1.14: Under the cherry blossom rain

The banquet hall was packed full with noble guests and the palace servants were busily serving the guests with food and drinks.

The hall was orderly separated into tables according to rank lining up in both sides of the red carpet that led to the uplifted platform where only the imperial family sat. The musicians were playing a merry tune that made the banquet seem more cheerful.

There was an honored seat right below the emperor's seat where the star of the banquet, Qin Feng was sitting. His spot was especially lively as the noblemen toasted him a drink and congratulated him for his victory. He simply thanked them and drank his wine leisurely with no expression on his face.

Actually he was feeling bored seeing the other nobles trying to curry his favour with those ingratiating smiles on their face. It was something he was already used to but was still disgusted of. If it weren't for the emperor's face and his family's name, he would have already kicked them aside and bolted out of this noisy place.

Right when another noble toasted to him, the sharp and loud announcement of the eunuch rang in his ears.

"His highness, Xiang wang has arrived~!"

Hearing the name of the newly arrived guest, his always calm eyes rippled in surprise.

Raising his head, he saw the black robed man who constantly came in his mind since that day walking in with steady and dignified pace. His whole body exuded the air of elegance as if he was stepping on clouds like an immortal being on a short trip to the mortal realm. His dazzling figure brightened the whole place and captured everyone's attention without even lifting a finger.

His current form was completely different from that time he saw him standing under the cherry blossom tree with a melancholy look on his face, bright and gentle like a lotus flower.

The noise quietened down at his arrival as the guests had different expressions of shock, admiration, curiosity and bewilderment. After coming out of their daze, they were finally hit with a realization.

'That man is actually his highness Xiang wang?!' was what everyone in the hall thought as sounds of gasps rang in the hall.

Although Bai Yu had attended the outing a few days ago, it was still just a small gathering of youths to have fun together. Even if he showed up there, the youths wouldn't think much of it. And there was also the scandal of Ning wang which made his appearance completely slip through others' minds.

But the banquet tonight was different. It was where the highest ranking nobles and the emperor were present. For someone as reclusive and mysterious as Long Ji Wei to suddenly appear in the celebration banquet, these cunning people would definitely find it suspicious and overthink his motives.

And that's just what he wanted; for them to overthink themselves until their heads hurt.

Thinking about it, it sounded quite fun. It would be very interesting to see them troubled over something so trivial, haha.

As he entered the hall, he observed the surrounding and found quite a few important figures present. The third prince and fifth prince had also arrived before him though he couldn't find Ji Rui anywhere. He did say that he would come tonight so where was he?

He secretly sighed. 'Guess I should look for him too.'

Just as he reached halfway to the seat arranged for him, the sharp voice of the eunuch sounded again.

At the announcement, the hall became quiet again and everyone quickly dropped to their knees and respectfully lowered their heads towards the entrance.

Bai Yu was startled but he quickly reacted and bowed his head and bent his back a bit with his hands raised above his chin.

To get this sort of grand welcome, the person at the receiving end was none other than the emperor, the ruler of this Long dynasty and his so-called father.

The emperor stopped only after reaching the main seat and turned around. He said, "Today is a happy occasion, forego the formalities and enjoy yourselves with food and wine!"

Everyone thanked him for his grace and got up, laughing along with him as they nodded their heads showing their agreement.

Bai Yu calmly straightened up and finally saw the man who was supposed to be the father of this body, the person who ruthlessly abandoned the original Long Ji Wei just after his birth and neglected his sufferings till now.

In Long Ji Wei's memories, the emperor always had a cold face whenever they met and ignored him as if he was just some insignificant pebble at the roadside. There was no warmth between father and son. One yearned for his care and familial love but was disappointed to the point of indifference while the other treated him like something that would dirty his eyes just by giving him a glance.

But looking at him now, he was no longer as youthful and majestic as the one from his memories. Now, he was just an old man nearing his death.

He watched as the emperor gave a warm speech and praised the general for his victory and so on then he finally noticed the star of tonight's banquet. He turned his head then involuntarily furrowed his brows at this one look.

The man sitting at the honored seat right below the emperor had a very handsome face, broad shoulders and a tall figure that didn't look very muscular under his robe. His long black hair was tied into a ponytail and his eyes were sharp like a hawk which seemed to strike fear in people yet enchant them with their charm. His every gestures and mannerisms were graceful unlike a man who had spent half his life in the battlefield. He was truly worthy of his title and fame.

But...wasn't he that man he saw in the cherry blossom forest in Fushen temple? He was actually the famous young general Zhong Yong, Qin Feng?

As if he had sensed his stare, Qin Feng coincidentally turned his head and met his eyes. Surprise flashed in both their eyes but quickly calmed down.

Bai Yu gave a light smile with a nod then turned his gaze away as if nothing had happened. Meanwhile, Qin Feng was a bit shaken off by his smile that came and went like a gentle breeze. Seeing him turn around without another thought, he found this cousin of his quite amusing. He gave a glance or two more at him then shifted it to the emperor who was speaking to him.

