Santalune Gym Battle (Part 2)

"Vivillon go all out 100%, this trainer is strong"

The Vivillon looks a bit surprised because it never had to go full power, but nods nonetheless. The aura around Vivillion suddenly starts to grow higher and higher.

A really important fact that I realized in this world is that every pokemon has the power to uses aura. The base form of aura is used in the form of moves such as growl (like conqueror's haki but nerfed) and moves like mega punch (like armament haki). I already have knowledge and a pretty good understanding of the base/normal type of using aura. However there is an even greater level of using aura that only pokemon are born with, and that is aura with the aspect of elements. Most pokemon don't even realize that they're using aura and just use it as nature, but there are exceptions which are Lucario, Medicham, and Cutiefly.

Of course, there are certain cases where humans can learn and feel aura. Those people were called aura guardians but they are people lost in history, and people with aura affinity never even realize their talent. However, people that have endured certain circumstances can awaken aura, even so, it is limited to them releasing aura (conqueror's haki but nerfed). I'm guessing people like that are like champions or people who have seen brutal pokemon raids. But this is just a theory I came up with using my increased intelligence, however, it seems very logical and makes complete sense

[A/N: That is my explanation/theory for aura and stuff. It may not be right but it's my logic for the stuff that goes on in this novel. I took a bit of inspiration from the novel Pokemon: A Mystical Journey. In that novel, there were characters such as Professor Oak, Red, Blue that could use aura to intimidate people and basically show off their experience. There were also Pokemon raids (I think that's what they were called), where wild pokemon would attack towns and cities. So I took some inspiration, and made the theory using that basis.]

The increase of aura didn't really intimidate me, and it seemed like the pressure of the vivillion wasn't affecting Ariel either because it was its trainer or because Vivillion was focusing the aura on us.

"Vivillion use psybeam"

"Rimuru counter it with dragon breath full power"

Ariel sees that the dragon breath that is starting to come out of Rimuru's mouth is stronger than Vivillion's psybeam so she quickly says

"Vivillion bail on the psybeam and use draining kiss of the sliggoo"

"Rimuru protect"

A barrier of aura appears around Rimuru, and Vivillion hits it's head against the barrier.

"Rimuru quick use water gun"

"Vivi dodge!"

Rimuru barrier quickly goes down and barely hits the Vivillion who dodged last second. I didn't order him to use water pulse because water gun is faster to release, and it seems like it was the right call.

"Vivi use sleep powder on top of the sliggoo"

"Rimuru poison spray on the spores"

As the spores came down towards Rimuru, he performed an incredibly fast poison spray which melted the spores and hit the Vivillion. The Vivillion was clearly hurt, but not to the level where it couldn't continue. I could see Ariel frown a bit and I couldn't help but smile under my mask. The thing about gym leaders is that the trainers can prepare for them, but the gym leaders on the other hand don't know what to expect. That's why I thought of a counter for basically every one of her pokemon's moves, and she's having trouble countering mine.

"Rimuru use rain dance"

Suddenly clouds start appearing on top of the battlefield and rain starts pouring hard on the two pokemon. From the rain, Rimuru is building more water energy, but Vivillion on the other hand is affected quite negatively by the pouring rain. The water starts going into the small wounds that were burned with the poison which causes Vivillion to flinch.

"Rimuru quickly use dragon breath full power"

While Vivillion is in pain, Rimuru uses a wide spread dragon breath.

"Vivi quickly dodge!"

The vivillion tries to dodge but flinches once again due to the pain of the poison and is burned by the dragon breath. After the dragon's breath clears up, I see the Vivillion with scorch marks and wounds with purple blood coming out. It tries to stay in the air, but it couldn't hold on and crashes into the ground. The ref looks at Vivillion and see's that there is a bit of swirling in the eyes indicating that it fainted. He looks a bit surprised since Ariel got fucking obliterated but announces the results "Vivillion is unable to battle, Sliggoo wins. Since gym leader Ariel's pokemon are unable to battle, challenger Zero wins".

[A/N: Decided to drop the "OH MY GOD MY POKEMON IS INJURED" thing down a notch because let's just say pokemon are very resilient and can regenerate.]

