Night 5

"How... How ARE YOU ALIVE!!!" shouted Tomrox.

Jule's merely shrugged and wiped some dust off his shoulder from the explosion.

"My friend over here has one hell of a defensive skill don't you agree?" grinned Jules knocking Yuri on the shoulder.

"Let's finish this I'm growing bored of this" said Yuri in an emotionless tone as his eyes glowed yellow.

"Right let's do this [Kumo]!" spoke Jules out as the gourd on his hip started to shake and the lid shot out.

From the gourd spilled out black air as after it left the gourd it turned into a small thunder cloud while lightning could be seen flashing in it and rain drops made a pool under it. Jules let a chuckle out as he jumped up and landed on it looking like a surfer on a surf board.

"Hope you ready asshole cause your about to get pounded!" roared Jules.

"Wait that sounds susp...." Yuri couldn't finish his sentence as Jules flying on Kumo launched like a bullet towards Tomrox.

Tomrox roared once more and jabbed his hands in the floor throwing up huge junks of the earth towards the flying teen. Jules grinned like a mad man and petted the cloud once with his foot and the cloud sped up turning them into a blur dodging all the rocks. Once he was past the wall of debris Jules jumped off Kumo and delivered a downwards strike onto Tomrox head, the force behind the strike cracked the floor underneath the two. The man cried out in pain while slowly looking down at the teen who sent him another grin. Jules pole glowed softly before he used a skill.

"[Apple Thief]!" roared Jules as he sent thousands of thrusts onto the boss's body.

"My body it feels like each strike is cannon fire" thought Tomrox as his mind started to fade before he roared and used a skill direct range.

"[Tomb Wrecker!]" said Tomrox as he slammed his foot on the ground, seconds later 5 spikes made out of earth launched upwards causing Jules eyes to widen as he was attacked.

Three of the spikes were blocked by Jules hitting them but the other two made their way through and stabbed him in the shoulder and stomach. The teen vomited out blood as he was launched backwards. As Jules jumped back, he grimaced and spat some blood out placing one hand on the hole in his stomach.

"You just going to stand there and look pretty Yuri!?" shouted Jules looking back at Yuri who slowly walked up to the injured teen.

"No, you know I thought I'd just get a sun tan in this armor" responded Yuri sarcastically.

"That doesn't even make sense!" shouted Jules a irk mark on his head.

"Would the both of you shut up!" roared Tomrox a vein throbbing in his head.

Yuri and Jules looked from one another towards Tomrox who suddenly got a chill down his spine as both teen's glared daggers at him.

"The hell you say?" asked Yuri as his hands glowed black.

"You can't tell us to shut up" said Jules placing his staff on the floor as he grabbed handfuls of fur from both his shoulders and threw the hair in the air.

"[Souls of the damned]" spoke Yuri out as black lightning arc'd around on the floor as seconds later it trembled and a red skeleton hand shot out.

"[Three's a crowd]" said Jules as the individual hairs glowed white before thousands of clones of Jule's appeared surrounding them.

A massive crack appeared underneath Yuri and thousands of red skeletons holding chipped swords with glowing purple eyes surrounded the armored teen. The skeletons also had one lone red horn coming out of the fore head.

"Sick em" spoke Yuri and Jules out at the same time causing the two armies to roar charging towards Tomrox.

"Who are these two!" shouted Tomrox to himself as he roared and charged towards the incoming army.

Jules suddenly vomited out more blood before he glowed white and changed back into his normal form.

"Shit I'm out of mana" muttered Jules looking up and saw Tomrox destroying the skeletons and clones left right and center.

"Rest easy Jules ill finish this in one attack" said Yuri placing a hand on Jules shoulder.

Jules looked up at his armored friend and gave him a smile with a thumbs up. Yuri nodded his head and then started to walk towards the clashing army his right hand glowing bright purple. Tomrox dodged left and then right only to get a strike against his back causing blood to pour out.

"Damn it there is too many!" shouted Tomrox quickly aiming a [Gut Bomb] to the floor and was soon engulfed in the explosion. Once the dust settled down it showed Tomrox panting and half of the entire army was destroyed, just after the attack all the clones of Jules poofed into smoke showing that all of Jules mana was finely done.

"HAHA IM COMING FOR YOU BOY!" roared Tomrox invigorated by the fact the teen was out of mana.

Hundreds of skeletons suddenly dog piled onto the man causing fountains of blood to sprain out as they stabbed downwards, seconds later they were engulfed in a white light and turned to ash as Tomrox used a skill on them. The man was covered in wounds as blood poured down his body, as he looked up, he saw Yuri a few feet away from him.

"Time to end this" muttered Yuri as a giant black sarcophagus came out of the ground next to him.

Pure black miasma poured out of the coffin as thick white chains were wrapped around it, the entire atmosphere changed into one of dread as pure madness entered everyone's souls causing them to see their worst nightmare. The lid slowly opened a bit before it was blocked by the chains not allowing it too fully open. Yuri stuck his hand into the open greave and the miasma increased causing Tomrox to nearly faint from fear.

"The Demon Emperor used this to slay the foolish Human Hero who dared to try and kill him" started Yuri as he moved his hand slowly out.

"After he won the Human, he used this to Judge, Jury, and Execute all the damned souls that came to the underworld" spoke Yuri out taking the object out causing the Sarcophagus to give a ghostly wail before sinking back into the ground the miasma still in the air, Tomrox's eye's widened when he saw the item.

It was a 5-meter long Odachi katana, except the blade was chipped here and there making it seem to be more of a saw than a sword. It was blood red with black hieroglyphics on it glowing softly, the handle was a faded grey as the Gard at the base of the blade had chains wrapped around it. With a huff Yuri held the sword up and his eyes glowed yellow.

"The sword [Sen No Satsujin]{ Thousand Murders} will now reap your soul." spoke Yuri out.

"No... No IM NOT DYING!" shouted Tomrox turning his back to the teen and started to run away.

"So, you've chosen to run away? You're a coward" said Yuri brining the katana up in the air as it was engulfed in pitch black and purple flames.

"[Hero Slayer]" spoke Yuri out swinging the sword down.

The entire world turned into inverter colors as the sound of the sword moving through the air was the only thing to be heard. Color's returned to the world as Tomrox slowly looked back at Yuri who simply turned his back to the man as his caped flowed in the air. A tremendous crash filled the air as a blinding light also followed after seconds later. Once the explosion settled down a massive cut ran through the ground and made it way up to the middle-class part of the city causing screams to be heard from the middle-class people. As Yuri looked down on the floor, he saw Tomrox was bisected in half and the life was fading in his eyes.

"How did you turn into a boss?" asked Yuri as he squatted down his glowing yellow eyes borrowing holes into Tomrox.

"It was a man with a hoodie made of snake skin" muttered Tomrox only to vomit out blood, seconds later dying as his eyes lost their shine.

Yuri sighed and desummened Sen No Satsujin as it sunk back in the floor as if it were water, he glowed seconds later as his armor dispersed. He heard movement and saw Jules stumbling up to him.

"Ready to head out?" asked Jules wincing from the injuries he had.

"Yeah, c'mon lets go" said Yuri as he placed one of Jules arm on his shoulders and helped walk him to Shinga district leaving behind the battlefield they had just caused.