The Job

Reaching the coordinates I check my blaster one last time. Safety off, energy cell charged, and sights aligned. Sighing I adjust my mask as I wait for the predetermined time. Only fifteen minutes till it's show time.

Approaching from the darkness in the trees I see Jax approaching. We are the only humans on this job after all, not hard to figure out who it is even with his body covered head to toe. Raising his right arm to wave he speaks "Code, your early". Looking around I respond "Just wanted to see who I was working with on this job Broker".

The secrecy of these jobs has always bugged me. I get the need for privacy but it's hard to trust someone you just met. Even more so when their face is hidden and name unknown. Turning to face Jax I speak " So an old Imperial base, think the security systems are still online ?". Jax responds " The Empire built things to last and they fell only five years ago expect the base to be online".

*snap* We both turn to look at the source of the noise an Vorg Alsum, natives of this planet and one of our colleagues on this job. Rare to see one of the natives with the skills and knowledge to work with the rest of the galaxy. The Native speaks " The other two on the way?". Jax responds "Run and Gun are on their way when they get here we start." The native doesn't respond he simply stands in silence with a large pack on his shoulder.

When Run and Gun arrive we all get into position. We know the job, we all read the same the holo-doc. The native slowly moves up to the door of the abandoned Imperial base placing a red container with a chrome substance. Rhydonium, starship fuel and its very volatile. No one robbed this place due to the reinforced blast doors. Where did the damn native get Rhydonium ?

"Stay clear the timers set!" The Native runs to the trees to seek cover. A red glow and beep flashes from the detonator.




*Tink* A loud roar erupts from the explosion, with a deafening shockwave nearly taking me off my feet. The red and yellow flames encompass the door before rising into the night sky revealing our location. The five of us begin to move. We don't have time to waste before some gang comes to investigate. Run and Gun go first being the most armed and most likely best trained. Probably ex-soldiers for the New Republic.

We move down clean corridors with flashing red lights and a blaring alarm in our ears. No turrets yet but droids will most likely come. *Clank* *Clank* as we approach the corridors intersection we see KX security droids. I shout "Shit, Run and Gun aim for the joints on the limbs!".

Hugging the walls of the hallway we open fire. Blaster shots hitting the unarmed droids marching towards us. Fortunately KX security droids aren't blaster proof and soon fall under the sustained plasma fire. Jax starts giving orders "Run take Code and get to the security room, he can shut it down. Gun and the Native your with me as we distract the remaining droids."

The female twi-lek turns to me "Follow me." I nod and start to run after her but damn she's fast. As she checks around the corner she asks me a question "You a slicer or something?". Checking behind us with blaster in hand I respond "Droidsmith, why?".

"Because I hope you can crack the security system." She finishes as we reach the doors to the security room. I quickly reach the control panel, ripping off the interface and plugging my tools to the wires behind. Probing the system until I see green across the board. As the doors open Run goes in to sweep the room before immediately rolling backwards with blaster fire accompanying her to the door frame.

She looks at me "Sentry turrets, can you deal with them from the control panel ?". Damn these people are really good at keeping their cool. I would have simply froze in there. Seeing her stare at me I snap back into the moment. "Unfortunately no the turrets are controlled from the room itself. However they target the first thing they see before classifying it as a threat or non-threat." Continue my explanation "Throw something and quickly stick out to shoot a turret then get back into cover." She then takes off a glove before looking up back to me. "Your shooting too." Agreeing, she counts to three. Although I can't help but notice her cyan skin.

Tossing the glove we both pop out of cover to shoot the first turret we see. As I move back into cover I hear two turrets powering down. Alright two to go, looking at Run she begins the countdown again before we move again. Just as before we knock out two turrets and move into the security room. As Run picks up her gloves, I move to the console.

Slicing through the console to deactivate all security measures my mind starts to trail off. Machines have always been easy for me rather it's harder to stay focused on them when I work with them than not. Finishing I look at the floor plans for the barracks, taking note of the armory. Our target.

"Run, I got the armory's location and security's down." She puts a new energy cell in her blaster as she responds "I'll escort us back to Broker follow me." Moving back through the now quiet hallways and white lighting is simply weird compared to earlier. Well at least it's easy.

We meet Jax at the armory and looking around it seems we're one man down. "Gun didn't make it and the Native got injured holding off the security droids." Looking at the scrapped droids and partly intact ones deactivated while standing upright must have been a tough fight. "Code your up, get these doors open." Responding to Jax "On it." Well the Native should make it blaster fire tends to cauterize wounds it also doesn't look fatal.

Finally at the end of this crap, at least dad and me can finally get off world. Maybe Corelia would be a good place to settle? *Hiss* as the mechanical doors slide open to reveal thermal detonators, blaster, heavy repeaters, damn even sniper rifles. Jax proceeds to activate his com and a whiny motor spooling up reaches my ears.

Shortly a transport pulls in and everyone begins to load the contents of the armory into it. "How did you know it would fit in here?" Looking at Jax for my answer. "Imperial bases are identical to each other, based of off the same blueprint." Answering as if it's a matter of fact.

Leaving Guns corpse the rest of us board the transport and head out. Run address Jax "It would have been useful if you brought this in." Pointing at the transport she glares at Jax I assume she's glaring, hard to tell through her helmet. Jax smugly responds "Well its has no blasters or weaponry to speak of and has practically no armor." I bud in "Let's cool it we pulled off the job, Broker when can we expect our credits?" Run Snorts after my interruption.

"Give me about a week to get this gear sold discretely." After hearing Jaxs response I inform him to let me off before reaching the town so I can sneak back in on my own.

Getting back in the jungle my thoughts go to Gun who died, based off the structure of his head he was a Rodian. It's unfortunate someone got killed but it won't be the last time I see it. It really is a despicable place we live in I stare at the night sky with its sparkling stars glowing white.

Heading into town only one thought echoes in my head, It won't be my problem soon.