1.17: Under the cherry blossom rain

Little Star restlessly floated around Bai Yu with a look of puzzlement in his eyes. Looking at his host whose usually calm face now looked abnormal in his eyes, he finally couldn't help but reveal his doubts.

"Master...are you sure Long Huo is the person you have been searching for?"

Bai Yu casually made a sound of assent, his calm face still without any hint of excitement or happiness of having found what he had been looking for.

Little Star was further confused by his answer and asked doubtfully,"Then, why isn't master looking happy? Wouldn't most of the humans express their happiness and show excessive care towards the person whom they have finally found after going through so much ordeals just to find them?"

Little Star was truly unable to understand what his host was currently thinking to not act in line with the norm. Could it be that the host was dissatisfied with the 'toy' that he had longed for so long and finally obtained, only to realise that it was nothing special?

No way, right? How could his 'pure and innocent' host be such a scum of a man?

The first time he met his host, he was completely blank like a piece of paper with no memories and emotions in him. He didn't even know what the strange restlessness in his heart meant and only acted by his instincts when they formed a contract. He was so pure and innocent like a newborn child. Only after going through the previous worlds did he slowly learn about human emotions and quickly absorbed everything he could learn from those worlds to become the current calm and collected person he is now.

He also started to understand what the restlessness in his heart meant after going through three worlds then officially started the journey of searching for that 'someone'. But after experiencing setbacks in the other worlds, he started to learn emotions like 'sadness', 'disappointment' and 'longing'.

He had been watching through the whole process from up close and knew how much his host went through to find that 'someone' but now he didn't know what to say about his host's calm behaviour even after having found that said 'someone'...

Bai Yu paused at his question and set the brush in his hand aside.

Xiao Mo, who had been grinding ink at the side also paused and looked at the unfinished painting of a peach blossom branch. He asked, "Wang ye, are you not going to finish the last stroke in the painting?"

Bai Yu calmly stood up and said, "No, I feel tired. I will head back to my room for a rest."

"Ah! It is this servant's fault for not taking care of you well. Please let this servant take you to your room to rest." Xiao Mo also quickly stood up from his seat and walked to his side in worry, ready to support his 'frail' body at any moment.

Bai Yu nodded without a care and let him support his arm as he went out of the study.

Long Huo, who had been standing guard outside all this time, quickly turned around when he heard the door open. He saw Bai Yu walking out looking somewhat tired while being supported by Xiao Mo by his arm. Looking at their close proximity, his brows subconsciously furrowed and his eyes darkened.

Bai Yu pretended as if he hadn't noticed all the changes in his expression and calmly walked past him but was suddenly stopped by his call from behind.

"Wang ye, please let me send you to your room. I have something I'd like to discuss as well, so if it wouldn't inconvenience you." Long Huo walked to the front and looked at him with hopeful eyes.

It was a bit disrespectful for a guard to stop their master without his permission but Long Ji Wei was never a person who put too much restrictions to his people and was more lenient towards Long Huo, who was clearly very loyal to him. Bai Yu also didn't care about the breach in etiquette and just looked at him once then turned to Xiao Mo, "Xiao Mo, you can go and rest for now. Let Long Huo take over."

Xiao Mo also understood that it wasn't convenient for him to stay when they clearly had something important to discuss about so he stepped aside and bowed before taking his leave.

Long Huo flashed a happy smile and took Xiao Mo's spot as he naturally supported Bai Yu's arm with his hand. Bai Yu could feel his heart tremble at his touch but he only frowned a bit and remained calm all the way to his room.

Getting inside the room, Long Huo carefully helped him settle down on a chaise couch. Bai Yu reclined his back on the couch and looked at him.

"What is it that you wanted to discuss about?"

Long Huo suddenly knelt on one knee and stared at him with a serious look on his face. Bai Yu quickly speculated that the matter must be very important for him to make such a serious face.

As the thought flashed through his mind, he heard Long Huo speak slowly. "Wang ye, I have something to report to you."

Hearing his serious voice and looking at his stiff face that seemed to be hesitating about something made Bai Yu fully focus on his next words.

Taking a deep breath, Long Huo continued. "Actually, I finally got news from my people and it is estimated that I have to return to my sect in a few days. I wanted to serve your highness for much longer after a long period of separation but as it is for an urgent matter, I can only go back in a haste to settle it. But I promise to come back for you when I have settled my matters."

"So..." Long Huo's voice softened and a small smile curved on his lips. "Please wait for my return, your highness."

Bai Yu was a bit in a daze when he recalled that Long Huo was said to have come from the Jianghu and was saved by Long Ji Wei when he was found seriously injured in the Fenglai mountain a few years ago. Since then, he had been staying with him to protect him from any dangers and had never mentioned anything about his identity. Even his name, Long Huo, was just an alias.

Long Ji Wei had never cared about his secrets and let him follow him as his personal guard after determining that he had no malicious intent. He had also guessed that his identity wasn't as simple and knew he would not stay under him for long. So it wasn't much of a surprise to hear that he was going to return to his sect for some urgent matter.

