Suzune and Kiyotaka are best friends. They understand each other very well. They went through everything together. One day in winter it started snowing. When they woke up they looked out the window and saw snow. They both jumped out of their beds and put on their clothes. Since Kiyotaka woke up early he went to Suzune's house to knock. Her older brother answered the door. "Suzune hurry up! Ayanokōji is here!" Manabu shouted out. Suzune came downstairs and went with Kiyotaka. She happily said, "Let's go!' Kiyotaka nodded and went with Suzune.
Suzune started doing snow angels while Kiyotaka laid next to her. Suzune sat up and looked at Kiyotaka saying, "Hey Kiyotaka, want to build a snowman?" Suzune asked him. "If that's what you want then sure", Kiyotaka replied with a smile. They both got up and started creating a snowman. "Done", Kiyotaka said he then looked at Suzune. Suzune looked at the snowman in amazement, "Wow!" Kiyotaka smiled then looked back at the snowman. Kiyotaka looked closely at the snowman and saw that the snowman's mouth was glowing. "You see it too, huh?" Suzune says. Kiyotaka nods and goes to take a closer look. The snowman came to life and ate Kiyotaka. Suzune's eyes widened. The snowman then ate Suzune too before going back to an inanimate object.
Suzune was dropping until she was caught by Kiyotaka. "Suzune, are you okay?", Kiyotaka said with a concerned and worried expression. Suzune opened her eyes to see Kiyotaka. She hugged him with teary eyes, "You're alive!" Kiyotaka smiled and hugged her back. He said, "I'm fine, but did you get hurt?" Suzune looked at him with a smile, "No, I'm okay, but where are we?" She got out of his arms and looked around. "I don't know but it seems like it's spring. The houses look old too. Let's look around." Kiyotaka started walking. Suzune followed him while walking next to him.
While they were walking a girl noticed them. The girl walked up to them, "Hi I'm Kikyō Kushida. What's your name?" Suzune looked at her, "I'm Suzune Horikita. Nice to meet you Kushida." Kiyotaka looked at Kikyō, "Kiyotaka Ayanokōji." Kikyō smiled, "Nice to meet both of you, Horikita and Ayanokōji!" Kikyou looked at Suzune then at Kiyotaka. "What are you doing here? You don't seem to be from around here", Kikyō said. Suzune looked at Kiyotaka to see how to respond to that. ¨Can I ask why you want to know that?¨, Kiyotaka asked Kikyō. ¨No reason. I just wanted to know.¨ Kikyō looked at Suzune with a pissed off look.
"Can I come along with you?", Kikyō asked them. Kiyotaka looked at Suzune. Suzune just shrugged. Kiyotaka looked at Kikyō, Kikyō had a smile. Kiyotaka said yes to Kikyō and the three of them started walking. While they were walking Kikyō looked at Suzune with the look for a little while then she looked at Kiyotaka with a smile. Suzune was wondering why Kikyō looks at her that way. Since Suzune wasn't paying attention to where she was going she tripped. "Ouch….that hurts..", she mumbles. Kiyotaka put out a hand for her to grab. "Are you okay, Suzune?", he asked her. Suzune grabbed his hand and he helped her up. "Yeah I'm fine I just tripped. I was just being clumsy.", she smiled. Kikyō looked mad for 30 seconds and then smiled. Kiyotaka saw her looking mad for a split second then he returned looking at Suzune.
They continued walking until they were at a bridge. The bridge was a rope bridge, it was wobbly, and it looked unsecured. Kikyō looked at Kiyotaka with a worried look, "What are we going to do now, Ayanokōji?!" "I'm going to go first", he said. Suzune looked at Kiyotaka, "Don't be a hero", she said to him worried. Kiyotaka said to her, "It's not being a hero. I must protect you and Kushida." Kikyō looked happy and a bit mad. "But-" "No buts Suzune. I made up my mind already." Kiyotaka interrupted her. "....Fine'', Suzune said with a bit of sadness. Kiyotaka proceeds to walk onto the bridge. He took one step and then another. Suzune followed him after her Kikyō followed. Kiyotaka took very careful steps before proceeding. Kiyotaka stopped, "I guess there is nothing to worr-". Before he could finish his sentence the step under him broke. Suzune pushed Kiyotaka out of the way and fell, but she managed to grab hold of the next step. "Suzune!" Kiyotaka said while looking down at Suzune worried about her. "Are you going to help me up or not?" She asked him with a little smile but he saw that she was scared. He helped her up and hugged her, "What were you thinking?! You scared me! Don't ever do that again." Suzune smiled, "Mmm…. okay, I promise." Kikyō was mad but she looked worried, "Are you okay, Horikita?!" Suzune nodded and replied with "I'm fine, Kushida''. Kiyotaka helped Kikyō across the gap. They continued across the bridge and made it out safely.
Suzune sighed in relief, "That is one dangerous bridge." Kikyō agreed with her. "It's getting dark," Kiyotaka said. "Yeah it is", Kikyō responded. "I'll go get wood for a fire," Kiyotaka said then he left to get wood. Suzune sits down on the floor. Kikyō looked at Suzune and said, "You're just going to let him go by himself?" Suzune looked at her back, "Yeah is that a problem?" Kikyō looked mad, "How can you just leave him alone like that?!" "You don't know him as I know him, and you can't talk to me like that," Suzune replied with a cold face. Kikyō went up to her and slapped Suzune. "You deserve that", Kikyō went to sit across from Suzune. Kiyotaka saw everything and then he left to search for firewood. Suzune just sat there unsurprisingly and held her cheek where she got slapped. After 10 minutes Kiyotaka came back. He laid down the sticks of wood. He then started to make the fire. Once he was done he looked at Kikyō then at Suzune. Suzune smiles, but she didn't have her hand at her cheek. "Ayanokōji, you know how to start a fire?" Kikyō asked him. "I do.", Kiyotaka replied. Kiyotaka looked at Kikyō then at Suzune. He noticed that one of Suzune's cheeks was red. "Hey Suzune, what happened to your cheek?" he asked her. "I fell you know how clumsy I am." Suzune smiled a little. "Yeah you are clumsy", he said with a forced smile. After a while, they decided to call it a day and went to sleep.