Chapter 9

While with Suzune

She shut the door. 'Why did he talk to me today? Well why after I left the store?' She thought to herself. She sighed. "I shouldn't worry much about that. Right now. Why does he look so familiar though? I never seen him in my life. And his name too. Argh I'll figure it out later." She started to undress.

With Kiyotaka

"I smiled didn't I? Why? She's nothing but a pawn. An item I can use. But I did try to manipulate her. It didn't work, she told me her name afterwords." He sighed and looked at his phone to check the time. "20:12 (or 8:12) I guess I can visit her. Get more answers from her." He changed and started knocking on her door.

Suzune heard a knock on her door. She went to the door, "Who is it?" "Its me, Ayanokōji." "What do you want?" "Can I come in?" Suzune sighed, 'This was supposed to be my along time.' "Yeah just wait." She went back to her closet. She put pants on and she put a hoodie on. She went to the door and opened it. "Come in." Kiyotaka entered. "So every dorm is the same?" Kiyotaka asked her. Suzune shrugged, "Well maybe but is it this big?" Kiyotaka also shrugged. Suzune shut the door and she sat down on her bed. Kiyotaka sat down on the floor. "Why are you on the floor?" Suzune raised her eyebrow. "Where should I sit then?" "On that chair, where else?" She pointed to a chair that was near the desk. Kiyotaka nodded, he got up, and sat on the chair. "So what do want, umm Ayanokōji?" "I guess to talk. What else?" He said in a natural tone. Suzune crossed her legs. "About what exactly?" He shrugged. "You can ask first if you want." Suzune nodded. "Okay." They talked for hours getting to know each other.

Kiyotaka looked at Suzune. Suzune was falling asleep. He checked his phone. "Its 1:32 (which is still 1:32). Hey Horikita." "Huh? Yeah?" She started to wake up. "I'm going to go now. I'll see you later." He got up. She nodded and got up. "I'll show you to the door." Kiyotaka nodded. They walked to the door. "Bye", Suzune said before falling asleep and she was falling down. Kiyotaka had to think fast. He was going to let her fall but he caught her. 'Wait why did I catch her? Reflexes? Maybe. I guess I have to lay her down.' He started walking to her bed with Suzune in his arms. He laid her down on the bed. 'I guess I have to take her hoodie off. What a pain.' He grabbed the bottom of the hoodie and started raising it up. Once he lifted the hoodie over her stomach almost going to her chest he stopped. 'She does have a shirt.... Do I have to change her? What a bother.' He thought to himself as he went to the closet and grabbed a comfortable shirt. He grabbed hold of the hoodie again. He closed his eyes slowly raising gthe hoodie again. Once he got the hoodie off he got the shirt and he put it on her. Suzune started to wake up. "What the actual fuc-", she was cut off by Kiyotaka. "Don't say fuck, okay? I just changed your shirt that's all. I closed my eyes." He said as he opened his eyes. "I can say fuck if I want to. Can you leave now?" She said with a cold tone and face expression. "Whatever. Bye", Kiyotaka said as he left her room. 'Who the fuck does he think he is?!' She grabbed a pillow and threw it on the floor. She sighed and laid down going to sleep.

With Kiyotaka

Kiyotaka went inside his room. He heard a soft thud. 'What was that? Forget it.' He laid down on the bed and checked his phone. "Time to go to sleep." He started to fall asleep.

In the morning

Suzune woke up and got dressed for class. She left her hair down with a braid tied with a pink bow. She grabbed her bag and walked out of her room. Kiyotaka on the other hand was already ready. He opened the door and walked out. Suzune looked at him. "What?" He asked. Suzune sighed, "We're stuck together." She walked to the elevator. "Its only going to make it worse if you keep complaining." He walked with her. "I'm not complaining, I'm stating a fact." She said as she pressed the down button. "We're on the top floor." Kiyotaka said. "Because there is no up button? Yeah I noticed that." Suzune said as the elevator reached the floor and opened its doors. They both got in and Kiyotaka pressed the button with number 1 on it. "Wouldn't it be nice if I was stuck with someone else?" Suzune said with a slight smile. Kiyotaka pinned Suzune to an elevator wall. "Look you got stuck with me for a reason, okay? Do you think I wanted to get stuck with you? Not really. The person who put us together might have a reason why we're together." Kitoyaka said to Suzune as she was pinned. Suzune just looked into his eyes not really caring what he was saying. Suzune pushed Kiyotaka away. Kiyotaka looked at her. 'Okay I get that he wanted to make is point but why the fuck did he pin me?' The elevator got to main floor (aka floor #1) and they got off. "I'm going to get coffee. I can't believe I'm asking you this but do you want to come?" Suzune asked him. Kiyotaka looked at her and shrugged. "I guess I'll come along." Suzune nodded and started walking to a coffee shop.

They got there and ordered coffee. The sat down at a table. Kiyotaka looked around seeing a lot of kids from his class. "A lot of kids in our class are here." Suzune sipped her iced caramel macchiato, "And?" She looks at him. "Why do you care, anyways?" Kiyotaka looked at Suzune and drank his coffee. "I don't I was just stating a fact." Suzune sighed and she took another sip of her iced caramel macchiato. "Do you like black coffee?" Suzune asked Kiyotaka seeing that he is drinking black coffee. "Not that much, but yes." "Oh, does it taste good?" She asked never tasting black coffee. "I guess you never tasted black coffee before? Here give it a sip. It might be too strong for you." He handed her his cup. "Mmm...." She looked around and grabbed the cup. She took a sip of it. "So do you like it?" Kiyotaka asked her. She shook her head, "Too much coffee. Argh it tasted bitter", she said as she took a sip of her iced caramel macchiato. "Oh here", she handed him his cup. Kiyotaka grabbed it and looked at her hand. He saw a charm bracelet. It was sliver and had a butterfly, a flower, and a heart. "What, Ayanokōji?" He shook his head, "No nothing." 'That charm bracelet. Where have I seen it before?' He finished drinking his coffee. "Ready?" He looked at Suzune. "I still need to finish, but I guess I'll finish it on the way to class." He nodded and got up. She got up and started walking to class. While walking to class they talked. When they got to the building. "I didn't finish it. Waste of money." She said as she was going to throw it away. Kiyotaka grabbed the cup and drank what was left. "What the hell, Ayanokōji? You might get a brain freeze. Idiot." Kiyotaka shook his head. "Now it wasn't a waste of money." 'It tasted good surprising. Wait but now that I think of it, didn't we exchange saliva? Isn't that called indirect kiss?' He looked at her with his normal face expression. 'She doesn't seem to know. Its better like that.' "Well yeah I guess you're right." 'That idiot he could have just thrown it away he didn't need to drink what was left.' Suzune thought to herself. They arrived to class together. Kikyō saw Kiyotaka and Suzune together outside of the school building. 'That bitch!' She thought to herself as she walked in the school.