Sileo (Restart)

Sileo (Restart)

Fantasy24 Chapters40.6K Views
Author: Katzenliebe
Table of Contents

Sileo, whether it refers to restart or silent, everyone living there can agree on one thing - There is always a chance there.

There is always a chance to start something new. Even with all the monsters, creepy acquaintances, and strange government. That attributed little to the daily lives of normal ones.

Regardless if you are from another planet, universe, dimension, which is the case for Otto Kettering.

Being crashed by a car before he was sent to prison for murder (A murder he claims he had no part in) was bad, it was bad enough he was going to prison, but now he was in a new world. A world he knew nothing of and that was arguably for better or worse.

Sileo, the new world, brings with it strange happenings, weird people, companions (?), and the possibility to reverse everything that has happened to him or to move on and live a new life.

If only he could be less awkward, if only he could shut Ater up, if only he could raise his stats like a normal person (Players aren't normal in any way, but that's up to him).

Through the poorly drawn maps his companions (?) find and his built in system map, Sileo starts unravelling like a wool ball strung up tight.

[Welcome, Player #1001, please head over to the podium to register yourself before we send you off to your new home!]

*Note, the cover isn't mine. I can't draw on a computer

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14 Reviews
Translation Quality
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Character Design
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4 years ago

Im a new writer, so theres not much critical analysis i can give, but i really enjoy the style of writing this author has. This is the kind of stuff i came here to read. Everything feels weighty and crafted, like a James Cameron movie, yet the construction is light. Ill probably finish this series first.

4 years ago

An interesting beginning to what promises to be an exciting work. The author's Otto is a fully-fledged character with emotions and depth, which is a welcome development. The story has promise and it will be interesting to see how it progresses. My only complaint would be the grammar, as there are confusing uses of words and other errors that take away from the enjoyment of the piece,

4 years ago

The writing is s.u.p.e.r.b and it's really good written story. Little to no grammar mistake and I find the writing here to be at professional standard. Technical writing wise, everything is well described, from characters, emotions, places and especially the way the way the writer described skills and actions is top notch. You could see the effort the writer put on this aspect, as a reader I tend to like great detail in story and he's done great job in describing things especially game-kind of things such as ability, skills and attributes. Everything is detailed making easy for readers to feel the atmosphere. For me personally, as I'm not into another world/Isekai kind of story, I think the story development has been good so far, I think the writer has grasped the correct pace for a fantasy story. Characters are well written and the way the they're introduced and portrayed is pretty great. Otto is a cool and quite level-headed main character. So far aside from Otto, Atter and Elizabeth are the best. Elizabeth is such a strong and really interesting character, she compliments Otto very well, It would be really nice if Otto ends up with her only. The premise itself is quite good I as it has neat synopsis and intriguing first chapter. Though I've to say that cover is a big no, believe me good cover will bring you more readers. If anything, I found some paragraphs are too long/thick and pretty hard to read. And about the restriction of this book. Here could reach webnovel editor through the link below to get it whitelisted. Discord: Or Editor Discord: Hao#1987 Overall it's good reading experience and well, good luck.

4 years ago

I have a thing for names. If a person did not even care to name the characters right, I won't even read that novel. this one though, I like all the way. I like the genre, I like the characters, I like the way every thing set up. Well done author. I will keep reading. If you like the game genre, but reality, try it, it's very good. I think I found a keeper for my library.

4 years ago

From reading this, you can tell there was a lot of effort put into this novel. The writing quality is flawless, scenes are described with precision, and every character is unique and all have their own defining qualities. This is a good novel and I recommend it!

4 years ago

I'm not sure how to exactly describe this story. It was an exciting read and made me want to read more and more and befoe I knew it; I was pulled in. Both the world-building and its characters are interestingly made and deserve praise. The writing is very good and there isnt a lot to complain about, all in all, a job well done.

