Some good ass items

As I was escorted out of Shabboneau's office, I couldn't help but feel quite excited to see what items I could choose from. Judging by Shabboneau's looks, he is around his late 40's so I don't think any has had an opportunity to choose from the items, which gives me the blessing of first pick.

We walked past a hall, and went towards a pretty big door with a lock on it. The servant pulled a key from his pocket and opened the lock. As the door opened, a bright light escaped from the room. 'Wait that wasn't light, its just that the room is super shiny'

The servant turns to me and says "Pick any two items you'd like from this room". In my mind I was really excited but I still kept a composed body posture for some badass points. As I enter the room I see many items which all look tempting.

I see the pokeflute on one stand, but of course I'm not going to pick up some worthless trash like that. As I walk around I see some artifacts like swords, scrolls, and books but none of them interest me. What I'm looking for is something really rare, and something that researchers haven't found the full potential of.

As I walk around slowly losing hope, I see a small rock that was the size of an eye ball with a barely noticable DNA symbol on it. 'Found it'. I read the description on the stand which reads. 'A mysterious piece of a meteorite with slight energy readings'. Right now it looks like a rough normal looking rock with a bit of energy, but I know it's true worth. It's a key stone used to link a pokemon and its trainer.

For my second item, I continue to look around for a mega stone but unfortunately, I couldn't find anything. Since I couldn't find any mega stone, I decided that I should get a weapon since that was the second most important thing for me. I looked around and I saw a beautiful looking katana, it's scabbard was black and had golden streaks on it. The sword itself had a black handle with bandages around it, and the blade was shiny silver with a slight hint of a gold color.

I smiled because I knew that I was done here. I walked over to the servant and nodded to indicate I was done. "What 2 items did you chose Sir?". "I choose the piece of the meteorite and the golden axe".

(A/N: Did you actually think that I was going to make my MC use a katana, YOU FOOL. Katanas are quite terrible weapons if you have no technique, and to actually be effecient with a katana would just be a hassle. Katanas are overrated as weapons to be honest, no offense to anyone but it's true.)

The golden axe was in the stand right beside the katana. It looked quite similar to Escanor's axe Rhitta, which may or may not be one of the reasons I chose it over the sword. It was around half the size of Rhitta, and had a similar golden handle except the spikes were a bit smaller.

The servant told me to get out of the room while he took out the items. As I exited the room I could still feel/see what he was doing but it was very minimal. It's kind of like a nerfed version of kenbunshoku hak. I could sense went over to the stands, pressed something and typed something. I sighed as my sixth sense needed a lot more work.

After a minute or two, the servant came out with the two items and gave them to me while saying "If you have no more business here sir, would you like me to escort you out?". I nod as he walks forward to the exit, and I follow him.

I put the two items in my bag and started walking down the small mountain. After I got down, I can't help but feel like it was a productive day. I decided that after I get a nice rest at the fancy hotel in town, I should go to the next location. I had one more thing I wanted to do but I wasn't sure if I could afford it. I wanted the pokemon that was very famous in this town, but I knew that it would open a hole in my pocket. Even with all the money I sto**cough* borrowed from team Crystal.

I sighed as I went to a training area and fed my pokemon. As I returned all my pokemon in their pokeballs except Froakie and Chespin, I was about to leave until I could hear a loud noice in the distance. To satisfy my curiosity, I went over to the area where I saw the sound and I was fucking surprised when I saw a entire battalion of Munchlax eating off a bunch of fruit trees.

The fruits all looked perfect mind you so I couldn't blame them.The muchlaxs saw me and they all prepared to defend their territory which I found cute. Then I had a really good idea. I went to my bag and put a poke puff I bought on the ground. "Anyone who wants more of this just needs to press the button of the red ball I'm holding in my hands". I then took out a pokeball from my bag and held it in my hand.

One of the Munchlaxs who had a scar under his left eye, came up and looked curiously at the poke puff, and ate it without much thought. Then his eyes went wide and turned around to the other munchlaxs bragging about something, and instantly jumped towards me and pressed on the pokeball. 'I knew that Munchlaxs liked food but to think that they would just come with me in questions asked'. I then smile because this is a great opportunity, I then throw a bunch more Pokepuffs towards the giant group of Munchlaxes, and after one had a taste, entire hell broke out. Each Munchlax were fighting for the Pokepuffs, and apparently none of them were smart enough to come to me, the person who gave it to them. I sigh and prepare my throwing arm, and take all the pokeballs out of my bag, and start yeeting them towards the Munchlaxes at a fast speed.

One by one, each Munchlax fell victim to the pokeballs, and none of them even noticed their missing rivals. I then went and collected each pokeball, I had used 42 pokeballs which meant I caught 42 fucking Munchlaxes. I had a brilliant idea with what to do with them but that was in the future.

(A/N: No I didn't drop, I was just really busy since January was exams/finals season so I had to work my ass off, and during Febuary..... I was lazy. Anyways I hope I haven't gotten rusty, and that the chapter was good, ciao everyone :) )