<3rd person POV>

Ariel quickly sprays a potion on the Vivillion and looks at Zero awestruck. She has never been so utterly crushed and embarrassed before. Usually, most trainers lose the first time they challenge her, and even people who win don't win so easily or by chance, but Zero just fucking destroyed her. Both his pokemon are still basically unhurt and fine, and could probably go another round with her pokemon. She decided that she should report to her higher-ups that another monster like Red, Blue and Cynthia has been born in Kalos.

[A/N: Red and Blue are around 18 years old and they both have already become champion, and Cynthia is a rising star in Sinnoh, she is currently about 13, she has yet to become champion. I think my math's alright, if you think I should change the ages, comment]

Even after the bitter loss, she gets a bit excited that she might get a raise after discovering such a monster. Kalos has basically been ignored by other regions since their elite four and champion aren't very strong compared to them, and there aren't many strong trainers in Kalos. She finally wakes up from her thoughts when Zero asks her about the badge. Ariel takes the badge out of her pocket and hands it to him with a gym badge case.

Since she's the first gym leader, she also hands out the case's as well. Zero thanks her for the experience and turns his back away and starts walking towards the exit.

'I guess Viola hasn't been born yet but has Alexa has probably been born since I saw a wedding ring on Ariel's finger, that looks about 1 year old.'

As I think about this, I take out the case Ariel gave me and put the Bug Badge into its assigned slot. It goes in like butter and I hear a metallic click. I really liked the sound so I did it a couple more times until I decided that it was enough. 'It looks like Lumios is my next stop to get my 'official' starter'. I start asking around the 'city' about starters and read about the topic in the libraries, and after some research I had gotten my answers.

Unlike the game where you're blessed to get to pick between 3 rare pokemon. In here the real world, the professor who gives pokemons usually gives common and low potential pokemon to average ass trainers, and only gives rare starters who the prof thinks is qualified which rarely happens. Apparently the league which acts like the gouvernement in this world supports the starter pokemon program, which is were the money to give kids starters is coming from. Apparently, kids do not start their adventure when they're 10, but only receive their pokemon. When they're 13, they are legally allowed to travel, and are considered teenagers. Teenagers are apparently just adults but with a little less rights. After learning this information, I thought it was a little fucked up, since kids could die, get kidnapped, and etc. If I wasn't with Augustine what would've happened? He would've been fine because of plot, but unfortunately some people aren't blessed with god powers.

Since it still wasn't night yet, I decided to train my pokemon and myself a bit for a while, and head out to Lumiose tomorrow. After all the training the levels of my pokemon were:

Rimuru (Sliggoo): Level 48

Gato (Binacle): Level 25

Raikage (Pangoro): Level 47

Ginkaku (Pangoro): Level 37

Kinkaku (Pangoro): Level 37.5

Rudolph (Stantler): Level 14

Skiddo egg: Level 0

I see that the skiddo egg started having only a few cracks over it which meant that it will still take awile for it to hatch. I still smiled over the stats though because they were pretty fucking good. I mean compared to Ash who still didn't fucking evolve more than half of his pokemon.

As night soon fell, I went to the Pokecenter inn to sleep thinking about my plans tomorrow. Obviously I'm going to get one of the 3 rare starters, not some shitty pidgeon or fucking rat. The one I want most is the one that apparently has a special state that is like the evolved that only happens when the pokemon and trainer have a strong relation. I wanted to see if that was all bullshit in the anime or if it's something I can actually achieve.



I smile as I slowly fall asleep......

[A/N: That's it for today's daily chap, I hope you all enjoyed. Also thank you all for the load of power stones I got today and yesterday. Thank you Light_snow, thank you ReeDweeb for 2 PS, a big thanks to Yisaux once again for 2 PS, thank you Wonderbread16 once again, thank you DeVock once again, thank you Jin_Mo_Ri once again, a big thank you BobOfSomething for 3 PS, thank you Vlad_Tepesh_22, thank you LIL_Banana_Jr once again, a big thank you to 3rd for 3 PS, thank you DaoistXHzvft, and thank you ReeDweeb for 2 PS.

Thank you all for the support, cya]