Starter Pokemon

[A/N: Writing this chapter on my phone, so I apologise for any mistakes]

I look at the young man in front of me wearing a purpleish robe and a white mask. He was releasing a type of aura I had only felt from a certain individual. 'I can't believe it, I thought that the blood and abilities of the Aura Guardians have all gone extinct, but this boys abilities are even more powerful than my old friend'. I must protect this boy in the name of my deceased friend. I know that's what he would've wanted.

"Boy, do you have any parents?" I ask him. "No, I am an orphan" he said. Just like I predicted, I should notify the league, so that they can help this boy. This young man could bring Kalos to the top, and make the other regions regret looking down on us, but I still want this boy to have a good life.'

(A/N: Right now, Kalos isn't very strong as a region compared to places like Kanto and Sinnoh, especially because mega evolution hasn't been discovered yet)

"So you're here for a starter I presume?"

"Yes, I already have a certain pokemon in mind"

"Yohoho, how wonderful however I must test your abilities to see if you're worthy"

He nods and says "What kind of test"

I hand him a 4 double sided pages for him to finish. "Depending on your score, I shall determine which batch of Pokemon you can choose from".

The boy doesn't even bat an eye and takes the paper. He walks over to a table and chair in the waiting area, takes a pencil and starts writing. I couldn't help but look in awe, and all my assistants felt the same way as me because they all had their eyes wide opened.

Usually when a trainer comes in here, and I give them the test with a lot of questions they immediately say that it isn't fair and start complaining. The first test is seeing how the trainer reacts to the young pokemon and how they interact with them. The second test, seeing their reaction from receiving a intimidating looking test. The third test is seeing if the person is prepared, in this case young Zero already had a pencil and didn't even need to ask for one.

Finally, the final test is actually the test. The test is just questions about certain pokemon, their natures, moves, abilities, anatomy, etc. No one has ever gotten a fairly decent mark on this part, except a kid that came earlier, Augustine if I'm remembering correctly. He didn't get perfect but he got a fairly decent mark.

As I look at young Zero, I couldn't help but open my mouth in awe. He was breezing through the questions like butter.

As I was breezing through the questions, I could sense that Professor Hawkthorn, his aides and secretary were looking at me with wide eyes. I couldn't help but internally chuckle. Unlike in my past life where I had to take quite a while to memorize things and repeat them in my head. With this new body, I had photographic memory, so with just one look I could memorize a page in a book instantly.

It's such a crazy cheat, I wish I had in my past life. Anyway, I finished the test in 10 minutes, I could've finished faster....but I didn't. I started walking over to the shocked Professor and handed him the paper. He started looking through the paper and murmured "....everything is correct...".

<3rd person POV>

Professor Hawkthorn was shocked because this test could prove challenging even to some of his aides. He gave it to trainers to test their determination, and to check if they could solve a few questions. 'Not only is he gifted with aura guardian powers but he is also a genius. It looks like Kalos finally has a trainer that can face against those monsters Red and Blue.

"Young man how did you know these answers and finish them so quickly" the professor asks

Zero shrugs and says "I'm just built different"

The Professor looks a bit confused at his response but just shrugs it off. "Follow me young man you have proven yourself to me, so I'll let you pick between 3 rare Kalos starters". Hawkthorn starts moving towards his office and Zero follows him. Hawkthorn pulls down a book from a bookshelf, and a secret passage opens itself.

'Damn, this seems like a lot to go through just to pick three pokemon.' As we walk through the hallway, I see around 2 dozen pokemon running and playing around. The only pokemon I could see there were Froakies, Fennekins, and Chespins. "Young man you can pick whichever you'd like".

Under the mask I was grinning like a maniac. It was like I was the main character in a pokemon game. I already knew what pokemon I wanted, because apparently it had more potential and a special form beyond the other two. I looked around, but none of the pokemon had any outstanding potential. I then asked Prof. H, "Hey prof, is there any pokemon that isn't compatible with any trainers, and doesn't like any of the trainers that pick it". He looks surprised at my question but nods "There are two pokemon that are quite stubborn, a Male Froakie and Chespin, they are friends and have never been friendly to any trainer that approached them.

The manic grin on my face grew even wider 'I have an idea, I'm going to take advantage of their friendship, so I can get both of them'. I look around for a Froakie and Chespin duo, and see them in a corner playing and ignoring me. I walk over to them and emit a lot of trusting aura but only I controled it so it was only emitted in a very small radius, since I saw that Hawkthorn reacted to the aura when I emitted it. I didn't want Hawkthorn that I was using it with 'befriending' the pokemon.

<3rd person POV>

When Zero released the aura, the Froakie and Chespin looked at him with wide eyes and started approaching him. They usually had trust issues against people, but for the man in front of them, the felt like he was worthy to be their trainer. Both of them started rubbing their heads against Zero's legs and looked at him with puppy eyes. Zero patted them, and picked up Froakie.

Professor Hawkthorn was shocked once again. 'Young Zero wasn't even using his aura, but they still approached him, how fascinating'. Prof H. saw that Zero picked Froakie, and saw that Chespin looked depressed because not only did he not get chosen, but he's also losing his best friend.

Zero then said "Professor I chose Froakie". The Froakie looked pretty happy because he has been chosen by a good trainer, however he is a little sad that he'll have to part with his best friend Chespin. Prof H. could see this and obviously, he felt bad and then said "Because Froakie and Chespin are close like brothers, do you mind if you take both of them, becaus I'm sure they would be happier, and I don't think there will be another trainer that will meet the expectations of Chespin". Zero nods and says "No problem, I would feel bad if they weren't together".

Zero then walks over to the Chespin who looks much happier now, and picks him up as well. The Froakie and Chespin start playing in Zero's hands and look very happy. Prof H. walks over to Zero and hands him the two pokeballs of of the pokemon, and a pokedex. "These are their pokeballs, and a Kalos Pokedex. Take good care of them." Zero nods and takes the items.

"Thank you professor for everything, I'll be on my way now". Prof H. and Zero say their goodbyes, and Zero leaves the lab with a huge smile behind his mask. He plays with the young pokemon for a bit and sends them to their pokeballs.

He then moves towards the west side of the city, he plans to go to the next gym. 'Unlike the games and the anime, you don't need to go to the gyms in order, but I feel like I should anyway, for old time sake' Zero thought as he continues walking....


(A/N: Thank you all very much for all your support, I keep getting a lot of Power Stones which makes me happy. If you have any suggestions let me know. Btw I'm planning to add some pokemon manga characters in the fanfic, but it's been a long time since I read them. They won't be appearing anytime soon though. The stats of Froakie and Chespin will be shown next chapter.

Also unfortunately, starting next week I will have to slow down on the updates since I'll be very busy, but at the very least I'll post 1 or 2 chaps every week. I never expected to even get this far but here I am...

Thank you :)