Information for Volume #1

This is all the places and their meanings in Volume #1.

OFFICIAL PLACES (Places that are known throughout Sileo):

Sileo - Latin for [restart] and/or [silent]. It's not really a country, but more so a continent. There is another continent, but that's it. The two twin continents and the other isn't really going to come up. Because it sucks.

Kholod - Russian for [cold] and is located north of Sileo. It's pretty cold there. Most people live by the south, near the sea, for fishing. The largest bank is situated there and it has the largest library of skills in the entire world.

Mormio - Italian for [I murmur]. Is the capital country, located somewhat in the center of Sileo. Is also considered as the home for all merchants and sellers and is split into the financial district and the clock district.

Murret Stilhed - Murmured Silence in Danish, it's a rural village in Lykke.

Lykke - Similar to Mormio, Lykke is the region for agriculture. it is also a highly religious area with most people devout due to wanting a good harvest. The church people are the 'guards' and it is only of the most heavily guarded places in the world.

Rikugen - A place to the west of Mormio. It is a heavily militarized area and is mostly made up of soldiers. It was given by the 105th ruler of Sileo. Ideal place for swordsmen and magic swordsmen.

Sigtak Lake - A large lake that is the main pool of water for around 15 or so villages that are similar to Murret Stilhed.

NON-OFFICIAL PLACES (Places not known to the entirety of Sileo):

Inanis Cave - Void in Latin. It's safe-haven in the Mid-Plains and is also the least picky when it comes to how many people are in it

Solus Cave - Only in Latin. It's a safe-haven in the Mid-Plains, and is known as the most picky about its inhabitants.

Caecus Cave - Blind in Latin. It's a safe-haven in the Mid-Plains and is known for being the cruellest to its inhabitants.

^^^ The three caves, if a player goes to all three, then they can create the skill; [void only blinds] which is a skill that basically makes a void where no one can think, talk, or do anything except stand and wait.

The Mid-Plains or the Midway Plains is a grassy area for new players to get used to the world. After a certain period of time this area is unavailable.

THINGS (like... the things)

Folium Somnum - It's a leaf that's only found in the Mid-Plains, it's under the name sleep leaf in other places and Folium Somnum is its official name. It's pretty potent and is used as an anesthetic sometimes.

Rode Kamelier - It's a red flower that has mana woven in it so as to ward off predators.



Player #xxxx - The number code of a player. There are always 4 digits. The first is 0001.

Level x - The level of the player

^^ Do not appear for users in Sileo. They aren't players, they're users.

HP: Health Points, if health points reach zero, that means the user/player needs immediate medical attention or are already dead. Usually it's like they're head is cut off or something.

M/MP: Mana/Mana Points are used to use some skills and all magic. 100 M = 1 MP

^^ Mana often can increase strength if it's high enough (usually a 10% to 50% boost depending on the level of the mage/summoner/necromancer/healer/magic swordsman.

S/SP: Strength/Strength Points used for strength things. 100 M = 1 MP

^^Every attack is worth at least 75% of strength stat. Usually people do end up using 75% of their strength stat. It also possible to go over on a normal attack, but that only happen every 1000 to 10000 attacks. This includes magic. So, even if a player uses SS grade level magic, it's useless if their strength stat is really low because it's proportionate to it.

AG: Agility is how fast a user/player can move. If a player's agility is too slow they risk being unable to walk as the Strength stat sometimes can overcome agility, which is why some people are slow to attack but when they do it's like really high attack. The only class that defies this is the assassin class where usually they either have a skill that makes them be able to use a sudden burst of strength or they have a skill that allows them to have a low agility, high attack as Strength grows faster than agility does.

DEX: Dexterity is how proficient the player/user is. This determines the effect mana has on strength, the luckiness someone has when preforming a skill, whether or not the player/user can remain cool-headed and a whole lot of stuff. A list:

1. Mana to Strength ratio

2. Mana to performance ratio (How well the magic does, so if it's fire does it fizzle halfway?

3. Mana to control ratio (How well the player can control the magic, so does the fire hit the right person)

4. Increase chance with skills (Some skills have a percent chance, this might increase their chances of it working)

5. Mentality

6. Adaptability (How easy it is for a skill to adapt to its purpose)

7. Basic endurance (How much pain the player can endure before they black out)

8. Disease control (How well the player can ward off diseases)

RR: Recovery Rate, how fast a player can heal themselves. It is possible to have a recovery rate of 0. Sometimes, in exchange for skills, people give up RR points although they do become important if there is to be a long, drawn out fight.

Skills: Skills are actually quite rare depending on what kind of skill. There are permanent and non-permanent skills on paper and skills that can only be gained if their 'creator' like someone.

They can be split into:

Class Skills - Skills like Twin Teleportation and X-cut are class skills. They are automatically used and are more so to help new people get used to the weapon. Virtually everyone has one as it can range from stuff like farming to fighting.

