The Chat

Going in between buildings I reach dad's store. With the shadows as cover I grab one of our spare code cylinders to unlock the back door.


The lock turns clockwise, shortly after the door slides open and I creep in. Looking around in the darkness I can see no one here. Good, dads at home sleeping still. Walking past the small office I see the door is closed, crouching down I start removing the floor plating to put my gear back. Taking a look around at the shop as I finish sorting my gear in the hole.

The old droids broken and mounted on the walls. Our assembly station and toolboxes in the corner. This old building saw better days that's for sure. Standing back up I get ready to leave when.


The lights turn on and while I'm temporarily blinded I hear dads voice. "You didn't look if any one was in the office you know". Mumbling under my breath "Damn". As I turn around dad hands me a drink, it's Rush a favorite of mine. "I thought you would be at home sleeping". As I talk I look into his hazel eyes, I can see he hasn't been sleeping well. "Couldn't sleep, I had a dream you were in danger. So I got up to check on you and you were gone, I saw the gear you know".

I'm looking at the drink in my right hand, I don't want this argument again. But I have to convince him this time. I was hoping to do this later when I was prepared for it. "It was the last job, in a week we will have the credits to hitch a ride out of here. To the inner systems where it's safe!".


Slamming his hand on the table between us. "We're safe here Val, we have lived here for nearly twenty years and things will get better!". He's raising his voice, so I raise mine, he needs to move on. "She's dead dad, she wouldn't want us to stay here in the past and it hasn't gotten better here! Only worse".

Dammit the lumps growing in my throat. Dads eyes are starting to water, his anger disappearing. "Dammit you think I don't know that ! I think about her every day but all I have left of her is here. This fucking shop that's wasted away!". He wavers at the end and sits down at the table. Trying to keep my voice steady and the grief at bay I sit down too. "The shop doesn't matter anymore. I can't leave you here especially now, a warlord is coming and he's far worse than what we have dealt with before".

Dad keeps rubbing his knuckles. "I heard, Kyaris the warlord". His voice is quiet and somber. I can't help but focus on the hum of the ceiling lights. Neither one of was talking for some time.

When dad finally talks again, he simply sounds tired. "You won't drop this will you?". I clench and unclench my teeth together, "No I won't and you can hate me for it but just promise you will go with me when it's time". I'm practically pleading him, just agree and you can grieve later. Just please don't make me choose to leave you.

Dad finally looks up but avoids eye contact with me.

"If I stay, will you go ?"

"I don't know."

The silence stretches again. Encompassing us both like a whirlpool, it's almost deafening to my ears. "She wouldn't want you to go alone". His response cracks the silence and I breath out. "So will you come with me ?". As my question hangs there dad replies. "I'll go but you get to listen to me complain the whole time".

I smile but it probably doesn't match with my red eyes. We both get up and hug each other. Dad never was much of a huger, as we separate I speak one last time "Thank you".