
I woke up the next morning, still in the dress from last night and I notice there are little dots of blood on it. I dug around in my backpack for a change of clothes. I put on a dark maroonish dress, grey stockings with black polka dots, a leather jacket, and leather combat boots. I had just finished getting dressed, and brushing out my hair when I notice, Skye is standing outside my door. "What can I do for you?" I ask her as I put my beanie on.

"Coulson asked me to tell you that Abby woke up and she will need a pair of new clothes. Oh, and I need to give you these." Sky hands me a pair of headphones. "Put these on before walking into the lab."

I walk out of my room and down the spiraling staircase. I put on the headphones with clothes in my hand. I walk over to her and I can't hear anything, but it seems that she is trying to scream. I set the clothes on the other side of her. Simmons walked over and put a muzzle on Abby, she takes my headphones and throws them over to Fitz.

"We saved you, Abby, you need to calm down and we can take the muzzle off. We just don't want you screaming." Simmons says trying to soothe the girl. "Will you stay calm if we take the muzzle off?" Abby nods her head and I take it off.

"Where's my eye?" She asks looking scared.

"We had to take it out, there were people who wanted to use you. Now go and get dressed into some fresh clean clothes." Simmons responds I then notice Abby's eyepatch, she takes the clothes and heads towards the bathroom. When Abby came out, she was wearing a Black sleeveless lacey crop top, red plaid skirt, a black leather jacket, and black leather ankle boots.

"Where are you from?"

"I'm from Blackpool London, England." Abby responds still trembling (most likely from shock).

"Why were you in a cell at a Hydra Base in Tokyo?"

"I don't know. I remember walking around the park, then everything became dark. I woke up and felt like something was wrong with my right eye...I looked into a cracked mirror and I saw my reflection, but then I saw tiny white letters that said, 'Good afternoon Ms. Martin. Your procedure will begin shortly.' I didn't know what they meant until, I saw men with lab coats, rush into my room." Abby started to cry little by little as she remembered what they did to her. "They dragged me down a long dark hallway...I screamed during the procedure as they cut my throat and did something. I stopped screaming for a while but once they were done...I screamed as loud as I could, and a couple of the doctors, nurses, and scientists....they dropped to the floor. I went to look and see why they did...I saw blood everywhere, it was coming out of their eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. I got off the hospital bed and to the corner of the room as other scientists ran in. I then realized that.....I killed them." She started crying more and more. I wanted to go over to her and give her a hug, but something had held me back.

"I had just spoken to Director Fury, he is impressed with your abilities and thinks you would be useful for the Avengers Initiative." Agent Coulson says as he walks into the room.

"Do I have a choice?"

"Yes, but depending on your choice....you can be free or get cozy in a cell made just for you."

"I'll join."

"It's not bad...I think you'll like it." I try to soothe and reassure Abby. I left the lab and headed upstairs. I found Loki sitting on a couch, I walked over and snuggled up close to Loki. Agent Coulson had walked over and sat across from Loki and me.

"Are you guys together?" Coulson asks us. I look into Loki's eyes and saw a mixture of love, happiness, and pleading.

"Yes." Coulson looks happy for us, he's about to leave, but I go to ask him a question. "Do you have a family?"

"I did have a wife, but she died after childbirth. My daughter, Lillian, died during The Battle Of New York."

"I'm sorry. We could bring her back, right?"

"We could, but during and after Shield brought me back to life.... it is not something I want her to go through." He left in a hurry after that.

"Can I tell you something?" Loki asks me.

"What is it?"

"It's kind of my fault that Lillian is dead."

"What do you mean?"

"When I first laid eyes on her, I fell in love with her. I started The Battle Of New York and therefore...I...I killed her."

"You weren't in control Loki, you can't blame yourself."

Abby walks towards us. "What's your name?"

"I'm Galaxy, do you need something, Abby?"

"Do you know where we're going?"

"Stark Tower, we'll have a room set up for you once we get there."

"Do you mind if I sit with you?"

"Go ahead and sit down." Abby sits beside me as Tony walks up to our table.

"Can I sit here?"

"Sure." He sits down on the other side of Abby with a drink in his hand. "What is that?" I point toward wine glass in his hand.


"Of course, your drinking alcohol. Abby, have you picked a superhero name?"


"Can I give a suggestion?" She nods her head and I drumroll on the table. "How about...Siren?"

"I like it."

We had landed we all were heading towards the entrance to Stark Tower. I halfway across the catwalk, when I got tackled by multiple people. I got up off the ground and saw Simmons, Skye, and Fitz. "I'm gonna miss you guys." We give each other a hug, as they run back to the bus and Agent May makes her way over to me. "It was fun working with you and your team." Agent May, says as we shake hands. I walk back the way towards the entrance of Stark Tower. I walk in and I see everyone huddled around something or someone.