Night 10

At Winter, the girl numbly followed Ram as the sound of bangs and crashes didn't even register in her head.

"Dammit if those two make any more noise the ghouls will come towards us!" muttered Ram to herself as she looked outside her bar and saw hordes of people were running away from the fight panic in their eyes the bar was empty as everyone had run away.

"Tch" clicked Ram her tongue as she went behind the bar counter and took out a box.

"Winter come here" shouted Ram as Winter slowly shuffled towards the girl her eyes glossed over bearing no emotion.

Something was suddenly thrusted against her chest making the girl slowly look at the item. It was an old military combat knife that has seen better days but it was still very sharp.

"W... what's this?" asked Winter her voice dull

"Are you stupid or something it's a knife" answered Ram.

"Why are you giving me this?" responded Winter looking at the girl seeing she took out a big gladius long sword out from the box before closing it.

The gladius sword was a dark grey color with a dull brown handle, its guard was pointed and part of the blade. Ram placed the sword in an old leather scabbard and slung it over her shoulder her two black magnums appearing in gun holders that hung by her ribs.

"Do you hear that?" asked Ram.

Winter closed her eyes and listened apart from the crashing and banging inhuman screams were heard in the distance.

"W... what is that?" asked Winter.

"That is ghouls and their hungry" answered Ram seriously.

"They're going to come kill us?" muttered Winter holding the knife loosely in her hand as her arms hung by her side.

"What's the point of me even going on I'm a murderer" said Winter emotionless.

A loud slap suddenly rung out in the air as Winter's face was to the side. Her eyes were wide with shock as she slowly looked forward seeing Ram's hand was in the air, she had slapped Winter across the face.

"Now listen here you shit" started Ram glaring at Winter.

"You don't get to throw in the towel just after one sad thing you're not allowed to!" shouted Ram grabbing Winter by the shirt and tugging her forewords so their faces where right in front of each other.

"Every day here in the slum's life spits in our face never giving us anything happy and if we ever do get something happy, we cling to it for dear life!" said Ram.

"You claw and scratch away anything to keep your happiness you don't just give up at once like some machine. You're a human being and we fight for the things we want where's your pride?!" shouted Ram again shoving Winter away.

"B... But I'm a murderer I killed my family!" shouted Winter glaring back at Ram.

"Bullshit I've seen murder's before and you're not one. Just because some bastard say's you did it doesn't mean it's true! If he tells you to go take a shit will you do it like some dog?" asked Ram.

"No... I won't" muttered Winter a memory coming to her mind.

The memory showed a crying Winter as a child at the playground on a bench alone. She suddenly looked up and saw her father was there his hands in his pocket as he was looking at winter.

"What happened Winter?" asked the man.

"T... They stole my food and called me noble trash" answered the girl sobbing.

"Then... They said I should run away like a dog" finished the girl causing her father to release a sigh.

The man sat next to the girl and looked in the distance.

"Tell me winter what do you want in life?" asked the man.

"I want to be with mama and papa forever!" answered Winter making the man crack a small smile before his face went back to being blank.

"And what will you do to achieve that dream?" said the man.

"Anything!" shouted Winter.

"That desire you feel now Winter that is what makes you a human" responded the man pointing towards Winters heart before his own.

"We are not trash you hurt, love, and laugh just like everyone else so don't let anyone ever tell you that your anything but human." said the man loudly as he looked to the setting sun in the distance young winter following his view.

"Have pride in your humanity Winter in the future do whatever it takes to keep your goal alive don't give up ever. If you ever give up your no better than the dead ghouls that plague our world" finished her father as he held his one hand out making Winter grab a hold of it as they walked back home.

"I won't give up papa I promise" muttered Winter to herself but she didn't notice her father heard her making him smile.

"I'm sorry what was that?" asked Ram back in the present.

"I WON'T GIVE UP NOT AGAIN!" shouted Winter.

"WHY WHATS YOUR GOAL!" shouted Ram back feeling Winter suddenly grab her shirt and pull her face to face with a glaring Winter.

"I will find who killed my family and give them the same fate my family had to suffer" answered Winter.

Ram had a wild grin on her face as she grabbed a hold of Winters hand and pushed her off her.

"Then prove to me noble brat prove to me you can stay alive till you get that bastard show me your pride as a human!" said Ram pointing towards her heart.

Winter looked down at the knife in her hand and started to grip it hard making her knuckles white.

"I will do it watch me" promised Winter a determined look in her eyes.

"Big sis Winter!" said a child voice.

Said girl looked behind her and saw Jules grandmother and the kids were standing by the staircase holding onto each other.

"Miss Mary are you ok?" asked Winter as she ran over and looked everyone over for injuries.

"We are fine dearly but I don't think we will be soon" answered Mary as she also heard the ghouls in the distance.

"We will go to my house in the Ganju district it's about a day away from here" said Ram walking up to the group.

"But what about your bar isn't it your home?" asked Mary softly.

"It's just a building gram's... it's the people inside the building that makes something a home" answered Ram looking at the bar once more before she walked to the door and opened it.

"Now c'mon let's go" said Ram.

Everyone quickly ran out the building as Ram looked once more to the bar.

"I'm sorry pops guess I couldn't keep my promise" muttered Ram as she ran after the others.