Night 11

Yuri quickly looked to the side as he saw everyone run out the bar.

"Good their getting to safety" muttered Jules also seeing the group run away.

"Now we can go all out" said Yuri as his mana flared up.

"Yeah, lets kick this guy's ass." shouted Jules his mana flaring up as well.

"[The True Monkey King]/ [Demon King]" shouted Jules and Yuri their face's side by side as they turned into ultimate form.

"Oh, you got a form change? That's not a skill you see in commoners" said Omu a few feet from them.

"Why don't I shove this commoner foot up your ass!" shouted Jules in his new form.

The man lunged forward and unleashed a skill point blank range.

"[Apple thief]!"Roared Jules.

Omu had a blood thirsty grin on his face as he parried all the strikes from the skills with his hands.

Jules saw this and gritted his teeth as he shouted and increased the speed of his pole strikes. They turned into blurs that caused the entire ground to shake dust and smoke was immediately blown away seconds after they were birthed.

"[Punch]" said Omu.

His right hand glowed a bright orange as he quickly slipped through the barrage of pole strikes shocking Jules. He drove his fist straight into Jules's stomach making the man completely hunch over his body throwing up liters of blood as his pupils shook before he was launched away like a pebble skipping across a lake. With a mighty crash the teen landed against a building causing it to break down. Once all the dust and smoke settled it showed Jules was panting and holding his stomach a wounded looked etched on his face.

Yuri launched himself forewords and his right gauntlet was glowing bright purple as he poured his mana in it. Omu grinned as he activated [Punch] again as he wound his fist back. As the men were in distance of each other they both drove their fist into each other's face causing a massive crash to happen engulfing them in a bright light. When the light settled down it showed Omus's fist was against Yuri's helmet a massive crack going through it showing Yuri's glowing purple eye. Omu's face was also to the side as his nose and mouth was bleeding.

Yuri quickly recovered from the punch and his other hand looked like it was engulfed in flames.

"[Soul snatch]!" shouted Yuri as his fist was centimeters away from Omu's chest.

"[Kick]!" said Omu as his leg snapped up like a coil.

The force behind the kick launched Yuri's arm in the air as gale winds traveled along the floor. Omu quickly used Yuri's shock as an opportunity as both his hands glowed.

"[Double Punch]' shouted Omu.

He drove both his fist against Yuri's chest causing the teen to vomit out blood through his helmet as he was also launched away like a missile. As he crashed through multiple buildings, he finally stopped against the sixth one and crumbled to the floor panting and vomiting out blood badly. His entire chest armor piece was completely destroyed exposing his bare bleeding chest. Omu had a smug smile on his face as he walked towards Yuri.

"[Three's a crowd]!" shouted Jules making Omu look over to him.

Thousands of Jules appeared and lunged towards Omu. As the clones were fighting Omu the real Jules ran over to Yuri.

"Yuri are you ok?" asked Jules worried.

"I'll be fine" muttered Yuri as he slowly stood up using the wall as support.

"Your entire chest armor is missing how is that fine!" shouted Jules.

"It will come back eventually" answered Yuri holding his hand out causing a black sarcophagus to come out the ground.

"We have to finish this now Jules otherwise we will die" said Yuri.

"W... What? You think we are going to die?" responded Jules hearing this for the first time ever from Yuri.

"He is holding back your idiot let's use that overconfidence of his against him" whispered Yuri softly.

"N... No way how strong is he?" muttered Jules to himself.

"Let's use our ultimate skills at the..." started Yuri only for his eyes to widen underneath his helmet.

"I think that is enough to chatting you two" spoke Omu out between the two making them both slowly look towards him.

Omu grinned and then preformed a splits kick against the duo.

"[Double Kick]" said Omu driving his feet against the teens head causing them to launch away breaking the sound barrier as they flew through the air.

While Yuri was sailing through the air the black sarcophagus appeared underneath him as he stabbed his hand in through the open groove. Seconds later he was engulfed in a black miasma as he pulled the katana out skidding to a halt when his feet contacted the floor. The armored teen stomped his right foot on the ground as he bent his knee's slightly going into a sword stance holding the katana in the air while his left hand was open in front of him, the katana oozing out waves of energy like a raging river, Yuri's eyes glowed brightly as he stared at Omu.

"Let's go you bastard" snarled Yuri out as Omu threw his jacket off reveling a plain white colored t-shirt a blood thirsty grin on his face as his red aura exploded.

"Don't die to easy now" responded Omu back.


Ram quickly pressed herself back against a wall as the group mimicked her movement. They had been running towards the Ganju district before Ram did what she did.

"What is it?" whispered Winter.

Ram brought a finger up to her lips and showed everyone to be quiet. The sound of bunch crunching and slurping was the only noise to be made. The red-haired girl slowly walked away from the corner never letting her eyes leave whatever they had been looking at. All the kids and Granny Mary slowly walked their way across fear showing full volumes in their eyes as they walked across the road. When it was Winter's turn to walk across, she had to put her hand tightly against her mouth to prevent a scream from exiting.

There sitting on top of a mountain of butchered corpses was a mutated ghoul. It was deathly pale and had elongated limbs, its skin seemed to be stretched to its limit as it barely covered the spiny bones underneath the skin. The ghoul had a man in its grasp as his eyes were rolled up showing them to be white, a giant pulsating green tube was stuck to his forehead as his body twitched every few seconds. A sudden "clang" sound made everyone stop in their tracks, Winter and Ram slowly looked to the group and saw one of the kids dropped their toys on the floor. As they looked up from the fallen toy their heart nearly jumped out their throat. The ghoul looked at them and its face was revealed. Its mouth was folded open showing the entire mouth was filled with rows of teeth, the green tube was coming out of its throat area as its two pitch black eyes were now staring at the group.

The ghoul dropped the man he was holding and it was revealed that the tube wasn't stuck on the forehead it was drilled in it, now that the tube was pulled out a massive bleeding hole was present.

"Don't mo..." started Winter only for her eyes to widen to the size of saucers as the ghoul was already in front of them aiming the tube like a harpoon gun straight at Winter's head.

A string of gun shots filled the air as a shrill screech penetrated everyone's ears. Once the gun shots stop Winter opened her eyes and saw in slow-motion the ghoul being flung to the side as bullet holes was riddling its body. The ghoul recovered quickly and went on all fours as it glared towards Ram's direction whipping its tube like a whip.

"Bring it fugly" shouted Ram as she brought her pistols up and aimed again.