The Encounter

"Are you fucking insane?" Ater yelled at Otto, "That harlot* is literally the main cause of all your problems." Ater had refused vehemently the collection of Elizabeth as that spread into a search for Minerva, who had promptly gone missing.

They had found Minerva in a bush, slightly frazzled, but overall okay. Elizabeth had accidentally left him in a stampeding crowd of both adolescents and middle ages - They were very few elderly and even less infants. They had probably already died, "We had to look for her fucking owl, and you have to fucking carry her around."

"We can't leave her, she's in our party," Otto replied, "Her skill might be interesting to see in action. It'd be a waste." Ater grumbled.

"The only thing that's a fucking waste is you helping her," Ater fixed his eyes on Elizabeth, "Just kick her out of the party. You're the leader aren't you?" Otto shrugged and carried the sleeping Elizabeth around. She was snoring lightly and seemed to enjoy herself, "When she wakes up, drop her."

"If she wakes up, you mean. We don't know how potent the leaves are. She might be sleeping for some time."

"Better," Ater swished his tail round, staring at the owl, "I never thought it'd be a dumb owl." Minerva squirmed under his gaze, "It's pretty rare for them to make a mistake and even rarer for us to find one." Ater laughed at Minerva's attempt to peck him for the remark. She missed severely, going off-course far enough to go into the other direction. The owl really had become stupid.

"Stop being cruel to Minerva," Otto scolded Ater, "She didn't make the mistake." Ater merely glanced at Otto, unimpressed. Minerva hid behind Otto as she tried to stay away from Ater. His musings were more dangerous to her than Otto's at the present time.

"Yes, be polite to the dumb owl," Ater snarked, "When will we get there? It's been a while." Otto looked around, he still hadn't shut his skill off.

"That bastard shouldn't be able to run around on his stick legs so quickly. Where has the little bastard gone?" Ater grumbled. The glow of party members shone forward, a just a bit foreword.

"He's not a little bastard, just call him Will," Otto sighed, he was tired too, "His name is William Lindberg. Y'know, the glasses company. We're almost th-" Suddenly, Several people walked out of the forest area, their voices mingling as they spoke to each other rapidly in what appeared to be Korean to Otto.

He had Korean students at his school and their endless chatting imprinted specifics words into his head. Ater suddenly focused and Otto felt the atmosphere change just a bit as he saw the gang. There were four people.

"You. Give us... your thing," The poor English was enough to covey the meaning; Hand everything over. Otto looked down at Ater, who was growling in irritancy. The four men were all of different heights and builds, one of them looking weak enough to simply push over.

The smallest one seemed more so protected by the rest as if he had something to hide. Otto stared a tad bit harder, peering into his stats.

[Player #1352: Min-jun Jeon

Level 1

HP: 1500

M: 1000

S: 50

AG: 200

DEX: 600

RR: 150HP/min

Skills: Force Open, Mana Ball, Elemental Transfer, Reconstructed Mana Ball

Class: Mage

Party: Mupae]

"I don't have a class," Otto replied, "I don't have anything to give other than my familiar." Ater gave an offended glare to Otto, who looked back for a single moment, just mouthing for him to shut up.

"I swear!" The four men looked unconvinced or confused as the smaller guy came forward and Otto suddenly saw a note, a ping, right in front of him.

[Min-jun Jeon is attempting to open your inventory by force, do you permit this action? Please answer with a yes or no]

"No," Otto whispered so as the four couldn't hear, most people could understand yes or no after all. They were mumbling something in Korean as they argued a little bit before facing Otto again. One of them swung a sword down to the edge of his neck, practically preventing him from attacking back.

A safety measure.

The smaller one's brows were furrowed in slight confusion as he said something a tiny bit louder. Another ping was heard as another screen turned up in front of Otto.

[Party: Mupae has been talking in another language for over a minute, do you wish for the system to translate what they are saying? Please answer with a yes or no]

"Yes," Otto looked over to the group and watched as their expressions mold into something of irritancy as they bickered over something insignificant. Their eyes expressing more than what would have normally come from someone trying to attack another.

The tallest, a boy with light brownish hair and iridescent eyes was arguing with the others on something. Suddenly, their conversation filtered in.

[We shouldn't attack him,] The tallest one argued, [He has nothing. Jeon-ssi's* skill is never wrong. He has nothing and we just want to leave this area and find some food or something. Let's leave him alone.] The middle-aged one, also coincidentally the middle-sized one, snapped his head over to the taller one and pointed a finger at him.

[He might get revenge on us later for stopping him,] The middle-aged one, which Otto identified as Ji-tae Kim, gave Otto a strange distrusting look before he pointed at Otto, [He's a gunslinger, you saw the last gunslinger we met. The guy was a goddamn fucking sniper. He might kill us too. Might as well kill him here than later anyway.]

Otto froze up on the mentioning of killing him.

"Is there any way to talk to them?" Otto complained and Ater nudged his hand, "Oh, uh, guys..." The four immediately stared at him, wary. He set Elizabeth on the ground for a second and took out the gun in his inventory. Lifting it up slowly, he placed it on the ground. The four stiffened before relaxing at the sight of him disarming himself.

Otto let out a breath he had been holding, "I swear I won't kill you. I don't even know how to properly shoot the thing! Ah shit, you don't know what I'm saying."

