The Beginning

"Can you believe these recruiting ads ?" Scoffing apparent in dad's voice as he stares at the Holo image of a Republic recruiter. Although his disdain isn't unfounded The New Republic have left those of us in the outer rim to fend for ourselves.

"Dad I get your disdain for the Republic but it's just a message, stop staring at it like it's an actually representative." I hope he will calm down today. His rants have only gotten worse recently.

Dad sighs "Sorry Val I just wish they would do something for us out here. Damn gangs have Morak carved up like an exotic dancer who doesn't put out."

Furrowing my brows, I shake my head at my old man. "You know that's pretty messed up right ?"

Dad looks me straight in the eyes "You know I'm right Val." Yeah I know your right but I don't like thinking about. Clearing my throat as I prepare to change the topic.

"You gonna need help today with the store ?" Probably not, it's not like anybody has credits anymore. Dad looks back at the holo image before speaking "No there hasn't been any customers, you know that." He seems to become idle after saying that.

"Alright holo me if you need anything I'm heading out." Rising from the table I sat at I proceed to the door until dad calls out to me.

"Be safe out there." Giving him a wide grin I respond.

"Always" I reply as I walk through the door outside. Morak, who ever decided to resettle a jungle planet I won't ever know. Staring at the yellow roads of flattened dirt with green vines growing on the most buildings. Yeah this place is a real piece of work, between venomous animals and poisonous plants it's a miracle the town is considered safe.

One Holo sent to Jax later and I'm going down the main street to meet up at his place. I just hope he's got another gig planed so I can get off this wasteland.

When I arrive the door opens before I even walk up to it. "Val, you brown haired basic looking motherfucker how are you ?" The sarcasm practically drips from his mouth. "I'm good you spiky headed fuck but credits are getting short and I need another job." I can't help but smile seeing this short person they call a man.

He however frowns at the mention of work. "There isn't anything right now Val, it's only gotten dryier as the fightings worsened. I hear Kyaris is coming here next." Now it's my turn to frown. "Who's Kyaris ?".

"From what I hear the biggest and baddest gang leader on Morak and he's coming here next. He doesn't just take your credits and leaves you alone Val." Pausing to take a breath Jax continues. "He enslaves entire towns, women become whores for his men, children forced to work in horrible conditions and the younger men are given two choices. Join his troops or die." Jax stares at my face as I process the information

Shit I'm running out of time, trying to remain calm I stare back at Jax. "Can you get a job together before he arrives ?" Jax runs his right hand through his spiked hair "Yeah, but it won't be under the radar and you will owe me one." Despite that the bad news there is a sliver lining.

"You still owe me for taking take care of that assassin droid for you." I still have that damn thing locked up in the shop. "Alright, fine Val you don't owe me one but this is pointless, everyone who could leave this damn planet already got out of dodge. Even if you have enough credits after this job you still need someone willing to take you. But who would stay here till now ?" I lower my head to think.

Dads not getting better and moms not coming back. I need to leave, I won't become a slave in a damn warlords army! Looking back at Jax. "I don't know but I have to try." He taps his left foot while looking at the sky. "I hope you succeed, get your tools ready I will holo you with details soon." Turing around he starts walking into his doorway when I interrupt him. "I will need 20% more on top of my usual cut." My voice leaves no room for negotiations. Jax rolls head as if pondering and without looking back replies. "Sure"

I look at the blue star hanging high in the sky for a bit before heading home. I just hope this job works out.