Night 6

Winter gasped as she saw how Shinga District looked. It was far more modern than district 5 as neon-colored lights assaulted the darkness from the setting sun. Lots of people wearing different types of clothes and having each a different look at the group of children and two women before moving on with their lives. It didn't take very long to see a giant yellow sign that read "The Hunger Badger", so taking in a deep breath Winter steeled her nerves and pushed the wooden door open. The smell of alcohol and warm food assaulted the teens nostril as she stepped in the place, people all ages and genders were around wooden tables being complety content with the food and drinks before them.

"Can I help you guys?" asked a female voice.

Winter looked to her left and saw another teen age girl who was the same age as winter stand there. She was wearing a plain pair of white denim jeans while having brown leather boot's that stopped at her knees giving her a bit of a height boost. On the top half of her body, she was wearing a black v neck shirt that showed her petite build and a red apron over it. She had blood red hair with black highlights that was in a messy bun fashion as her fringe covered her right eye, while her eye color consisted of a piercing yellow color.

"Uhm Jules told me Yuri is cashing in the favor" muttered Winter timidly.

"Huh?! Speak up" said the girl loudly not hearing Winter mumble.

"Yuri is cashing in his favor!" said Winter loudly.

The girl eyes suddenly widened before a vein throbbed on her forehead and she was releasing a lot of killing intent.

"Is that so? That cold eyed bastard is cashing it in, is he? FINE!" said the girl stomping her foot on the floor and releasing a "Hmph"

"What do you want?" stated the girl.

"Can we please stay here for a while? District 5 was attacked and these people behind me lost their home" said Winter bowing her head.

The girl's expression softened for a second before she sighed and started to walk away, Winter looked up and saw the girl looking over her shoulder.

"Cmon follow me" said the girl as Winter suddenly got a big smile on her face and nodded holding Jule's grandmother hand and leading the children upstairs.

"Names Ram" said Ram before walking up the stairs.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ram; I'm Winter" responded Winter.

Ram just nodded her head and lead the group up to the third floor where 4 rooms were present.

"The kids and granny Mary can stay in the one room while you can get your own room Winter while I guess cold eyes and monkey are on their way here after you right" said Ram opening the door allowing the kids to run inside and pick a bed while Mary gave Ram a smile and gripped her fore arm as a gesture of Thank you.

"Monkey and Cold eyes? Do you mean Yuri and Jules?" asked Winter confused.

"Yeah, those two" stated Ram opening the door to the room next to the kids one and Winter walked in.

The room was plain as a lone bed was in the middle of the room and two dressers stood against the right wall while there was a small bathroom with a bath to the left. Ram looked Winter over once more and then moved to the dresser and took some clothes out and threw it at Winter who was confused.

"Are you going to walk around in those torn ass pajamas forever?" asked Ram causing Winter to look down and saw that indeed she was still wearing her pajama's which had blood splatters on it and cuts.

"No... Thank you Ram I'm going to take a bath" muttered Winter taking the clothes and walked towards the bathroom.

"Come down stairs after your done ill make some food for everyone" said Ram taking her leave and closing the door behind her.

Winter walked towards the bathroom and opened the tap allowing hot water to spill in the empty bath allowing steam to cover the wall mirror. The girl slowly started taking her pajama's off as a cold chill went down her spine. Her white underwear was slowly taken off as she placed it in a basket next to the bath which read "Laundry". Before she climbed into the water, she slowly took off all the bandages wrapping her ankle and fore head showing that both of them had healed nicely except a scar was running across her temple causing her to sigh softly. Once everything was off the girl climbed in to the warm water feeling immediately at ease as the water eased her sore body.

The water slowly glided down her body as her pale skin was being scrubbed by the soap she had on a cloth.

"I haven't had a proper bath in days not since...." muttered Winter to herself only to stop herself as a memory emerged in her mind.

It showed a burning mansion with dead corpses everywhere butchered to the point that can't even be called human anymore, an alone Winter stood at the gate panting and wheezing as if she had run for her life, monsters of the night ran after any poor soul that was still alive, and in the middle of the burning house stood a figure holding the head of her father and holding her mother by the neck. The poor woman was clawing at the figures hand but his grip was only getting stronger.

"Win.... Winter Run.... Run to the place I told you about" chocked the woman out before the figure flexed his wrist causing a sickening snap to be heard.

Winter cried out in anguish as tears poured out of her eyes as the figure slowly looked towards her tossing her now dead mother to the side, the image was burned into her soul as the devil himself, the figure was nothing except a mass of shadows due to the bad lighting but the only visible thing of them was the glowing red eyes and predator like grin.

"Now Now girl tell me where you're going?" Asked the figure in the voice of a male his tone silky smooth.

Winters body acted before she could even think about anything, she bolted out the house running for her life screams of pain and fear filled the night as a sickening laughter was also heard. Since that day she had been on the run for the past week and came across Ricky and then well the rest is history.

The girl quickly snapped back to reality and saw that her body was shaking as if she was scared, she brought her knees up and hugged them tightly causing the water to splish splash around her. "I'm so scared mama this world is so scary" muttered Winter to herself as small tears escaped her eyes.

She just sat there for a while before washing the soap off her body and climbing out. She dried herself with a towel and put on the clothes Ram provided for her. The new clothes consisted of a pair of khaki-colored long pants and a plain red long-sleeved shirt with a black parka jacket, black boots sat at the end of the bed and a pair of Navy colored underwear was also waiting for her. It took her 5 minutes to put on the clothes before she existed the room and walked down the stairs only to scream a shout of fright as a loud thunder boomed in the sky and the Hunger Badger went dark, the girl just stood still for seconds the only sound she can hear was her heart beating thundering in her ear drums before the lights went back on.

"Sorry about that everyone the lighting tripped the power luckily we got a generator!" shouted the voice of Ram as a chorus of agreements came after her.

Winter walked down the stairs and quickly took a table away from everyone and sat down sighing. The soft pitter patter of rain quickly filled her eardrums as the rain assaulted the concrete roads outside and the buildings walls. A bang quickly drew her attention to the door before her eyes widened to the size of saucers. There holding an injured Jules was Yuri. Both had blood dripping down their bodies but was also drenched in water from the rain outside.

"Oi brat call the doc" spoke Yuri out loudly only to dodge a flying spoon aimed for his head.

He looked up and saw Ram glaring at him before huffing and picking up a landline phone and calling a number. Yuri walked past the girl before she showed him 3 fingers indicating their room number, Yuri just nodded at her before she growled and threw him the middle finger. The violet eyed teen walked past winter and looked her in the eyes before walking up the stairs.