4 years ago

This is such a great read! The world background is well described, and the flow of the story is just right. The first chapter was so heartbreaking as the way you portrayed the emotions of the ML and his circumstances were fascinating. Then the next chapters kept me reading and wanting to know more, though I have to say that I felt a bit confused reading some paragraphs, I have to re-read some of them again to get the complete meaning. Anyway, I loved the interaction with Ater, it is so funny, and the ML personality is really cool, I like he is so level-headed even in that strange situation. Great job, Author!

4 years ago

Okay, here is my review so far, but I shall be reading more! This is a book I don't think anyone should miss out on. I love how detailed the plot is- it develops slowly enough for the story to unfold before you without getting confused, and provides you with so many twists and turns that make you want to keep reading. The writing style is insanely detailed, and I feel so immersed reading about the little habits of the characters, their thoughts, and even their perspective of the world around them. Ater and Otto are such a dynamic duo, and it is such a pleasure to read so beautifully scripted characters. I laughed so much. Elizabeth too is a really strong female character, and compliments Otto very nicely! There is so much to love about this, from the world building, right down to the little character details. Author, you have done a fantastic job

4 years ago

This one really surprised me. It grabbed me and pulled me in more than any "isekai"-type stoy has in such a long time. The character interactions are just top-notch. All-in-all, the author has done a wonderful job - I see they're also quite young so... They may be - what I'd consider - talented. So, here goes: The Great: How surprised was I to find a story on Webnovel with some competent flow. The descriptions are not only lovingly crafted, but done with an expert eye for detail. It's nice to see. And, best of all? They're trimmed neatly and not at all cumbersome. The characters, also. Wow. The dialogue in particular is pleasant, bringing a smile to my face as I read it. There's a buoyant sense of joy to every scene with Ater and Otto in it. Needs Consideration: Ensure that the video-game world is balanced and follows the rules that you set out. I can see this breaking to the point the power-scaling becomes broken if the MC isn't a) kept in check, and b) doesn't follow the established rules of the world. Needs Immediate Action: Paragraph structure. Lord Sputnik also pointed this out. It can break the flow of reading and force a reader to double-back when paragraph structure is out of whack. Dialogue sometimes takes place halfway through a paragraph and that's really no good. Also, Otto's dialogue comes across... Younger than he's portrayed? Idk. I just had a weird feeling he was older. Oh well. Great work!

4 years ago

The Good: Writing quality is great, the characters are all very well executed. The world the author is trying to create is fairly immersive and the way the author builds it really draws one in. I also enjoy longer chapters. The Bad: Paragraph structure is a bit thick making it difficult to read. Using a bunch of words from other languages and keeping their meanings is overkill. Nobody needs a footnote that's almost as long as a chapter to explain the meaning of words. The story is very interesting, but it's hard to find unless you force yourself to slow down and read into it some. The Neutral: Has plenty of potential! I personally feel like the powers are very unbalanced and not in the traditional "Overpowered MC" kind of way. That's just my thoughts though, don't take it to heart. Regardless, great work and hope you keep it up.

4 years ago

Brooo this is great :D I really like the beginning since it started with something that I'd say pretty unique, and the info was given step-by-step instead of dumped at us, the readers :D Also, the author did a really great job with descriptions, especially when explaining the events and the environment :3 I also really really love how the author portrayed emotions! :D The characters are very well-written, I like that each of them has their own personality, and they react pretty realistically to this absurd situation they were thrown into. I'll try to keep the spoilers minimum, but I like how the author used country-specific names and incorporated certain cultures into their personality :3 me likey! <3 Also, the strawberry pudding is cute :3 I can't say much about the grammar and stuff bc I'm not an expert, but I certainly did enjoy this book! :D Great job, author! <3

4 years ago

This seems to be a nice story, but the thing that made me feel weird is the fact that you write chapter number at the title. I think you are new at this job, but don't worry, everyone has done this thing to one or two novels. The character seems to be alright. One mana per bullet seems to be a broken system cause if someone had infinite mana, it will be totally overpowered. Carry on, and you will probably have your story featured one day.

4 years ago

This novel was lit! An amazing piece of art! With more perseverance and hard work, this novel will have a bright future! I like the characters and their touching story and background. A recommended read for me!

4 years ago