9.Under Cover

I woke up the next morning in a small room, I was confused about where I was when I Just then remembered that we were on The Bus. I got up and got dressed in a black top, black jeans, black leather jacket, and black combat boots.

I walked out to find most of everyone in a Shield outfit. We sit together and discuss the mission since we're almost there.

"The first thing I need to know.....who all can speak Japanese?" Agent Coulson asks and Loki, Thor, Natasha, Erika, Wanda, Skye, Triplett, Clinton, Stephen, and I raise our hands. "Ok, since the number of boys and girls are even...I'm gonna pair you guys up as couples for this mission." Coulson says and my heart starts racing. "Thor and Erika, Skye and Triplett, Natasha and Clinton, Loki and Galaxy, and last but not least, Stephen and Wanda." My heart races faster and faster with each minute. "The lab is holding a Gala for their Grand Opening, the Ladies will go shopping together and the same thing for the men. Gamora, Nebula, Rocket, Groot, and Drax stay hidden in the shadows on the balcony, if things go South...we're gonna need you guys. Fitz-Simmons and Banner, you three will be on babysitting duty with me to watch Starla. Peter Parker, Peter Quil, Tony, Steve, and T'Challa I will need you guys waiting outside the building in case things go south and we need you guys to help people get to safety or help out the team. May, Scott, Sam, and Scarlet will be undercover as Waiters and waitresses bringing around glasses of Champagne. Vision and Mantis will just be backup in case we need it." Agent Coulson says and then he dismissed us and told everyone to get dressed in something else besides a Shield uniform. We landed in Tokyo and it was a bit chilly so I put my grey coat on. Natasha, Wanda, Skye, Erika, and I went to go shopping for our dresses.

We found a big dress shop that had so much ball gowns. We all took turns trying on dresses and looking through racks of gowns to find the right one for each other.

When we got back to the plane, it was almost lunch. Loki saw me and disappeared, I didn't realize that he reappeared behind me until he whispered in my ear, "I have a couple of surprises for you, love." My heart started beating rapidly against my chest once again. I saw a green mist and then we were in Loki's room. "I made these for you." He says and hands me pictures of myself, but they were in various forms of art. I didn't know that he was this artistic. He even drew a picture of me as the evil Lee Thompkins.

"These are beautiful. I owe you a gift, now."

"I have one more gift for you, but you don't get it until before the mission." Loki says and I just roll my eyes.

Time for the mission

The girls decided to take turns getting dressed and Natasha was good at doing hair, so she was gonna do everyone's hair and I was good with makeup, so I did everyone's makeup. When everybody was done getting ready, we headed out into the mission/meeting room.

Wanda wore a red sparkly mermaid dress with red stiletto ankle boots, and Nat put her up in a ponytail. Skye wore a cream colored form fitting dress with black stiletto heels, and Nat put her hair up into a bun. Erika wore a blue dress and blue high heels, and Nat curled her hair. I put on a gorgeous spaghetti strap emerald green dress with gold sequins and matching high heels, and Nat put my hair into a low curly bun. Nat wore a two piece mermaid dress, dark red high heels, and curled her hair.

Loki walked up to me and pulled out a small black box, he handed it to me and I opened it. There was a beautiful glowing Jade Green pendant with a shadow or a black cat on it. Scarlet, Natasha, Wanda, and Skye's jaws dropped when they saw the beautiful necklace. "I had waited until now, to make sure it would match your gown. I'm so happy it does because now you can wear it to the Gala." Loki whispers in my ear.

"Thank you, Loki." I said in a whisper and we walked out of the plane and into a limo. It's time to go to the Gala.

We walk into a beautiful building, Loki takes my hand and leads me to a large ballroom. We start dancing, but we stop once Loki looks into my eyes.

"I don't know if I can deny my feelings anymore, Galaxy....I love you." Loki says to me.

"I don't.....Loki can we talk about this when we're not in the middle of trying to expose Hydra?"

