Santalune Gym Battle (Part 1)

Ariel is the first to shout out an order

"Surskit use sweet scent"

As soon as Ariel shouts out the command, a pink fog starts coming out of the Surskit's mouth. The field starts getting covered in this pink fog with a flower-like scent. This fog seemingly disrupts Gato's vision and senses. As the fog starts to almost cover the entire field I shout out to Gato

"Gato, go to the area that hasn't yet been covered with the fog and use dig"

Gato looks like he understands, and manipulates the rocks/earth underneath him, and starts sliding towards a part of the field which wasn't covered yet. It kind of looked like he was surfing on the ground. As he gets to the area and starts digging, Ariel says

"Surskit use bubble beam in the hole"

I see a slight smirk on her face behind the fog with my enhanced eyes, thinking that she was smart or something. Does she really think I'm that dumb, or do trainers usually do this?

"Gato use mud slap to cover the hole"

Gato uses releases a bunch of mud, and it quickly blocks the entrance where it came from. I see a quick look of surprise on Ariel's face because of my creative plan but she quickly brushes it off and tells Surskit to sense vibrations on the ground and use a quick attack on Gato when he pops out. I smirk because people really don't know how to use dig properly in this world.

"Gato fuck everything up"

I see a completely shocked expression on Ariel's face, because of my use of words. Usually, people can think of a strategy of what to do when their opponent says a command, however just now I didn't say any exact move. Obviously, I didn't spend my time preparing for this Gym battle for nothing and used it by practicing giving code names to certain actions. Soon after I spoke, loud noises could be heard under the ground. Basically what I made Gato do was manipulate all the earth/rocks to create a shit ton of vibrations. The 2 reasons why I made Gato do this was because first, the Surskit wouldn't know what vibration Gato was going to come out from, second is because using this move would probably damage Surskit, as even though it is fast it can't dodge everything.

"Gato FTSU" (Fuck the surface up)

Again, Ariel didn't know what I was going to do and said

"Surskit be careful and be prepared for anything"

The Surskit nods and starts looking around in the fog which dispursed a bit because of the vibrations underground. Suddenly, the surface ground starts breaking around Surskit and Surskit starts to move from surface to surface to dodge.

"Surskit no holding back this time, this trainer is strong"

Suddenly the Surskit's speed starts getting much faster, but thanks to my enhanced eyes I can easily keep up with its speed.

"Gato BP" (Boosting pillar)

As the vibrations continue, and the Surskit keeps throwing bubble beams around in the hope to hit Gato, but to no avail. But suddenly, a huge rumbling sound could be heard, before the Surskit could even react, a surface of rocks crumbles, and Gato appears on a rock pillar. By now the entire field is filled with dust instead of the sweet fog, and the Surskit was now at a disadvantage.

"Surskit quickly use Aqua Jet"

My eyes go wide for a split second 'Fucking aqua jet bruhhhhhhh. Of course, I prepared for it however it is surprising that it has a pretty good egg move'. For this scenario I have a perfect ace card which was Ice Beam, and like I explained before it is quite rare, and I know for a fact Ariel won't expect it.

As Surskit is quickly approaching Gato, I see that Ariel looks a bit cocky. Obviously not to the point where she thinks she will definitely win, but to the point where she will let her guard down a bit. I keep waiting for the perfect moment to call out the move. I see that Ariel looks confident that she will get the hit. When I see this, I smile 'This is it'. I quickly say as fast as possible

"Gato use Ice Beam"

Before Surskit or even Ariel could react, Surskit gets frozen inside its own ice beam. As I see this I can't help but smile underneath my mask, but I don't let my guard down. I see worry on the face of Ariel but without mercy, I tell Gato,

"Gato use fury swipes at full power nonstop on the area of the ice where Surskit is located"

Gato without any hesitation starts breaking through the ice and finally reaches Surskit and starts slashing it. It continues slashing and Ariel says


However, Surskit was still disoriented after getting stuck in the ice and continues to take a beating as I see some blood finally start pouring I tell Gato to stop and dash towards the Surskit and spray a potion on it beforehand. While I'm spraying the potion I think 'Pokemon sure are fucking resilient, how the fuck could a small pokemon like Surskit take so long to bleed after getting slashes a dozen times'.

I see Ariel start running up to me and Surskit, she obviously is a bit angry at me, but what the fuck can she do. Ariel thanks me for healing and says sternly "You know you should tell your pokemon to hold back sometimes". When she said that I really wanted to fucking sucker punch her pokemon style but I hold myself back and say in a very sincere way "Sorry I didn't expect your pokemon to be so weak". Ariel doesn't even get mad but gets surprised that I said something like that in such a sincere voice.

Obviously, I wasn't sincere but just acting, as I needed Ariel to put a good word for me to the league. Even though I wanted to be completely badass, for me to become the champion of Kalos which is my goal, for now, I needed not only to be powerful but also likable among people. That's why I have to put up a facade so that Ariel doesn't think I'm an evil bastard or anything. Unlike other idiots that I occasionally saw in fanfics in my past life, I know that if an interesting fellow appears, it will definitely be reported to the higher up's. I know that Ariel will most definitely let the higher-ups know about my existence especially after I show her Rimuru, a pokemon who is already pretty strong.

[A/N: Sorry if the MC doesn't ALWAYS sound like he has a high IQ. I try to make him seem very smart as he should rightfully be as he has a higher IQ than Einstein.]

Ariel returns the Surskit after making sure that it was fine. Then, the referee announces "Surskit has fainted, Binacle wins!". Ariel then sends out Vivillion with a serious expression on her face. It seems like she will pay full attention now. I return Gato and thank him, then send out Rimuru. The ref then says "Gym Leader Ariel sends out Vivillion, and Challenger Zero returns Binacle and sends out a Sligoo. If both trainers are ready, you may begin!"

[A/N: Part 1 for the gym battle is complete. I try my best to make the gym battles as long as possible without making it look like it's been rushed, so I hope I didn't fail at doing that. I saw a comment that said that my interactions seemed too forced, so I'll try to work on that as well as improve my descriptions for actions. I feel like I'm not too good at writing descriptions but I'll try my best to improve nonetheless. But thank you for giving constructive criticism because that helps me improve my writing and story. Also, my book just jumped from like 2800 on the rankings to like 1100, so thank you all very much for that :). In addition thank you to the people who just donated power stones, because recently I just got a shit load of them. So thank you mrnuggets, thank you Jin_Mo_Ri, thank you Akritya_Raj, thank you King_Player, thank you very much LIL_Banana_Jr for 2 PS, thank you very much XSEVENSEAS for 3 power stones, and a big thank you to Thiefking for the 5 PS.

I will probably slow down on the updates in the future but I will try to make up for that with longer and better quality chapters. I plan to make the MC a true pokemon master, that Ash was never truly able to achieve. I will try to make MC focus on multiple pokemon, kinda like a pokemon army, not only on a few pokemon, so that the progress of the MC's pokemon doesn't get in the way too much of the story.

Anyway, thank you all very much and have a great day :)]