Chapter 32 Princess in wasteland

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón check it out if you are interested



Oberyn pov

For the last few few days he is in a whirlwind of emotions, he doesn't know what to do with this whole mess

The lannisters are defeated but it's the Starks that did it, Tywin is killed but he was not the one to kill him, the Targaryens are back but what should belong to his niece and nephew will be taken by a northern bastard

Why does that boy gets to live while Rhaenys and Aegon died, while it's bad enough Rhaegar humiliated his sister by marrying other woman now his bastard will take the seven kingdoms

While his brother might call him impatient and reckless but he not a fool enough to go against that boy, he was there when the boy laid waste to harrenhal with his dragons, he watched from afar when that castle was destroyed into nothing

Direwolves, Giants and now Dragons as if these are not enough his army just keeps growing after every battle, the boy will be king and he can't do anything about it

This is not a problem that he can solve in the battlefield, all he could do now is sit back and wait for an opportunity where he can answer this injustice for Elia and her children

Red waste

Daenerys pov

They were walking for days in this dead wasteland but they haven't found any food or water, the only hope in this red nightmare is her dragons,every time she wakes up she checks to see if the are there or was it some dream

Even as she lost her husband, her child and even her brother the dragons are the only thing that are holding her together

But she will not break down,she is the blood of the dragon,she is the seed of Aegon the conqueror, she is a dragon and dragons don't bow to any man nor gods let alone this red wasteland

She will do what her brother couldn't she will take back their home and what rightfully belongs to her house

As if the world was agreeing with her, her bloodriders found a ruins of a city with water and fruits,they all quickly made way to the city and finally had a chance to rest

This was the first time in days when she had proper roof over her head, all the hardships and traveling clearly took a toll on her as she fell asleep the moment she hit her bed


She was walking, endlessly walking in to the darkness, she felt like she was walking for years in this all consuming darkness

She was tired her body wanted to just stop and rest but something inside of her was guiding her telling her to keep going no matter what, there were times where she would almost break down but she didn't let that happen she just kept moving forward

Somehow she finally reached where she was supposed to be, and there was a huge dragon in front of her made entirely of flames, she was in awe in the beauty of this powerful being

"So the princesses who was promised is here, for a while it seemed that neither prince or princess will ever make it her but somehow against all odds you both made it here, I don't usually meddle with humans but the last time I helped the prince and it worked out better than I ever thought possible, so I will giving you the same thing I gave him, the knowledge of Valyria, be sure not to doom yourself with it"

She had no idea what the giant dragon was talking about but before she could say anything she was on fire but the fire was not hurting her , it was like a warm embrace she was unconscious before she knew it



Doran pov

So the boy Targaryen all along, he should have looked further into it when Eddard Stark took his sister body and his supposed bastard son from dorne after the rebellion, but he thought the boy might be of Ashara Dayne's and never gave it a second thought

But this worked out better that he could ever plan for, the lannisters were defeated, Tywin was dead and pretty soon Targaryens would rule the seven kingdoms once again and he and dorne didn't have to do a single thing

Maybe he could marry Arianne to this Targaryen ,one with the actual living breathing dragons on his side, it was good thing Viserys died if he was alive and married to Arianne that would have been a disaster

But now he has to make sure that Oberyn doesn't do something and mess this up, if he angers the boy or worse try to kill him , then once again dorne would have to battle against dragons, and while they proudly boasts about killing one he know that was just a miracle shot, and after that Aegon and the black dread caused soo much destruction that you can still see parts of it in dorne even now

While the rest of the kingdoms surrendered, dorne fought on as such they are only one who actually understand the deaths and destruction dragons actually bring, even now people are paying the price of going against the dragons for 100 years

And that's not even including the new black dragon that the boy rides, the black dragon might be smaller but if the reports are correct than the dragon burned harrenhal in minutes, even the black dread couldn't do that

But if he plays his cards right then Martell blood can be one the Iron Throne once again, convincing Arianne would be easy, he heard the boy has Rhaegar's beautiful looks and he remembers how the maidens from all of the seven kingdoms were after the silver prince, his daughter was never able to keep her hands off handsome men

His little brother is the only uncertainty in the whole situation, if he creates a mess then all of the dorne would have to pay the price with the martells