared. Andrew, Steve and Ning walked back to the airbase and got in the jet. Steve looked at Andrew then at Master Ning. He said "Well it has been a long time since I trained. It will be fun." Andrew looked at Steve and said "Master we need to create a training pattern for the hyenas. They have been training on the old track for a while." Steve just smirked and said "Well I will do that too. I need some good workers." They all reached back from where the took off and Steve left.

He went first to buy a mansion. He went in and there were a few dealers. All of them looked at Steve with disgust in their eyes. Steve was dressed in a simple pant shirt. Nothing too expensive. One of the dealers walked up to him and said "Get out. We don't give houses on rent." Steve looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He left and went to the dealers beside them. He walked in and a girl came up. "Sir how may I help you?" She was well dressed and was smiling. She was treating him like any other customer. He looked at her and smiled back. He replied "I would like to but a house." the girl replied "Most certainly. What are your needs?" Steve thought for a while and replied "I want a big backyard cuz my wife loves plants, A big garage and the mansion should be in a quiet place. You know like no neighbors. Do you have it?" The girl was shocked. She looks at him with disbelief but soon brought back her smile. "Sir there I only one house that fits your needs but it is the most expensive one in the city. If you are interested I can show you a model." Steve smiled and said "No need. I will buy it." The girl was dumbfounded. It was her first day of work and she already made a costumer.

Steve reached in his back pocket and pulled out his wallet which he hadn't opened yet. He opened it and it had 10 black cards in it. The girl was almost dizzy. A person can be extremely rich but can have only one black card. How much Money does this man have? He took one out and gave it to her. She hesitantly took it and swiped it. She did the paper work and told him to sign. He did as he was told and completed the paper work. After the paperwork was done he went to a Mercedes showroom. He bought the newest model and completed the paperwork and was told that he will receive the license plate in 3 days. He took his new car to the hospital and took his wife with him. She was shocked at what was going on but kept quiet.

Soon they reached a mansion. Now Julia couldn't hold it in. She asked "What are we doing here? How did you get the car and how did you manage the money to take me out of the hospital." He just looked at her and said "Well I had to contact my past." She knew he had a rough past and tha he was loaded but he didn't ever want to use it. She asked "Why? I know you hate your past. Why did you do it?" Steve looked at her and replied "Well it is for the women I love and my future daughter. I can't just watch you hurt when I know I can do something about it." She had tears in her eyes. She was smiling and hugged him tight. He took her in the house and there was already a room set for her. There was a nurse and a doctor. "well they will be with you 24/7. You don't have to worry. You and our daughter will be safe." She smiled and they both went to their room. They cuddled and went to sleep.

Next morning Steve woke up pretty early. He told Julia that he needed to train a little so he would be gone. Steve drove the car outside the city to an isolated location which he bought. He called about 500 workers and told them to work on an obstacle course. He showed them the idea and they all got to work. After about hours of hard work the obstacle course was finally complete. It wasn't just an obstacle course. It was a near death trip. One slip up and you will end up in a devastating injury.