Bai Yu twirled the teacup in his hand as he thought about what he just found out. The man he saw in the temple was actually the person whom he had wanted to pull to his side. It was really a pleasant coincidence. But he didn't plan on making a move hastily. He had to first think of ways to make him willingly and completely pledge his allegiance to him.

But what could an abandoned prince who was also suffering from an illness with no power, give to a high and mighty young general with great potential for him to follow him willingly and borrow his power to take the throne?

As he was lost in his thoughts, he failed to notice someone coming to his way until he was brought back by a tap on his shoulder. Raising his head, he gave a small smile and said, "And here I thought you weren't coming. Where were you till now?"

It was none other than his ninth brother, Long Ji Rui who had just arrived in the banquet hall from outside. Because he was deep in his thoughts, he hadn't heard the announcement about his arrival.

Long Ji Rui grinned as he sat on the seat beside him. "How could I go back to my words? I was just delayed a bit by a small matter. But I really didn't think you would come. I still can't tell whether it's a dream or reality to see you finally coming out of your fu to attend banquets like this."

"Why? Are you not happy to finally have your Qi ge accompany you?"

"Of course not! I'm just really glad to see that Qi ge is finally willing to open up to others again."

Hearing his touching words and looking at his smile filled with pure happiness made Bai Yu recall the memories from his childhood where a cute little boy followed him around calling him 'Qi ge! Qi ge!' cutely. Even after getting ignored by him, the little boy still followed him around like a baby chick. At those dark days where he was at the lowest, that little boy was the only person who gave him a trace of warmth. He was the only person he acknowledged as his family.

Affected by the sudden warmth in his chest, his lips formed a warm smile that came from his heart and gave Ji Rui two gentle pats on his shoulder.

The warm atmosphere between them was suddenly interrupted by a cold voice which made the smile on his face disappear without a trace, replaced by calm indifference.

"Oh? So the seventh prince is also here tonight. Zhen¹ heard that you were recuperating in your fu till now. It's good to see that you are doing well now." The emperor said that with an emotionless face as he turned to him.

Apparently, he heard some of the guests talking about the Ninth prince suddenly appearing in the banquet. Only then did he notice the extra person sitting on the seat reserved only for the imperial family.

But when he finally saw after so many years, he was taken aback by what he saw.

'So similar...he looks so similar!'

His hand holding the wine cup suddenly trembled as he stared at the very familiar yet strange face which tugged at the hidden strings of his heart. The memories from his past resurfaced in his mind, and the deep longing and pain from losing his beloved that he tried so hard to forget came back again.

The young man before him was already grown up and his face had almost 90% resemblance to the late empress. That gentle and breathtaking beauty and the dignified aura was very much like her. It was as if he was the male version of her. He almost mistook him as her if not for those extremely calm eyes that met his.

'So this is the son she had left behind. He has really grown up well these past years...but if only...' He quickly stopped thinking along the lines and gave another deep look at the young man.

He said, "Come closer. Let Zhen see how much you have grown these past few years."

Almost everyone in the hall suddenly turned their gaze to stare at Bai Yu. Different emotions swirled through their eyes as they observed him but he wasn't affected by the unnecessary attention he received from them.

Long Ji Rui worriedly glanced at him. Giving a reassuring smile, Bai Yu got up from his seat and walked closer to the main host seat. He stopped a few distance away from the emperor which was coincidentally right beside the honored seat where Qin Feng sat. He was also looking at him with a deep gaze.

Bai Yu didn't care and gave a deferential bow as he greeted, "Er chen² greets fu huang."

The emperor nodded as a reply and just stared at him for a while without letting him rise. The hall was suddenly in pin-drop silence as no one dared to breathe too loud in fear of breaking the heavy atmosphere around them.

"You can let go of the formality. Raise your head and let me look." Bai Yu let go of his hands and raised his head as he met his stare head on.

After staring for a while, the emperor asked again. "How is your health now? Have you recovered yet? You should rest some more if you aren't feeling well."

Those caring words that came from his mouth only made Bai Yu feel disgusted of his hypocrisy but he didn't show it on his face. He replied politely, "Er Chen thanks fu huang for his care. Thanks to fu huang's good will, er chen's body is well. Fu huang don't have to worry about it."

The emperor nodded at his words and said, "Good that you are well." then said a few more sentences then let him go back to his seat.

All this time, Bai Yu only replied to his questions politely. On the surface he looked respectful anf deferential but deep inside, he was too disgusted to continue anymore. Fortunately, he was let off before he felt more uncomfortable. He went back to his seat calmly as his mind was lost deep in his own thoughts.

But unbeknownst to him, the chilling indifference in his eyes didn't go unnoticed by someone.


1) Zhen: What the emperors used to call themselves in ancient china. Also meaning 'We'.

2) Er Chen: As in 'This subject son' used by the prince in the presence of the emperor.