Paper Skills - Skills with no apparent owner/creator can be turned into paper to be reused. Sometimes skills can be turned into paper skills even if the owner is still alive. They're really expensive and are often one-use only. Some S level skills are turned into paper skills, but those are held by the country.

A-S Skill - Skills from Level A to S are considered rare and are sought after. They can be broken into

A Skills - These are skills with owners. They tend to have spirits and whatnot in them.

S Skills - These are skills with goals. They tend to have both spirits and wishes in them.

Party Skill - Not to be confused with the actual skill called 'Party' (here is a guy with a skill called party, his name is Leo), a party skill is a skilled created by the leader. As long as a member is in the party, they can use the skill. Party skills are also expensive to make.

Miscellaneous Skill - Skills that are created by users/players rather than the Gods or dead... people. They are pretty hard to make and really expensive to use with a permit, so most people don't report their permits and use it illegally. No one knows how many there are, but whenever they find one they like to reverse its miscellaneous status.

Finally the 12 Main Skills for the 12 Main Classes. I won't write them. They're spoilers for like later. Anyway, they tend to be really really strong for one class, useful for all the others, so if someone had the class skill for an assassin but was a twin hitter, it'd be nearly useless.

Class: Fighter, Mage, Swordsman/woman, Magic Swordsman/woman, Gunslinger, previously archer, Assassin, Healer, Priest, Spearman, Necromancer, and Summoner are the main classes. They are usually given at age 12, with the exception being players. I refuse to explain the differences between each class until volume 2. Other than players, users are given a class. Some aren't given classes.

There are also sub-classes, like an accountant or professor. Those classes are often made rather than given.

Party: Parties are essentially contracts that put a player or user under the control of another player or user. There are several rules:

1. Members and leaders of a Party cannot kill each other.

2. A member cannot leave the party unless the leader allows it.

3. Members and leaders have free communications.

4. It is possible for members to leave the party if the leader is declared insane.

5. All parties must be registered upon creation with the exception of players, who are given a week to inform someone. (created by the Sileoenian (Sileonian is also okay))

6. Members and leaders have different goals and rights in a party. Those goals and rights are set out by each individual person and a member should always retain the right to leave a party. (created by the Sileoenian (Sileonian is also okay))

Effect: These are everything from buffs to curses to clothes effects. There is a limit to how many effects someone could have before they either die from the immediate 'cursed' law or explode from the immediate 'too-many-buffs' law. Different people have different limits with an average of ten. Mages tend to have a higher average at twenty with swordsmen at thirty. The highest was recorded at infinity and was the player who had the 'Eyes of God' skill. Weather is not an effect because I like rain.


when i get bored in class, i draw the icons for them (I'm so obsessed with this thing to make icons for them).

Eye of the Devil (S) - A single eye from the fallen Devil. It's another type of higher administration skill and is useful when dealing with the tight corners of the universe, but it can only cut bits of the universe, it can't follow the rules (this will be apparent later). It can affect party members through allowing them to stay calm most of the time. Sometimes it is referred as the perverse skill as it can be used to dig out sensitive information very easily.

Eye of God (S) - A single eye from God. It's also a higher administration skill, but it's limited to players and is used to tell the future. It can be full-blown prophecies or immediate seconds into the future. It can also warn the player/user of impending danger. It can affect party members through allowing them to stay calm most of the time. It can ask for permission to ignore laws.

Infinity Steal (S) - The depressed nature of the poor willed themselves into a skill. Everyone who is undeserving of their wealth will be robbed to nothing within 10 km^2. (I'm not kidding, 10 km^2). I was planning on calling it Robin Hood, but no. Everyone unworthy of their wealth are people who obtained it illegally or through making others poor for their own profit. It can also be directed to a single steal, so if Elizabeth really wanted a cat, she could focus Infinity Steal to steal the cat. It will not affect party members and cannot be used on party members.

Comprehension (S) - They can see almost everything, almost similar to Eye of the Devil, except it's not administration. Gradually how the world works will become clear to the user of this skill, which will become important later on. It's a secondary skill that broke off of the Eye of the Devil before it was infected with all the nastiness of church or something. It's pretty nifty if someone needed to find information on people.

Dance of the Lions (S) - Allows the player/user to either instant kill a strong enemy in one-shot (It's dodge-able), or do a widespread area attack that can basically amount to 1000% of their original full attack (I have a horrible feeling this is going to bite me in the ass later, but eh). Also, it's a passive skill that allows the user/player to instantly gain the ability to use the moves of an old man that died. His name is Rob. Because... he robbed people of their lives or something like that. Usually people who have it at Level 1 can't use it.

Snezhnyy Prizrak (Snow Ghost in Russian) (S) - It summons the spirit of winter to come down and can come in the form of a magic swordsman, mage, snowstorm, or deep freeze. It is the only known spirit that cares about the user/player and picks with the utmost hesitancy before sticking with the user/player for the rest of their lives. It's unattainable, even by other skills. Known for loving children, but also scares them. It's also one of the rare S grade spirit skills.