As for what it was and whether he would really come back, Bai Yu didn't care. If he didn't return, he could just go and look for him after finishing his mission here. Just like he did in all those worlds before.

Bai Yu lowered his eyelid and looked at him.

Actually, he was very happy to find the person who was very likely the one who he had been looking for.

It was a strange feeling as if his heavy heart had been lifted off its burden but the slight itchiness was confusing to him. He didn't really understand his own feelings much and only acted on his instincts when it came to this. So the sudden overflow of emotions left him feeling very perplexed and unable to think clearly.

Although he had lost his memories and was only starting to learn about many things, he was still used to being very calm and rational in everything. But to suddenly lose his rationality in the spur of his emotions, although he had suppressed it quickly, still made him a bit terrified and discomfited.

He didn't know what kind of feelings he really had for Long Huo so for the time being, he had decided to observe him and act normally until he had regained his lost memories. Then it wouldn't be too late to understand what this strange feeling in his heart means and could also determine his relationship with the man.

Just relying on his emotions wasn't a good idea. For him, his rationality prevailed his unstable emotions. Only through this could he get the best of the results. Impulsive decisions will only lead to more mistakes. And whether he was really the person he had been searching for...only time could tell.

Bai Yu got out of his daze and calmly replied. "Since it is an urgent matter, you should take your time and not rush to solve it lest you make some mistakes in haste. You can come to me anytime you want to. I will be here to welcome you back."

Long Huo's eyes shone brightly at his promise. With a happy smile, he said, "Thank you, your highness. But now that your highness' illness can be cured, may I ask what your plan is for the future?"

"My plan for the future?" Bai Yu raised a brow. "Guess."

A smile appeared in Long Huo's eyes. "I see that there is no need for me to worry. As expected of your highness. But if you need my help in anything, please let me know. I will do my best to be useful for you."

Bai Yu finally showed a smile and said as he waved his hand. "I will find you if I need your help. Since you are busy preparing for your departure, I won't hold you for long. Go and take some rest as well."

Long Huo got up and bowed at him. "Then I will take my leave. Please have a good rest, your highness."

After the door was closed and the sound of his footsteps was no longer near, Bai Yu finally sat up on the couch and casually spoke in a calm voice. "How much longer does the general want to hide there and eavesdrop on me?"

Right after his voice fell, a figure jumped in from the window at the back. His dark blue robe fluttered with his movements as his long legs walked to his side in just three or four steps. Just when Bai Yu wanted to raise his head to welcome the uninvited guest, he was suddenly pushed down on the couch and was pressed under the man's body.

Startled by the suddenness, Bai Yu couldn't react for a while as he stared at the other man with a stupefied face.

Qin Feng's face was a bit dark and his body was filled with dangerous aura that seemed to be in the verge of exploding. His deep eyes were brewing with jealousy as he stared at him with a fiery gaze.

His intense gaze scared Bai Yu as he felt that something wasn't quite right with him. Did he do something wrong that angered this man?

But he was sure that he didn't do anything...

Looking down at the beautiful man pressed under his body, staring at him with wide eyes like a startled rabbit caught in the jaws of a wolf, very different from his usually calm and indifferent look, Qin Feng felt complicated inside.

He had only stopped coming here for a while to sort out his feelings carefully and finally came to accept it after some deep thoughts. But when he came to visit his beloved today, he actually caught him hooking up with another man!(not really)

Although there was no unusual movements between the two, he was very sure of his own two eyes and could tell with a glance that the look in the strange man's eyes when they fell on Bai Yu was definitely not something a normal guard would have for his master.

And seeing how their relationship looked quite close from their smallest gestures and their conversation that was casual yet not too out of the form, which was clearly not how normal master and servant's conversation looked like made him feel a sense of crisis.

He towered over Bai Yu and closed in as he asked in a low voice. "Who was that man just now? And what is your relation to him?"

Bai Yu was a bit stunned when he heard him ask about Long Huo and furrowed his brows in confusion.

Why would he ask about Long Huo? Did he know him before? Maybe he knows about Long Huo's true identity?

Still with a puzzled look, Bai Yu asked back. "Why are you asking about Long Huo? Do you know him?"

Qin Feng pressed on him again and said, "I am asking you what your relation is to him."

Feeling his weight pressed on him, Bai Yu felt a bit uncomfortable and also felt that their current position was very strange. He didn't know what made Qin Feng so angry but he still wasn't someone who'd endure his disrespect to him.

Bai Yu finally showed a cold face and said, "Whatever relation I have with my subordinate doesn't concern you. And although I might be a prince with no power, your current behaviour is still a form of disrespect to the imperial family. Please mind your behaviour, general ZhongYong."

Hearing his cold words finally calmed Qin Feng down. He also understood that his actions were too impulsive but he'd still do it if he was given a choice. Since he has finally found a person he loved, he would never let him go much less let anyone else steal him from his side.

This man could only ever be his!

He'd do anything to make him his person and make him love him back. As for those who dared to lay their eyes on his beloved...they'd have to see if they dare to face his wrath!