Night 13 [Volume Final]

Omu released a hearty laugh as he felt the killing intent ooze out of Yuri.

"Let's get to it boy!" roared the man as he lunged towards Yuri taking out a massive butcher blade the size of himself.

Yuri also roared back as he lunged forewords his katana clashing against Omu's butcher blade causing a massive explosion to swamp the duo. As the explosion settled down the two turned into blurs as they performed combo after combo onto one another trying their best to perform the kill strike. Metal clashed against metal as sparks flew off causing it to seem as if mini fireworks were ignited between them. Omu's head quickly snapped to the left as he brough a foot up and blocked a pole strike from Jule's.

Jules gritted his teeth as he started to also unleash combos of pole strikes towards Omu said man grinned as he blocked and attacked both teens back making them grit their teeth. Yuri quickly stomped his foot against the floor making the ground glow slightly.

"[Souls of the damned]!" shouted Yuri causing a wave of red skeletons suddenly to jump out the grounds screeching slightly as they jumped on Omu.

When the skeletons dog piled on the man Jules and Yuri quickly jumped back panting roughly as their arms shook. Each strike from Omu felt like a mountain kept crushing their arms over and over.

"Time to finish this" spoke Yuri out his sword getting engulfed in purple miasma.

"Right" responded Jules his pole glowing bright red.

When both teens activated their ultimate skill Omu destroyed all the skeletons in one swipe showing he had received no damage.

"[Hero Slayer]!" roared Yuri swinging the katana down.

"[Great Dynasty Crusher]! shouted Jules shoving the pole forwards which changed into a giant red dragon sailing in the air.

Omu had a mad grin on his face as his big butcher blade suddenly gained a dark bronze hue.

"[Planet Hunter]" muttered the man as he slashed upwards. A brown slash the size of a skyscraper was traveling fast towards the duo's skills which quickly clashed against one another causing a massive explosion to happen.

As the explosion settled down it showed the skills were clashing against one another making a massive crater form underneath the opposing forces. Black, red, and bronze clashed with one another as the ground shook. Yuri roared as he increased the mana flow causing his strike to get bigger but his clawed gauntlets melted away showing his hands and forearms to be beaten and bruised.

"This has truly been fun but sadly all good things must come to an end" shouted Omu over the gale winds being produced from the skills.

The man placed his hand on the blade when suddenly the once bronze color changed into a dark marron quickly enveloping the skills making the duo's eyes widen.

"[Cacciatore di stelle {Hunter of Stars}]" shouted Omu ingulfing the duo who was embraced by white light before a massive mushroom cloud was birthed caressing the heavens.

As the debris and rocks rained down on the ground the dust and smoke settled showing a massive crater was carved in the ground. Jules and Yuri layed in the center of the crater both their eyes were white as they were knocked out. The duo was out of their changed forms and it reveled serious injuries adorned their bodies as blood poured out. Omu had a smirk on his face as he started to walk towards the crater slowly aiming to finish this off now before something caught his attention.

Walking slowly towards the man was a old man who appeared to be in his mid-sixties. He wore a pair of white sweat pants that finished with a pair of black flip flops showing his veiny feet. On the top half of his body, he wore a tattered emerald green coat that had black spiral lines running down from the top to the bottom. Underneath the coat a plain white t-shirt could be seen. He had flowing white hair that reached his shoulder blades and a white stubble growing on his face as a beard. His eyes were closed as a plain wooden walking stick was clasped in his hand a click resonated in the air as it helped him take a few steps forwards.

"Get lost gramps this isn't no place for you" spoke Omu out loudly bringing the massive butcher blade up and resting it against his shoulder.

The old man ignored Omu's remark and merely looked around seeing all the destruction and devastation caused by the three people fighting.

"These kids put up quite a fight huh?" said the old man slowly walking past Omu.

"Hey didn't you hear me old b..." started Omu only to be interrupted by the old man.

"[Increase]" said the old man.

Suddenly a tremendous force was placed on Omu making him buckle to his knee's cracks running through the floor as the man fell. Omu looked shocked as he tried to stand back up only to fail.

"What the hell?" muttered Omu using all his power to try and stand up the veins bulging in his neck and body as he grinded his teeth.

He managed to slowly stand up a bit making the old man surprised.

"Oho you're quite a monster arnt you?" mused the old man before he placed a hand on Omu's chest.

"[Push]" said the man opening his one eye slowly which made Omu gasp slightly.

The old man's pupil was the symbol for infinity as it glowed blue softly. Omu suddenly felt a massive force against him knocking his wind out as he was launched away through the city like a bullet. As Omu flew away the old man walked to the edge of the crater and looked down at the fallen teens.

"Yes, indeed they put up quite a fight if they were to train further, they could even beat "Him" one day" muttered the old man to himself before he had a big grin on his face.

"The times are changing like the wind I hope you ready world I'm going to unleash two more devils on this earth" said the old man opening both his eyes showing that both his pupils were the infinity symbol glowing blue softly his grin big.


At the noble sector sitting in a gigantic marble palace was a figure. He wore a pitch-black military uniform that had gold accents to it. A dark blue and white shoulder cape was on his right shoulder draping over it softly. He had white pointed shoes sitting on his feet as he also had white gloves on his hands. His white hair was cut to reach his ears as well he had a neatly trimmed white beard on his face as he was spinning a black jagged crown in the one hand. His pitch-black eyes with a X for a pupil stared down to something in his other hand. This was the king of the Gaoe continent Regulus.

"It would appear that a storm is brewing" muttered the man to himself in a soft velvety tone.

"But I would not worry too much about that... don't you agree Sebastian?" carried Regla on looking down at a glass tube in his hand that had red liquid in it.

The label read Sebastian-01 on it as the red liquid glowed softly making Regla laugh out in his palace. His laughter echoed through the noble section as the clouds opened making thunder and rain escape the heavens pouring down on the earth.

End of Volume 1