Chapter 33 Kidnapped

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón check it out if you are interested


Baratheon-Tyrell camp

Olenna pov

Olenna would rather stay in Highgarden with her family's beautiful gardens than stay in the battle camp where men hit eachother with steel sticks for sport

But she is here because a few days ago a raven came with a letter saying that King Aegon Targaryen, was coming to meet with them, this news came as a huge relief to her, this means they can have a peaceful solution with the Targaryen boy

She is here to make sure that her idiot son and the stubborn lords don't mess this up by making enemies with the dragons, and she can't miss the opportunity to see the boy that she keeps hearing about so much these days, the boy that defeated the lannisters and killed Tywin, the boy who has giants and dragons fighting for him, the 15 nameday boy who pretty soon will be the king of the seven kingdoms

So here they are in a tent set up outside the camp waiting for the dragon king as the people call him now, the boy's titles just keep growing, she is in the tent with Renly, Margaery and his rainbow gaurds waiting for the boy, she made sure that her idiot son and other lords won't attend so they don't complicate the matter

The tent is set up with bright colours and expensive things fit for king, the chair which Renly is sitting on is decorated like a throne with stags and roses and Renly was also wearing his jade and gold crown, he was dressesed bright colours, the man cares more about his clothes than maidens in court

But the chair opposite was a just a simple wooden chair, a power play to show up the dragon king but how can you try to one up a man with dragons is beyond her, even now the the chair that most men want in the seven kingdoms was made with dragonfire

We are waiting for a while but still no sign of the boy or riders of any kind, is the boy even coming, that's when she heard them, the dragons roaring in the sky, there were three of them comming straight to them, the two large dragons went straight ahead of the tent and above the camp, they were roaring as if announcing their presence,the blue one landed on the wall near the camp and the silver one was on a gaurd tower

The presence of the dragons clearly rattled everyone in the camp, especially the animals, the horses were too scared and the men were unable to calm them down, she had heard about the dragons but hearing and seeing are completely different things

Even with just the presence of the dragons the air around camp was getting hotter, what would happen when they actually breath fire, as the large dragons were breaking the spirits of the camp the small black dragon came down right in front of them, the dragon glided down with such grace and elegance that for one moment you forget this the beast that brought down harrenhal in minutes

Then she finally saw the boy as he got down from the dragon and walked to them, it's like she was standing Infront of the silver prince again, the boy's hair the same curls but instead of silver his were black, while Rhaegar has dark purple eyes he has stark grey eyes, while Rhaegar had melancholy presence the boy was like a wild predator coming for his prey

He is a little bit taller that she thought he would be and had a lean warrior build and was wearing a black armour that seemed to glow with reddish hue , the boy saw the wooden chair after coming in and smiled and snaped is fingers, then suddenly the rock floor under the chair melted but the melting rock moved up the chair and formed sword like shapes around the chair, by the time he came and sat in it the wooden chair was rock replica of the Iron Throne

"I have come to accept your surrender lord Renly" his voice is husky and with a little northern accent, whoever lands this boy would be the luckiest woman alive

"It's King Renly and why would I surrender to you, for all we know you could be a bastard with no claim"

"Your brother Stannis has bent the knee and for this I have awarded him with the Stromlands,house Baratheon and Targaryen stand together and you have no say in these matters until your brother lives"

"You expect me to believe such lies,my brother would rather break than bend, he is too stubborn to bow down to you"

"Believe what you will but I am not here to argue with you, I came to take you to your brother, you are lucky you are my kin, anyone else who is open rebellion would have lost their heads"

With that the boy moved toward Renly, but his rainbow gaurds quickly moved to protect their king, the boy was unarmed but he swept away all seven of them like they were little children, none of they could stand after a single blow, even her grandson Lorus was on the ground

He knocked out Renly and put him on his shoulders and went back to the dragon

"Don't worry I am just taking your king to his brother, his brother might be angry but he won't kill your king, at least I hope not" and that smirking bastard just flew away with his dragons with our king in tow

She might be cursing on the outside but inside she was jumping with glee, now that they have no claimant to the throne they don't have to fight against the dragons, and the boy knows that he just took care of the biggest army against him without killing a single man, the Stromlands will declare for him if Stannis really bent the knee, and they are not going to fight against 5 kingdoms and dragons alone