Matryoshka (S) - It creates several barriers and is known as the protector of woman, although it favours picking men over women. In it's full form it's a woman with a little boy holding onto her hand. It can easily protect an entire city from S-rated monsters, but every usage makes the user feel the efforts of raising a child (not like in that way, but like how some parents have to get up at midnight to feed a baby). It's passive gives a heightened sense of danger to human issues.

Wildcard (S) - Has a 10% chance to remove a stat off an enemy. That's it. Very very dangerous, the last user was impaled. I have nothing to say about this one, but every time it's used a small grinning card with legs, arms, and creepy little eyes appears to flick the affected party. It can be used on entire populations at its max sequence and is one of the miscellaneous skills that cannot be organized.

Lie Detector (B) - The ability to figure out if someone is lying. It's a lie when the player/user is red, truth when they turn green (like, the area around them not them.). It's rarely needed with the recent finding of another skill, but having it can steal a nice clean profit.

Skyward (A) - It's Mei-wan's. Permits the player/user to, no matter how high they are, fall safely to the ground. If in party the entire party will also have the skill. Originated from the birds that were shot down by thousands of hunters.

Incoming Storm (A) - Can summon a storm to wipe out an area. It's very temporary and can even be avoided as long a shield like the Matryoshka is used. Also some equipment may remove the other effect of 'Wind' (Which cuts the user). Can amplify damage already done. It's a skills that sweeps up everything and destroys everything else. Size and speed depends on sequence.

Adjure (A) - Can shut everyone in a room up and is able to create a 'meeting' where people are forced to discuss their true ideas. It's like interrogation and people who are under the effect of 'force truth' don't know it. It can also end meetings as quick as they are started. It's a skill that was made by a judge who got sick of finding out that someone committed perjury.

Vychislit (Calculate in Russian) (B) - Can do very large mental calculations like idk, 3737x + 28847843y - 173838 = 385484 and 94859874x + 497844943y + 48484 = 4748874874874874 (I just did a linear system's test one of the answers were (-45, 10) O.o. Also my math teacher once gave us this HUGE expression which boiled down to abc. ABC. LIKE WHY. That guy is awesome though.)

Owari (End in Japanese) (S) - Can tell when someone (users only, no players) is going to die. It can also delay the time of death by one year. It can also add to AG in times of emergency as a the will of thousand soldiers (Which is also a lower form of Owari, [Gift of a Thousand Soldiers]). It was created by the many soldiers who died in battle with monsters and when used the person using will feel a sudden bout of nostalgia and remember anyone they lost. Only can be gained by people who have faced true loss. It can also do this really cool thing where they can stop death, so even if someone is at zero health points they won't die.

Percontor (I spelled it wrong, it's percunctor, Interrogate in Latin) (A) - Analyzes the situation and determines the best result. It is the only skill that can extract information from another party and can easily extrapolate information from personal experiences. Unlike Eye of the Devil and Comprehension, this skill uses already known information while the two mentioned above are used to find information. Thought that was a bit unclear.

Oculto (Hidden in Spanish) (A) - Can hide certain stats that are unwanted. Can be deflected by skills like Eye of the Devil and Comprehension (comprehension can only hide some). It's a nasty skill that sometimes on the list of illegal skills. Will add mana once it's sequenced up to a certain point. From time to time it can even fade away memory of its existence from people. It used to be apart of the skillset that Shiki used, but then Shiki lost it in a bet against Rhys at an auction. (none of you guys know Shiki)

Nascosto (Hidden in Italian) (B) - Can hide someone's presence. It's a weaker version of the original 'S' grade 'Hidden Eternity'. Is usually found amongst thieves and assassins, but sometime is found in people who are conducting illegal activities.

Puzzle Work (S) - Can create puzzles to lock people in. It was created by a hermit who made clocks for a living. Before he died he created the Labyrinth, which was basically the most convoluted way of saying "fuck living people". Every year, dozens of people would go into the Labyrinth, trying to solve it until one day someone did. That someone contributed to the second half of Puzzle Work, Lined Paper (Because we use... lined paper to solve math problems). Lined Paper is owned by Arthur, Rhy's boss.

Pity Party Gang Call (N/A) - Can add a certain amount of points to different stats. Made by Shiki and Sora, the Epitome of Assassins.

PEOPLE THAT YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE VOLUME 2 (Just saying, I mean, I guess it's readable but eh.)

Otto Kettering/Bettering - The MC

Ater - The MC's annoying familiar

Adrian Radu - A guy who killed someone in a drunken rage

Elizabeth Mills - A girl who stole

William Lindberg - A boy who lied

Klaus Weib - The only idiot to choose Spearman

Mei-wan Li - Hai-rong's sister

Hai-rong Li - Mei-wan's sister

Hiro Takahashi - A Japanese officer worker

Ade Schwartz - A kid caught up in the mess

Rhys Bryne - A banker

Min-jun Jeon - A person with the ability to force open inventories

Lola Rodriguez (I spent so much time trying to get her a last name) - Someone who was a prostitute in Canada