2.I Loved You

I looked around my surroundings, but they stopped once they landed on Loki.

My eyes turned red, and I'm pretty sure he noticed because he started smirking with amusement.

"Who attacked me?"

"My brother, Thor." He said chuckling.

"What is so funny? My father will kill you for imprisoning me."

"Not like Thanos or you were gonna kill me already."

"Well, at least tell me what's funny."

"My brother's reaction, when he attacked you, it was priceless. I am sorry for that, but you did attack me first."

"Коли я вийду звідти, то краще сподіваюсь, що я не розділюю ваш череп". I yelled out in rage.

(Translation: "When I get out of here, you better hope that I don't split your skull.")

"Що з тобою сталося? Ми були закохані шість років тому. Ти все ще любиш мене?" Loki asks looking heartbroken.

(Translation: "What happened to you? We were in love six years ago. Do you still love me?")

"Ти мене ніколи не любив, я був дурнем, щоб думати інакше ... Я любив тебе ... більше, ніж можна було описати слова, але ви зрадили мого батька". Якби ви любили мене, ви б не побили нас. Якщо ви не зробили " Ти не здогадайся, ми могли б бути разом назавжди, ми могли б керувати галактикою. Ти відкинув мою любов, коли ви зрадили нас ".

(Translation: "You never loved me, I was a fool to think otherwise. I loved you...more than words could describe, but you betrayed my father I. If you loved me, you wouldn't have failed us. If you didn't fail us, we could have been together forever, we could be ruling the galaxy. You threw my love away when you betrayed us.")

"Галактика, я повинен був робити те, що було правильним. Твій батько захопив мене, я ніколи не хотів отримати Тесеркату для твого батька, ти чи самого себе. Я знаю, що навіть коли я був одержимий, я все ще любив тебе. люблю тебе, Галактика ".

(Translation: "Galaxy, I had to do what was right. Your father possessed me, I never wanted to get the Tesseract for your father, you, or myself. I do know that, even when I was possessed, I still loved you. I still love you, Galaxy.")

"Ну, це дуже погано".

(Translation: "Well, that's too bad.")

"Галактика, мені потрібно, щоб ви сказали мені все, що ти знаєш про свого батька, і яка ваша місія бул��, то, можливо, ми можемо вам допомогти ".

(Translation: "Galaxy, I need you to tell me all you know about your father and what your mission was, then maybe we can help you.")

"Мені дуже шкода, але, на відміну від вас, я не скупою, мій батько мене вб'є, якщо я роблю".

(Translation: "I'm sorry, but unlike you, I'm not a snitch. My father will kill me if I do.")

"Будь ласка, Галактика, якщо ви співпрацюєте, хтось інший допитує вас, і я не можу обіцяти, що вони не будуть використовувати жорсткі методи."

(Translation: "Please Galaxy, if you don't cooperate, someone else interrogates you and I can't promise that they won't use harsh methods.")

"Не наважися мене загрожувати".

(Translation: "Don't you dare threaten me.")

Loki leaves as another person enters. I notice this person as the Black Widow. She walks into my cell and closes the door behind her.

"Are you gonna tell me what I want to know?"

I say nothing and I can see it angers her. She kicks me in the stomach and I fall forward clutching my stomach from the pain.

My eyes flash purple and back to red. The Black Widow waits a few minutes before pulling on my arm, and she twists it. I scream out in agony, but nobody seems to care.

Loki's POV

I stand, watching with the others, as Natasha interrogates Galaxy. I hated watching her scream in pain. I watched as Natasha twists Galaxy's arm and pulls it behind her back, I looked into Galaxy's eyes, and they turned purple with a hint of red. Natasha asked Galaxy over and over, she still wouldn't say anything.

The pain had quickly grown, The Black Widow pulled harder on my arm, when I heard a popping noise from my arm, she stopped pulling. The pain in my arm was not agonizing anymore, it was excruciating. She turned and left the cell, I looked at my right arm to find it dislocated.

"Батько ... будь ласка, рятуй мене. Мені все одно, що я не вдалося, будь ласка .. але виберемо мене з цього місця!" I cried out, not strong enough for the pain I was feeling. My arm was in so much pain, I cried myself to sleep, hoping by the time I wake up, I would be by my father's side.

(Translation: "Father...please save me. I don't care that I failed, please..just save me from this place!")

Loki's POV

When Natasha came back into the room with the rest of us, I felt like I was about to lose it.

"What were you thinking?!" I yelled at Nat.

"I wasn't thinking, I was doing my job. I was getting the answers that you couldn't." I remained quiet throughout the whole time, knowing that she was right. It broke my heart to hear her cry out for her father to save her.

"Is anyone gonna do anything about her arm?" I ask, very annoyed that they were ok with watching her writhing in pain.

"You are. when she's asleep and won't be able to attack you." Tony said, amusement in his voice.

I kept watching as she cried and cried until she fell asleep. I walked out and using my abilities, I put her arm back in its socket. I then, hovered my hand over her shoulder to ease the pain.