Santalune City

In the vehicle that looked like a mix between a truck and a pick-up truck, a teenage boy with curly hair and blueish eyes looked like he was scared for his life, while the person beside him on the wheel was wearing a white mask with a couple of circles, and a purplish robe. "AHHHHHHHH, SLOW DOWN" screams Augustine. 'Wait why was I thinking about my situation in third person' I thought. 'Well, whatever'.

I start speeding through the dirt path, and any pokemon on the path quickly ran out of the way of the monster looking truck. "Calm down Augustine my boy, this is a fine experience for you". "WHY ARE YOU TALKING LIKE THAATTTT" He screams. I sigh and take some earplugs from my bag and put them in my ears behind the mask. Augustine looks at me in disbelief as he continues screaming. After a few hours, we arrive at a giant city, it didn't have any condominiums or tall buildings but had many houses and townhouses, grocery stores, a gambling house and many other commodities.

We get out of the vehicle, and Augustine runs to a bush to throw up. 'Jeez, people really exaggerate in this world'. As Augustine continues to rehabilitate himself, I run towards a police station and say we found a group of criminals and caught them using pokemon. It wasn't too hard to convince them since occasionally young pokemon trainers catch minor criminals. Usually, kids who bought expensive pokemon, and took care of them and trained them with expensive resources.

[A/N: Remember Red took down an entire criminal organization single handily, and IN ADDITION also became fucking champion when he was ONLY 10. Obviously, I'm going to make a few changes to that because it's quite stupid, but anyways that in the future]

I brought some officers towards the trunk of the vehicle and showed them the unconscious grunts. Some were waking up after the bumpy ride, but none were fully awake. The officers took the grunts and took me and Augustine for questioning. We told them how we saw them drugging and capturing wild pokemon in nets, and that they were a part of a criminal organization called Team Crystal. They nodded and didn't look too surprised after mentioning Team Crystal. 'I assume that this isn't the first time the police have heard of Team Crystal, judging by their lack of surprise. I doubt they will tell me anymore more info, to a random child'.

They don't question how the fact that one of us must've been driving which kind of surprised me. After they let us go, I asked Augustine "What's the age that we can start driving". "Huh you don't know, it's 13" Augustine says. '.....WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD'. I keep those thoughts to myself and tell Augustine that I'm going to train to go to the gym, he then tells me "Well after the short time I've spent with you, I bet you can win. Well I think this is goodbye, for now, Zero, I'm going to Lumiose to get a starter". I bid Augustine farewell and start preparing the two pokemon I was going to use for the battle.

I planned to use Rimuru and Binacle who I now named Gato. The Pangoro gang already had plenty of battle experience so I decided to let my two most inexperienced pokemon battle. Rimuru was now level 44 after training and battles, and I felt that the energy inside him was expanding because the Everstone was constantly absorbing his energy, giving the need to Rimuru to produce even more energy. Gato was now level 20 after harsh and intense training, and he also had his energy capacity to expand because of the Everstone.

After doing some research I learned that gym leader's pokemon levels range from around 10-45, since they mostly just test new players, and protect their designated area's. They don't really train much since, during this era, there aren't any threats....yet. Elite four's pokemon level range from 45-55, and champions range from 65-75. The numbers aren't exact but are just approximate. With these calculations, I should have no trouble defeating the first gym which is run by Viola's mother (Viola is the future gym leader). After doing some research on a not very advanced computer in the local library I find out that the first pokemon she uses is a Surskit which usually holds back, and it's around level 20. The second pokemon is a Vivillion which is level 30, and it also usually holds back as well.

I plan to use Gato against Surskit, and Rimuru against Vivillion. I make Gato work hard on his rock manipulation to keep up with Surskit's speed, and occasionally make him hit some rocks which I throw with a bit of strength. With Rimuru I also make him practice his aim and tell him some strategies and ideas he could use during the battle. I usually tell my pokemon some strategies and ideas because I don't want them to depend on me too much in certain scenarios, and also because they can understand what I want them to do when I shout out certain orders in battle.

After a while, I head to the gym and show the person at the front desk of the gym my trainer ID, and after I get the go-ahead I walk towards the decently sized pokemon battlefield. Around the arena are beautiful plants and trees, and I can't help but admire the view. "Enjoying the view" says a voice behind me. I turn around and see a young looking blonde woman. "Yes, it is quite enjoyable" I say. "So I guess you're here for a pokemon battle, well let's not diddle daddle and begin" she says. She walks towards the opposite end of the field and releases a blue creature with 4 small legs with sharp ends, and a brown looking cap. I see another person appear, and he goes to the middle of the field and it seems like he will be the referee of the match. The secretary from before comes as well and stands near the trees and sits down.

Noticing my gaze she says "Usually there aren't too many battles, and it's quite fun to watch battles in person". I nod and send out Gato. Ariel the name of the gym leader says "Wow a Binacle, are you sure you want to use a pokemon like that, they are very weak". Gato gets quite angry at this comment and shows a determined face. "Yes". Then, the referee finally starts talking "The battle between, Ariel the gym leader of Santalune gym against .....". The ref looks at me and I say "Zero Two from Evangelion town". He then nods and says "Zero Two from Evangelion town begins!".

[A/N: Hi, this chapter is a tiny bit shorter than usual because I was a bit busy. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it and if you have any suggestions, please let me know. Don't take my word with the leveling of gym leaders, elite four and champions, that's just the way I plan to do it on this novel, since I think that it makes sense....




Also, a big thanks to Wonderbread16 for donating 2 power stones, thank you josephdoughty, and thank you DeVock once again]