"We... " The tallest one, Nam-il Mihn, tried to say, "We... [How do you say 'won't'?]" The smallest one whispered it out, "We... won't do thing." Otto nodded slowly, comprehending the basic meaning the other was trying to convey. He sat down on the grass and felt himself being watched even further as Min-jun argued something else.

[How the fuck did my skill not work?] The others patted him on the back and laughed, [It's not like some 'this works 60% of the time' shit.] Nam-il laughed and walked over to Otto, reaching out his hands. Otto clasped them together to stand up.

[Oi, don't ignore me!] Everyone ignored the smallest one.

[Chill, Min-jun namdongsaeng*,] The third one, Hyuk-jae said, [Don't get so fussed upon it. I'm sure it was just an error. We have all the time in the world to get it anyway.] Ji-tae laughed alongside the other two taller men as they joked around in front of Otto. There was a shuffle and Elizabeth woke up.

"Sa- Otto?!" Elizabeth exclaimed, "Did you fucking kidnap me?" Ater prodded Elizabeth's arm with a paw.

"Where are the others and who are these people?"

"You fell asleep in the middle of an open forest and you're in my party," Otto argued, "What was I supposed to do?" Otto felt a flash of mana and dodged nothing as Min-jun used his skill on Elizabeth to see into her inventory. He yelled out that she had a sword and soon the other three were on her in an instant.

"What the fuck?!" Elizabeth yelled as Nam-il shoved a strange-looking rapier in her face, "W-what do you want?"

"Liz, you need to drop your weapons," Elizabeth looked confused as Otto explained further, "The one in your inventory." There was more shuffling as she took out her longsword and set it on the ground, hands trembling. Eyes looking around wildly as she tried to find an opening in the nearly impenetrable defence of offence. Ater laughed and walked his way over to Otto's side.

"You know, I could act as a translator for you all," Ater laughed at the dumbfounded look on Otto's face, "You fucking idiot. Telling me, me of all people and cats, to be quiet. Insolent idiot." Otto told him to shut before Ater turned to the four.

[We're going to meet up with someone, nothing more, nothing less.]

[Oh,] Nam-il nodded in understanding, [We just didn't want to take any risks with anyone. We'll give the stuff back later, or at least I'll make them hand it back.] Ater nodded and patted Otto's leg for his attention.

"He says that you're an ignorant fuck and that they're just wary," Otto stared at Ater; it was as if the cat forgot that he could understand them. Elizabeth stood up, brushing herself off as she huffed, "She's up and we need to go find the little brat. It's getting late." Hyuk-jae threw Elizabeth her weapon as she caught it with some difficulty, causing him to laugh a little.

Min-jun threw Otto one last glance before he turned around with Ji-tae messing with him. Ater yelled one last 'bye' before he stuck a tongue at Minerva and Elizabeth.

"You're familiar is really annoying you know?" Elizabeth said, "He's really rude too." Otto nodded in agreement.

"Where are we going? And why did you take me? Where are the others? Wh-" Ater nudged her before she could continue on with her ramblings, "Don't nudge me, you feline."

"Someone else joined the party, uh, William Lindberg. I'm trying to find him," Otto knew where he was, highlighted in a bright yellow for party members. It was blue before.

"He's a pleasant person. I'm sure you'll like him." Elizabeth looked doubtful with some recognition on her face, but before she could answer, Otto continued.

"The leaves had a poison in them that made you fall asleep. I don't know if someone in the group did it or if it was accidental, but I didn't want to leave it to chance so I took you since you were with our party."

"So, basically, you kidnapped me for safety?" Elizabeth asked, "Safety from leaves."

"You fell asleep," Otto pointed out, "Anyways, we should hurry up. They should be on another hill further, pretty close to here." Elizabeth huffed again but complied. As the two, four counting the familiars, hiked up the mountain to find the others, they stumbled upon a small stream that they decided to save for future use in case something went wrong.

"Do we need to clean the water," Elizabeth asked, "As in, boil it?" Otto nodded and ran a wry hand through his hair. They didn't have any pots or pans of the sort and the only town was after the monster, conveniently after.

"Then how are we supposed to get anything?" Elizabeth huffed and Otto looked at the largest beaming red mark with a small exclamation mark on it.

[Arcensis Minor

Level 1

HP: 2000

MP: 500

S: 950

AG: 150

DEX: 750

RR: 10/sec

Skills: Swing, Vertical Shot, Past Time]

"We have to defeat the thing over there," Otto remarked, "We can't purify any water because we don't have the skill or the utilities to use it and the closest thing we have to a village is past the big monster thing in the distance." Elizabeth looked up confused.

"There's a village right after the big monster thing. Like right behind it on a hill."

"So... We have to kill a big monster thing to get to a place with supplies?" Elizabeth replied as she tried to see the monster from behind, "Is it strong?" Otto nodded and sighed before he dragged Elizabeth's arm a little bit further forward in the direction of William and what appeared to be more blue dots.

"Great. Are we strong enough?"

"I think so," Otto replied, "But I think we might need another weapon."

"Why?" Elizabeth asked as Otto eyed Ater. Ater looked at him dazed until he realized the reason and made a near squeaking sound, "What's going on?"

"We need a weapon for Ater," Otto continued to eye Ater, "He can pull some tricks. So after we meet up with the group I have to find another dead body." Ater gave a weak punch to Otto's right leg as he padded around him.

"I don't need a weapon. I can fight with my fists," Ater raised a paw, "It'll be fine."

"No, it won't."