"Don't lie to me Galaxy. You tell me that you don't love me, but your eyes tell me a different story."

"What do you mean?"

"Your eyes are pink, love. I know you love me."

"Ok, fine. I still love you Loki. The pictures and the necklace were beautiful, but I don't believe we could still be together."

"Can we at least try?"

"I guess so," I said as a woman walks up to the podium on the stage. "We need to search for this place, now." I said and once we left the room, Loki made an illusion of invisibility over us. We walk down many corridors until we find a steel door locked. Loki teleports us into the room and we're shocked to find a girl, laying in a hospital bed with wires connecting to her. She had the same device that Coulson described as a high-tech Centipede device.

"Coulson, I found a girl. It's really bad." I say into my commlink.

"Is she asleep?" Coulson asks.

"Yeah, why?"

"I gave you all a needle that should keep her asleep for 12 hours, I need you to inject her, she can't wake up or we won't be able to save her."

I inject her with it and Loki teleports us to the plane. "What do we do now?" I ask Coulson.

"Bring her to the lab. Simmons will perform Optical Surgery to get the prosthetic eye out."

Loki and I put her down on a table in the lab. Simmons starts right away, she's got the eye almost out of the socket, but it's hooked to two different wires. I stand by Simmons watching and cringing when she tries to decide which wire to cut.

"Just cut a wire already." I accidentally yelled from stress. Simmons cuts a wire, but we have a minute until the eyeball detonates. I throw it off the ramp expecting a big explosion, but it was really tiny.

"Galaxy and Loki, get back in the building. It's almost time to take action." Agent Coulson says as Fitz gives the girl an eyepatch.

"Shall we?" Loki asks me with a mischievous smirk.

"We shall." I say and we walk back in holding hands. When we get in, Loki stops and looks at me. "May I have this dance?" Loki asks me and I nod my head. He takes my hand and walks me to the middle of the crowd. How to describe the dance? I would say it was like from the live action Cinderella movie. I felt like a Princess from what the mortals call Disney. When the song ended, a girl in a lab coat comes out.

"Get ready to engage." Agent Coulson says in the comlink. Loki and I slowly walk over to the doorway that shows up to the laboratory area. We walk around and what I saw just made me freeze in place, we weren't in the laboratory....we were in another long hallway with a person in each cell. If I had to describe what they look like, I would use the words insane, scared, and creepy. Loki stopped to see why I was so scared, he knew exactly what I was feeling by just one look at each one of them.

"Agent Coulson, we may have a situation." Loki says into his comm.

"What is it?" Coulson asks.

"There are multiple people down here, they seem to be test subjects. The cells have names above them, one of them is empty. It seems....that the girl that we saved had a cell reserved for her. The nameplate says, Abby Martin and nothing else. What do we do sir?"

"Come up here and help your teammates out."

"But sir, we can't just leave these people here." I say into my comm.

"If we set them free, they'll try to kill you. Hydra has already gotten into their heads, Cybertek will tell them to kill you because if they don't.... they'll kill them." Coulson says and I change my mind about wanting to let them out.

"We're on our way up, sir."

When we get upstairs we see many of our people scattered out on the floor injured. "Coulson, we may need more help. We have many people injured sir."

"Who all is down?"

"Agent Fury, Skye, Scarlet Witch, Starlord, and Drax."

"I'll have Vision bring you your dual pistols, you may need them. I'll send backup and have Loki teleport the injured."

"Will do, Loki you need to teleport the injured onto the bus."

"Who will protect you." Then Vision flies in and hands me my dual pistols.

"I can handle myself. NOW GO!"

I start shooting at anyone with a lab coat on. I watch as more people come rushing into the building.

"Galaxy, I sent Ironman, Black Panther, Captain America, and Spider-Man in as backup. I need you to confirm that they got into the building safely."

"I see them." I say as I saw them running into the room. I started shooting people again and then I noticed Loki teleport our team to The Bus. He turns to me and then he teleports us also. We're standing on the open ramp and watch as the building blows high in the sky.