
After some more training, I continue walking on route 5. I eventually see a huge castle on top of a small mountain, it is a giant brick mansion with a green roof and trees surrounding it, and there is even a huge garden in the back.

I start walking closer to the the town, and look forward to checking out the castle. Especially since the owners are supposed to be extremely nice, and give gifts away. I feel a little guilty that I plan to go to them, just for some items, but alas, the items will be given away regardless of what I do.

I'm hoping for some Mega Stones, and perhaps even a bracelet, but I don't want to get my hopes up. The anime, manga and games never said what items the castle had, but I'm pretty sure the items were rare or something, so I'll take whatever I can get.

As I get closer and closer to the town, I can't help but think that it look very similar to the one portrayed in the anime. The mountain is covered with beautiful green trees covered with white snow. The houses look modern or even more advanced looking than the ones in my old world. The windows of the houses are a little blueish, and I see some stands with people selling things that are winter themed.

I go and sign in the pokecenter, and buy some pokeballs from the pokemart. I then start walking towards the grey brick mansion on the small mountain. I see small houses on the mountain which are lower than the mansion itself, which made me wonder what their purpose is.

I also wonder why the fuck there isn't a path or anything to climb to the mansion. How the hell do cars go up and down from the mansion. Sighing because of the poor logic in this world I continue walking towards the mountain.

As I reach the end of the town I see a sign that says 'Shabboneau Castle'. There is a small path beside the sign however the path ends after a couple meters. 'Fuuuckkkkkkk, I don't have time for this shit'. I plant my feet on the ground firmly, infuse aura in my legs and jump. I jump like 10 meters in the air, and try to use aura to push me in the air. I fail miserably and start falling down towards some trees.

I infuse some more aura in my legs and body and position myself to fall on my legs. As I land on the ground the ground around me cracks and my entire body shakes which leaves me in my knees. "SHIT, AWW FUCK THAT FELT WEIRD".

I decide to use less power to jump, and start jumping forward like a bunny. I reach the top of the mountain in 1 minute, and find the big front door of the castle/mansion. I knock on the door, and after around 3 minutes, the door opens and I see a man dressed in a suit in front of me.

The man bows and says"Hello young sir, what is the purpose of your visit to the Shabboneau Castle". BULLSHIT MODE ON "Hello there, I am a pokemon breeder and trainer, I'm here to present a gift to Lord Shabboneau".

The man looks at me trying to look for any ulterior motives but it looks like he found none. He nods and says "Follow me". As I walk through the door I see huge red carpets in different directions. As I follow the butler or bodyguard, I analyse his body. Although at first glance he looks like a normal man, I see that his body is filled with muscles, and it looks like he's on high alert. He probably knows multple martial arts, since the way he walks is a slightly different than how a usually man walks.

I can't blame him for being cautious though. A masked man coming to a castle to meet a lord is a bit strange. To be honest, I don't even know why he has a title as high as 'lord' since he doesn't seem to do anything important, and isn't well known outside of Kalos.

Anyway, the butler stops in front of me and I see that there is a door in front of him. He looks at me and says "The lord is waiting for you". 'How the fuck does he even know I'm here, I never evem saw the butler call anyone and there aren't evem cameras... whatever'

As I enter the room, I see a man sitting behind a luxurious looking desk with papers on it, and two guards at his sides. He has black hair with a few streaks of white, and has light brown eyes. His body looks like it's in good shape. He looks a bit tired and bored, and as he see's me walking in, he instantly fixes his posture and smiles at me. "Well young man what can I do for you".

I say "I have brought a gift for you, I have heard that you are responsible for the snorlax festival and are a fan of snorlax's, so I have breeded a munchlax egg for you". As I start taking out the egg from the bag, I see the two guards look at me with high alert preparing for anything, while Lord Shabboneau looks at me with interested eyes.

I pull out a munchlax egg I had made from seeing a young boy walking with a munchlax. The IV's were above average but not too good. The man looks at me with sparkling eyes, while his bodyguards still look wearing. I move forward , put the egg down on the desk and move a bit back again.

Shabboneau looks at the egg with excitement, and pulls a magnefying glass from a droor in his desk. He then starts to analyze the egg, and after a minute or two he says "Yes yes, this is indeed a Munchlax egg, and one with a lot of potential. I can tell by the deep colors on the shell. Young man, since you've given me such a great gift, I will show you some courtesy. I have a collection of items that I collected in my younger days, I will let you pick any 2 items that you'd like".

'Wow this guy didn't even ask me why I gave him a gift. He also seems quite nice, so I feel a bit bad for manipulating him, but I don't even think I'm doing anything too bad so whatever'. A servant walks into the room and gestures me to follow him, as I bid farewell to Shabboneau.

(A/N: Yes I am here, haven't dropped don't worry Anyway, if you have any suggestions please feel free to do so. Have a great day, cya :)...)