Route 5

After walking and asking around, I finally found the route entrance I was looking for. I planned to go to route 5 and from there I would go to Camphrier town, to check things out. I was interested in Shaboneau Castle since, at this time, the owners shouldn't have given away a lot of their possessions, so perhaps I could find something rare or interesting there.

I release Froakie and Chespin from their pokeballs, and they play with each other, as we walk. I check their stats once again to properly check each factor. Froakie stats were:

Pokemon: Froakie

Gender: Male

Nature: Timid

Ability: Protean

Level: 6

Moves: Growl, bubble, pound, Power-up punch

HP: 50

ATK: 57

DEF: 39

SP. ATK: 69

SP. DEF: 43

SPD: 76

His stats are pretty good, especially his sp. attack and speed, but I guess that's to be expected because for a Greninja those 2 stats are crucial. Chespin stats were:

Pokemon: Chespin

Gender: Male

Nature: Impish

Ability: Overgrow

Level: 6

Moves: Growl, vine whip, synthesis

HP: 65

ATK: 63

DEF: 70

SP. ATK: 45

SP. DEF: 46

SPD: 38

'DAMN, this man's stats are really nice, he has good HP, ATK, and DEF, his other stats suck, but the HP, ATK, and DEF make up for it. He also has synthesis as an egg move, which I plan to make him an OP tank and attacker. Imagine if he could just spam synthesis after taking a load of damage, damn that's going to be fun. I'm also glad that his ability is Overgrow because honestly the hidden ability isn't that good, and I remember in the anime where Ash's sceptile used overgrow, and it was really strong.

Overgrow has a lot of potential so I will make sure that Chespin works on it. However, I wonder if I could train multiple abilities on one pokemon. I think I saw that in a fanfic once, so it may be possible, but for now I'll just focus on what I got.

As we walked, I played around with them. I wanted them to create a bond with all my pokemon just like a family, so I don't get disliked or betrayed by my pokemon. I want them all to respect me and my strength, and I learned this lesson from Ash's charizard. If Ash's charizard listened to Ash's orders, then Ash had a very good chance of winning the league, but instead he lost to a fucking knock off version of him. He lost to fucking Riggy, Reggy, Ridgy, what ever the fuck his name was.

That's why I'm creating a deep bond with them, and releasing my bonding/trusting aura, so that if they have a change in personality when they evolve, they don't fuck around with me. But all that serious talk aside, they are very cute.

As we walk, I sense a group of people tens of meters ahead of us. I quickly return Froakie and Chespin back to their pokeballs, and jump to a nearby tree to spy on them. I also use my aura to mask any sounds. As I take a good look at their clothes, I realize that they are wearing the same clothes as the grunts I saw with Augustine before.

"That's what the boss told us" the person who looks like the leader says.

"Ok, but still kidnapping children isn't what I signed up for, we just wanted some money" One man says, and a few others nod in agreement.

"Then fucking tell that to the boss, he'll have your heads" the leader yells. I see the men who were arguing before gulp and then just sigh in agreement.

The grunts start putting multiple cages from one vehicle to another, and a some big duffel bags. 'I assume that the cages are for the young trainers, and the bags are for their pokeballs'. As they are busting packing things up, I start jumping from tree to tree observing and listening to see if I could pick up any vital information. I then pick up a conversation between two grunts doing grunt work.

"What do you think about this young trainer plan"

"Between you and me, it's pretty fucked up, from what I heard from one of my friends who an Team Crystal officer, the boss and his scientists have made a new type of chip, that completely brainwashes people. Apparently they have to do something before implanting it or it won't work. That's all I got from my friend, but I think it's pretty scary"

The other grunt nods in agreement and looks a little shocked and scared. 'Hmmm, that's some big news, but it looks like there is more information behind this brainwashing chip. I don't remember anything about this team from the manga or even anime, but I guess the league probably solves it in the future. Still I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one of the chips to see how it works, since I'm sure that if the league hears about this, they'll only keep it to themselves.....Unless I become champion.

However, Kalos doesn't have much authority right , but I plan to change that by discovering Mega Stones. Mega stones originated from Hoenn, but there are many in Kalos, and in addition there may be even more than in the games. I have a theory that every pokemon has a mega evolution, and it's just that no one has ever found their stones. Anyway, that's besides the point.

After a while, the grunts finish loading up the cages and the group of vehicles split into two ways. I decide to follow the group with the cages, since I presume that the other one leads to their base, and I want to save the trainers first. Especially since me saving them will give me a good record.

I jump on top of one of the trucks, and use aura on my feet to not make any sounds. The grunts occasionally drug some young trainers walking on the route before they can even send out their pokemon. They keep doing this until all the cages are full, and the bags are full of pokemon.

After a bit of thinking, I changed my plans. I will use the trainers to take the attention away from me and inflitrate the base. It's sounds kind of cruel but I'll make sure that none of them will get hurt.

As the truck reaches a cave, the leader of the group said some words and put him finger on a different colored rock, and suddenly a secret passages opens itself. As they start to go in, I go behind someone that looks similar to me and when no one was looking I knock him out. I quickly throw my obito robe into a bush, and make sure that they can't be seen. Then I take the uniform off him and wear it. I keep still keep the mask under my uniform, because I want to cover my face when I infiltrate the base and start creating chaos.

I smile because having no one recognize your real face is really useful. I debate whether I should kill the grunt I knocked out or not, but ultimately decided against it because most grunts are just here for some money and aren't too evil. I don't want to sound like a pussy, but killing a man who isn't even that evil, and is just trying to get by isn't easy.

Anyway, I stealthily go back to where the grunt was and continue going towards the entrance of the base. No one really talks to the man I replaced which makes me think he's a loner or something, but that works in my favor as I successfully infiltrate the base.....

(A/N: Thank you for all the support, I'll give my special thank you shout out's next chapter. Good bye and thank you :) )