Once everyone was pretty much in the classroom Yōsuke stood up and said, "Why don't we all say who we are and what our goal is?" It came to Kiyotaka's turn. 'Crap it's my turn. Well I have to say something for the sake of my reputation.' He stood up. "Uh so um, I'm Kiyotaka Ayanokōji. I can't wait to study with you. I'm not really good at anything in particular (lair what about "piano" and "calligraphy" hm?) uh I'll do my best to get along with you all." Everyone clapped. 'Well I blew it.' He thought to himself. "Ayanokōji. Well it's nice to meet you. I can't wait to be friends." Yōsuke said to him. 'That's it? That's all? That short?' Kikyō thought to herself. Suzune laughed a little. 'She just laughed at me', Kiyotaka looked at Suzune who was still reading. He looked away when he heard a bang. Ken hit his desk with his foot. "Introductions are for grade schoolers. What are we? A bunch of babies? Get to know each other on your own time." "Let's get started. Find your seats. I'm Sae Chabashira the homeroom teacher for class 1-D. At this school you will not change classes ever. For the next 3 years I'll be responsible for you until graduation. Four our first order of business, the school rule book. Take one and pass them back."
"We have some rather unique rules at this institution. First you must all live in the dorms. Your contact with the outside world will be restricted. As well your time away from the campus. For anyone concerned the school offers a wide variety of facilities. Anything you could need or want can be found here, including leisure and entertainment. To make purchases you will spend your points which are tracked using the school's main computer system. At this school you can buy absolutely anything on campus with these. Points are distributed to you on the first of each month. Each point is worth one yen. If you'll all check your devices. You'll notice that you've already been allotted 100,000." "Wait what?!" Haruki said. "Are you kidding me?!" Kanji said afterwords. Sae continued, "I see you're all surprised by the size of your allotment. This school judges its students based on their merit alone. You've all shown immense value just getting into this school. We've allotted you what we think you are worth."
Later that day
"Thank you very much, come again", the cashier said to Kiyotaka. "It really does work exactly like money." Kiyotaka said to himself. '25 students per class and 4 classes per grade. That makes 300 of us in all (mental math and he did it that fast @-@). If each kid gets 100,000 a month that's 360 million per year (more mental math damn). How can the government afford to pay for all this?' He thought as he put his phone down and looked to his side. He saw Suzune there. She turned her head to look his way. "Another annoying coincidence it seems." She says to him coldly. "You don't have to be so prickly. Well since we have to sit by each other we should attempt to get along. What's your name?" Suzune stayed quiet. "You won't even share with me that much?" "So you got a problem?" She asked. "No, but it would make things weird for the next three years. To sit next to you and never know your name." (Let's change things up.) "Why are you buying all cheap stuff? You've got lots of money. You could stand to buy more expenses." He said as he grabbed a green container (Idk what it is.) "I don't need that stuff." She said. "But-" he tried finishing his sentence but Suzune interrupted him. "I said I don't need that stuff." "Right." "You're weird. You aren't very good at interacting with people. No conversation skills." "Yeah I know but you don't seem to be better than I am." "Yeah that's true but I'm not the one who said 'They were going to work hard to get along with everyone else.'" She said trying to copy his tone. As Suzune was paying Ken was getting into a fight with 3 other boys higher than him outside the store they were in. "Hey isn't he in our class?" Kiyotaka asked Suzune. "Maybe but I won't get involved it's beneath my dignity." Kiyotaka was about to go before she said 'it's beneath my dignity'. He looked back at her.
The boys let Ken go without hurting. Kiyotaka walked out of store hearing one of them say, "You people are already in for a world of pain." 'A world of pain?' Kiyotaka thought to himself. Ken kicked the trash can and walked away. Kiyotaka saw a camera, he sighed, and he started picking the trash up as well as the trash can. (Let's add a few more things.) Suzune walked out the store and saw Kiyotaka picking up the trash. She also saw the camera and started to help him pick it all up. Kiyotaka looked at her. "What?" Kiyotaka shook his head, "Nothing." Once they finished she stood up and started to walk away from him. She stopped,"It's Suzune Horikita." She continued walking. Kiyotaka formed a smile before it turned into a frown. 'What was that? That I did just now. Was it a smile? It can't be possible. Also her name....it sounds familiar.' He thought to himself as he walked to Suzune. "Hey Horikita." He said as he caught up. Suzune stopped and looked back at him. "Do you need something?" Kiyotaka shook his head. "No but can I walk with you?" Suzune thought for a little bit. She was going to say no but instead she just nodded. While they were walking Suzune stayed quite. Kiyotaka was going to stay quite but he broke the silence. "Are you related to the guy who was speaking?" He was talking about Manabu. She nodded. "You mean Manabu Horikita." "Yeah him. Who is he to you?" He asked. "Why do you want to know?" She answered with a question. He shrugged, "I just want to know." "He's my brother." They arrived to the dorms. "What floor?" Kiyotaka asked. As he pressed the button with the number nine. Suzune saw him press nine. "So you're on floor nine?" Kiyotaka nodded. "I'm guessing you are too?" Suzune nodded. They arrived on floor nine. They saw that there was only two room side by side. "Only two rooms." Suzune said as she walked to her dorm. Kiyotaka walked to the other dorm. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" Kiyotaka asked. Suzune nodded, "Night." "Goodnight", Kiyotaka said to her. They both walked in and shut the door behind them.