1.12: Under the cherry blossom rain

The next day, after rejoining with his army that finally caught up to their small group, Qin Feng and his long trail of soldiers that seemed to never end in sight marched through the city gates majestically.

The red lion flags of the army fluttering in the wind, the clinks of the armors and the loud stomps sounding from the soldiers' march that pounded upon the onlookers' ears and reached straight to the heart made them stare in awe and worship at this magnificent sight.

Cheers and shouts of praises and admiration filled the whole streets full of spectators, as the inns and restaurants were fully crowded with people just to get a glimpse of this majestic parade of the heroic soldiers who fought for their country and its people, and returned home in triumph.

Although this wasn't the first time for them to see general Zhong Yong and his army return victorious, for the common folks, they were like gods who protected the land and brought glory to the Eastern Long dynasty so they were never tired of this scene. This grand welcome was a show of respect to the general and his soldiers for their hard work and sacrifice.

If the emperor wasn't in poor health, he would have personally come out to welcome them back. But because he couldn't, he sent his most trusted aide, Xu gonggong and the third prince to receive them with utmost respect. Everyone could see how much the emperor favoured this young general.

Qin Feng looked at the welcoming entourage at the front and with a raise of his hand, signaled the soldiers to stop only a few metres away. The sight of the soldiers stopping on their tracks in sync was something to marvel in.

In front of them was the third prince on his horseback, sitting upright and Xu gonggong with a white horsetail held on his arms standing at the side with an amiable smile on his old face. At their back were two lines of eunuchs and palace maids standing with their heads down respectfully.

Cupping his hands, Qin Feng greeted in a lukewarm tone. "This general greets his highness, Duan wang." Following his voice, the soldiers at his back also knelt down on one knee while those in horsebacks simply cupped their hands and paid their respect loudly, their voices booming in the onlookers' eardrums.

"Long live his highness, Duan Wang!"

"You may forego the formality. General Zhong Yong doesn't have to be so polite. You have just returned from a victorious expedition and are the heroes of the Eastern Long dynasty so you don't have to be so courteous to this prince." said Long Ji Ling. His lips holding a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"It's this general's duty to protect the country from external enemies so I don't deserve such a glorious title. As a loyal subject, I should show proper courtesy to the imperial family." Qin Feng dropped his hands and spoke in a calm manner.

"You are both heroic and humble, a good trait for a loyal subject, indeed. I, as a member of the imperial family, thank you all for your hard work and welcome you back from your tiring journey." saying that, Long Ji Ling cupped his hands and bowed slightly.

Qin Feng just calmly nodded at him and didn't say anything else which annoyed him a bit but he didn't let it show on his face. He turned to Xu gonggong and exchanged a glance.

Xu gonggong understood his signal and stepped forward with a bow. "This humble servent greets his excellency, the general. His majesty, the emperor sent us to deliver his verbal decree to summon his excellency to the imperial palace immediately. The rest of the army may go to the military barracks to check in and rest for the day. The appropriate awards will be given according to the merits the next day by the ministry of war and the deceased soldiers' family will be compensated. A banquet will be held separately for the soldiers in celebration of the victory."

Qin Feng said, "This general has received his majesty's decree."

Xu gonggong smiled and waved his hand. The servants at the back quickly stepped aside and opened up a way for them to go through.

With a respectful gesture, he said, "Then please let this humble servant lead his excellency to see his majesty, the emperor."

Qin Feng nodded and cupped his hand at Long Ji Ling for the last time then passed by him to head to the palace with Xu gonggong and his entourage at tow.

Long Ji Ling stared at the receding back with a deep gaze and turned his sight away after it was no longer visible.

"Continue the parade!"



In the Xiang wang fu.

"Qi Ge, I heard that General Zhong Yong is back and that the parade of thousands of soldiers was a very amazing sight to see. A pity that I wasn't informed beforehand and couldn't see it with my own eyes." Long Ji Rui popped a melon seed in his mouth as he spoke in a regretful voice.

Bai Yu glanced at the carefree youth before him and teased. "Why? If you wanted to see him so much then why don't you just join the army? Maybe next time, you could also be one of the heroes receiving the worship of the common folks?"

He quickly shook his head and waved his hands. "No no no. I don't want to go to that hellish place. I heard that the general is very strict towards his subordinates and the training received by the soldiers makes them experience hell on earth. I'm just a carefree prince and only want to live leisurely without any troubles. That place really isn't something for me. And as a member of the imperial family, I have already received enough worship from the common folks. I was only repeating what everyone in the capital was talking about."

