Night 12

Ram quickly rolled to the left as the tube harpooned its way towards her. The ghoul's body quickly followed after the tube before it shot a bony claw out grazing Ram as she cussed softly. Right when the ghoul was next to her, she snapped her arms up and unloaded a storm of bullets when all the shells clinked against the floor, she gritted her teeth and jumped in the air.

The ghouls appeared from the dust storm and was bleeding here and there but other than that it was all right. Ram held both the gun barrels next to each other and a glowing blue spiral was spinning to life.

"[Fallen Star]!" roared the girl as she shot the ball towards the Ghoul who vanished from her eye sight causing them to widen. The skill connected against the concrete road causing a dust storm to be formed.

The force behind the impact pushed Winter and the kids stumbling back and once their momentum stopped, they looked up and released a scream of fright. As Ram landed on the ground the ghoul appeared behind her and sent a clawed hand downwards scratching the girl across the back causing her to release a scream of pain. The red-haired girl gritted her teeth as she dropped her guns on the floor and quickly spun on the heel of her foot pulling out the gladius sword at the same time.

"[Bud Proon]"! shouted the girl as the blade was engulfed in a pink color as a slash against the ghouls body making it cry out in pain.

The ghoul pushed past the strike and delivered an upwards claw strike which was blocked by Ram by holding the sword up but the force still pushed her back a few feet. Winter struggled a bit to stand before a scream drew her attention to the side were one of the kids was holding a pipe up and showing away a ghoul stumbling towards a fallen Mary.

"Stay away from granny!" shouted the kid the stick shaking in her hands.

"Gruhhh" growled the ghoul as it suddenly lunged forewords making the girl scream out.

Winter sprinted towards the ghoul and pushed it to the side making it stumble to the side. As the girl was panting softly, she took the pipe from the kid and stood in front of them a look of determination blazing in her eyes.

The ghoul suddenly sat up unnaturally before its head was completely turned upside down, making Winter almost vomit at the sound, crawling out from the mouth was a giant black centipede a grey title appeared above the ghoul.

"[Zuma Drone Level 67]

Fear seeped through Winter's bones as the centipede's mandibles clicked against each other as the ghoul lunged towards the group. The teen roared as she swung the pipe down hard against the centipede's head. The creature released a shrill screech as its head bounced against the concrete before it snaps back up and cut Winter against the side. Winter cried in pain as the hooked mandibles clawed away a piece of her side as blood poured of it, she gritted her teeth and swung the pipe down again on the head causing orange blood to spray out a bit. The girl shouted as she beat the centipede with the pipe over and over.

"U... Uhm Big sis Winter?" stuttered the one kid.

Winter didn't listen as she kept beating down the insect causing the body to occasionally jolt blood was splattering everywhere like an artist just opened a new paint tube and went crazy on a canvas.

Winter!" Shouted Mary holding the kid for Support.

The teen finally slowed down as she was panting roughly and stood up straight. The pipe was bent sideways and covered in orange blood as the girl slowly turned to the duo which felt a chill travel down their spin. Standing in front of them covered in orange blood giving them a smile was Winter her eyes emotionless.

"D... Did I do good?" whispered Winter before she fell over passed out.

The insect and ghoul were a pile of pulp that was completely stuck to the floor like a chewed piece of gum.

At Ram she rushed forwards and quickly preformed a string of slashes and cuts aimed at the ghoul which parried all the strikes of the girl. Having enough of this nonsenses the ghoul raised its head up and the tube shot out like a bullet towards Ram. The girl was too slow as she couldn't move her entire body out the way before the tube reached her and burrowed its way through her right shoulder causing her sword to clang to the floor.

"ARGH!" shouted Ram in pain as the ghoul lifted the girl up in the air.

Blood was splattering against the floor as it poured out the massive hole in Ram's shoulder. The ghoul leaned its head back and let gravity do its thing causing the girl to slowly inch down towards the ghoul who was staring at her with hunger in its black soulless eyes.

"Guess this is how I go out huh" muttered the girl as small tears were escaping her eyes.

Just as the girl was a few feet away from the hungry ghoul a swish sound entered her ears as she slowly opened her closed eyes. Cutting through the tube-like butter was a man who appeared to be in his early twenties. He had black camo jeans and white studded combat boots. On the top half of his body, he wore a skin tight grey vest showing his lean body with an open blue hoodie covering the rest of his body. He had mahogany brown hair that was cut into a neatly short style to reach his ears, his eye color also consisted of a dark hazel brown as a black mole was underneath his left eye. In his hands was a pure white spear with a black shiny blade tip.

Time resumed as the ghoul screeched in pain reeling back. As the tube was cut in half the tube stuck in Ram's shoulder shrunk down and fell out causing said girl to fall to the ground. As Ram shakenly looked up at the man the ghoul released a screech and charged forwards. The man causally flung his spear down to the floor making blood splash to the ground as he quickly dodged out the way of the ghouls charge and delivered 5 quick thrusts in the ghoul making orange blood splutter out.

"Time to finish this" muttered the man as his spear glowed as eerie white.

"[Fairy Kings Requiem]" said the guys his eyes glowing softly.

A massive beam of white energy shot out the spear's tip as the ghoul was engulfed its screech going quieter. After the beams started to shrink a massive burnt groove was the only thing left and the ghoul was nowhere to be seen. Ram's eyes widened before she saw the man release a sigh and look down at her.

"Damn one minute and thirty seconds I couldn't beat the old man" said the man to himself slouching his shoulders.

"It seems you guys are pretty banged up mom will kill me if I didn't provide a helping han..." started the man only for Ram to finally pass out due to fatigue and pain.