Chapter 2

In the morning, Kiyotaka was the first to wake up. He yawned and sat up in his place. Kikyō woke up next and looked around. Suzune was still sleeping at her spot. "I guess she's still sleeping," Kiyotaka said. "Yeah does she always oversleep?" Kikyō asked. Kiyotaka nodded, then he looked at Kikyō. "Yes, Ayanokōji?" Kiyotaka's face turned from natural to a serious cold face. "Don't ever lay a finger at Suzune ever again. Do you understand me?" Kikyō

nodded with an annoyed face, "Yes I understand." Kiyotaka got up and operated with Suzune to see her cheek. He sighed and went to the fire that was burning out. He started to step on it to put it out. Suzune yawned and sat up rubbing her eyes saying, "Good morning. Hope y'all had a good rest." Kiyotaka smiled, "Good morning Suzune." Kikyō had a smile on her face, "Good

morning Horikita. I had a great rest. What about you?" Suzune smiled at her, "That's good, Kushida. I had a good sleep." "What now?" Kikyō asked. "I'm hungry," Suzune said. "I guess we have to hunt food," Kiyotaka said. "Wait, you said to hunt for food?" Kikyō asked. "Yeah, he said we are going to hunt for food," Suzune replied to her question. Kikyō looked at both of

them, "Can't we just buy food?" "We don't have money," Kiyotaka told Kikyō. Kikyō sighed, "Come with me I have money for food." Kikyō started to walk ahead. Kiyotaka looked at Suzune then he started walking. Suzune followed behind him.

Kikyō stopped in front of a store. Kiyotaka stopped, as well as Suzune. They looked at the store and saw that it looked like one of the stores they buy food at. Suzune looked at Kiyotaka. He looked at Kikyō and asked, "Where are we?" "We're in Mitaka, Japan silly." She said with a smile. Suzune eyes widen, "What?! No way!" "We can go home then", Kiyotaka said. "We need to hurry up then!" Suzune smiled cheerfully. Kikyō didn't like it at all. "Aww do you really have to go now?" Kikyō asked Kiyotaka and Suzune. Kiyotaka nodded, "We do it's been a day now since we left. We need to go today it might take a day or two to get back home." Kikyō looked shocked, "Both of y'all are going to go out there for two days without anything?!" Suzune nodded, "We were trained so it should be a piece of cake. It's been a day and I think my brother would worry so we have to go." "I agree. It has been a day. My mother would be worried sick not to mention my father." Kiyotaka didn't mean his father was worried about him he just said that. Suzune knew what he meant by it. She got sad about it, but she didn't show it. "Oh so....this is goodbye?" Kikyō asked. "Sadly yes." Kiyotaka said. "We'll see if we can visit you, Kushida." Suzune smiled. Kikyō forced a smile, "Hope we see each other again." She looked at Kiyotaka. "Yeah?" Kiyotaka asked Kikyō while a bit confused. Kikyō got on her tippy toes and kissed Kiyotaka on his cheek. She blushed a little. Suzune was mad and jealous at Kikyō but she showed no emotions towards it. Kiyotaka looked at Kikyō, "Thanks." He forced a smile. Kikyō blushed a bit more, "'re welcome. Have a safe trip." She smiled and waved at them. They waved back at her and left.