Bai Yu chuckled softly at his flustered look and nodded. "Mhm. I also think that you are too unsuitable in the army with that weak body of yours."

Long Ji Rui snorted at his words. "Hmph. Qi Ge is the last person I want to hear that from."

Bai Yu smiled and stared at the fishes playing in the pond. The gentle wind blew his long hair softly as the trees swayed along with the peaceful rhythm of nature. The weather was getting warmer in the capital and it was already the season of social gatherings and festivities, a busy time period yet it was still as peaceful as usual in his wang fu.

Unfortunately, this peace was short lived as news was passed from the palace.

"Wang ye, we received an invitation from the palace for tonight's celebration banquet held for general Zhong Yong." Xiao Mo came back with a golden invitation card held in his hand.

Long Ji Rui reacted before him and asked, "Celebration banquet? Sigh, I really don't like going to such events. I can't stand those hypocrites called nobles at all."

"Well, you are also a noble and a royalty, at that." said Bai Yu which got him an eye roll from him.

"Qi Ge, are you going to attend the banquet? I don't really want to go but if you are going then I will go along with you."

Bai Yu slightly smiled and fiddled with his teacup as he replied. "Of course I am going. I also want to see how amazing the youngest general and the hero of our country really is."

"Oh? Qi Ge, you are also interested in the general? But you were teasing me about it just now! So unfair!" Long Ji Rui pouted in grievance.

Bai Yu simply retorted with a sentence. "Who told you to whine and complain about not being able to see the parade this whole time and come to annoy me?"

Speechless, Long Ji Rui decided to not argue with his seventh brother and instead diverted his focus to eating. He thought to himself. 'Qi Ge's words have become sharper than before. I can't even win once in a word fight. So sad. QAQ'

"Then, this humble servant shall prepare for tonight's banquet. Does wang ye have in mind about what you would like to wear tonight?" Xiao Mo promptly asked after seeing them finish their chit chat.

Bai Yu thought for a bit and said, "Hmm...You don't have to put too much thought into it and just prepare something suitable for the event."

"But wang ye, it is a banquet held by his majesty, the emperor himself."

"Don't worry. It will be fine. It's not like anyone cares about what I wear or not anyway. Just go on and do whatever you want with it." Bai Yu shook his head as he sipped his tea.

"T-this servant understood. Then I will go and prepare for it." said Xiao Mo.

'Since wang ye has told me to do what I want then I will definitely do my best to not let others look down on him tonight! Wang ye is also the son of heaven, whoever dares to disrespect him, I will let them know how great our wang ye is!' With that determination, Xiao Mo seemed to be burning on fire with endless energy in his body.

'Ouch, why is it so hot suddenly?' Long Ji Rui fanned himself with his hand in wonder.

"Mm. You may go." Bai Yu gave a quick glance at him(LJR) as if he was an idiot and dismissed Xiao Mo.

Feeling embarrassed by his gaze, Long Ji Rui fisted his hand that he was fanning just now and pretended to cough.

"Cough, the weather is still quite chilly. Qi Ge, do you want to go inside? You might catch a cold." He proposed with a bright smile.

Bai Yu decided to ignore his little gestures and nodded. "Fine. We have stayed outside for quite a while. Let's go to the study and I will see how much your calligraphy has improved."

Long Ji Rui felt his mouth twitch at his words as cold sweat dripped from his back. He really regretted suggesting that now! With an awkward laugh, he tried to persuade him. "Ha...haha, Qi Ge. I-I think it is alright to stay here and enjoy the snacks while gazing at the scenery. I-I just noticed how beautiful the pond looks."

But it didn't work on Bai Yu at all. With a smile that wasn't really a smile, he said, "We can always sit here and enjoy the scenery next time. It's been quite long since I last supervised you in your study. We can take this time and reminisce about it again."

Saying that, Bai Yu got off his seat and smiled brightly at him. Although it was an extremely beautiful sight, Long Ji Rui was too terrified to marvel at his beauty. He cried out one last time."Q-Qi Ge! W-why don't we reminisce about it next time? Y-you must be busy preparing for the banquet tonight. I won't bother you anymore h-hehe..."

He quickly turned around to run away but his shoulder was gripped by a slender hand with surprisingly great strength that seemed impossible for such delicate hand to have in store. Getting pulled back again, he tried to struggle in vain and was dragged to the study.

Bai Yu: "Don't try to run away. It's not like I will eat you or anything. ^^"

Long Ji Rui: "Wuwuwu~! I don't believe you! Qi Ge's smile is scary! TAT)"

"Someone save meeeee~~~~~!"