
Galaxy's POV

I was beamed down into Manhattan, New York. I gained a human disguise, the only non-normal was I still had a metal arm and my eyes are yellow. I was wearing a purple mid-thigh length dress, purple ankle boots, and a black leather jacket. My curly short brown hair had turned into long, beautiful brown curls. My skin was no longer purple, but a tan color. I have been walking around the streets until I found a shop that sold sunglasses.

When I bought a pair of sunglasses, I walked back out and kept up on my search.

3 hours later

I have been walking around for a while now and I still have not found, The Avengers or even Loki. I wasn't looking where I was going when I bumped into someone (literally). I fell to the ground and my sunglasses fell off of my face.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you." I heard a female voice say, as I was putting the glasses on my face. I looked up and came face to face with Scarlet Witch.

"Oh, it is completely fine. Can you do me a favor?" I ask her and you could clearly hear a thick accent that was almost Russian.

"Yea. Sure, anything."

"Can you tell me where the Avengers live? I asked and Scarlet Witch gave me a confused look. "My parents died and they always told me as a little girl, if something ever happens to them, to look for The Avengers." She seemed to believe me. "My parents used to work for SHIELD and I was alone most of the time, I'm only 18 years old, I was still in High School when I received the news."

"Ok, come with me."

Later at SHIELD/Avengers HQ

Scarlet Witch told me her name, Wanda Maximoff. I told her my name was Aniya and I didn't give her my last name. We walked in and everyone was in the living area all huddled together.

"Hey guys, I brought a friend of mine over, she's from Sokovia, Ukraine, Anya these are The Avengers." Wanda informed us.

"Wanda, why is a citizen in our head-quarters?" Tony asks suspicion rising.

"She lost her family, and her family worked for SHIELD. They told her to come here."

"Well, can she say anything in Ukrainian?" A woman's voice who I could only guess was the Black Widow.

"Я можу сказати багато речей по-українськи: я з Соковича". I said perfectly.

"Loki, what did she say?" Tony asks him.

"She said, 'I can say many things in Ukrainian. I am from Sokovia after all'" Loki replied to Tony's question.

"Well, why do you still have sunglasses on?" A tall blonde guy says and I instantly know it's Captain America.

"I can't."

"Why not?" He asks curiously.

"You won't accept me for who I am."

"Let us be the judge of that."

I take the glasses off and everyone gasps at my yellow eyes. I then feel anger at their looks and my eyes turn red.

"Whoa, how do your eyes change color?" An African accent asks me.

"Who are you?" I ask confused.

"T'Challa, I'm also known as Black Panther." He says and holds his hand out for me to shake it.

"They change, depending upon my mood." I say feeling a bit uncomfortable. "I'm a bit tired. Can I stay here until I get back on my feet?"

"Sure. Loki will take you to one of the many spare rooms we have here." Tony said and Loki walked over to us, taking me to one of the rooms.

Loki and I were walking side by side and I could easily kill him, but I couldn't blow my cover straight away.

We stood outside of the room and then he just left. The room was purple, had a little bathroom to the side, a bed with a purple comforter, and door that went out to the balcony.

4 days later

I have been spending a lot of time with Loki and I'm pretty sure he suspects something, so I decided to act today. Loki and I were sitting out on my balcony, when I decided to bring my dagger out. I went to stab him, when he grabbed my wrist, took the dagger from my hand, and twisted my wrist behind my arm.

"Who are you really?" He asks me with a harsh tone of voice.

"I'm surprised you'd forget about me." I said, as my disguise had disappeared, revealing my purple skin, cybernetic eyes, the long curly hair was now short, I wore a black tank top, black leather leggings, black leather stiletto boots, and a black leather trench coat.

"Galaxy....Why are you doing this?" He asks, disbelief clear in his voice.

"You're a traitor, you left my father and I. You promised to never leave me!" I yelled out, my eyes turning red in anger.

"You don't have to do this." Loki said barely above a whisper, loosening his grip on my arm.

"No, I have to. The Other promised that if you betray us, you would experience pain and that no realm can hide or save you."

I got out of his grasp and backed him against the wall with my dagger against his neck. Loki stayed still, with his arms raised in surrender.

"I'm sorry, Galaxy."

"You should be." I said, as I was about to slit his throat, but I didn't get to. I was attacked from behind and I fell to the floor clutching my head. The pain in my head was so unbearable, my eyes closed and darkness welcomed me with open arms.

An hour later

I woke up on the hard ground inside of a glass, circular cage.