Days become weeks become months and become years

Before he saved the mother and daughter since their house has only the capacity of 5 person. Leon modify their house with space magic also add beautiful decorations seeing that his two maid was confused why he did modify their house and ask him.

"Young master why did you modified the house" asks Grayfia who looks confuse Irene is also the same but before she got to ask him Grayfia is the one who ask first.

"Indeed why did you do that young master" added by Irene while staring at him and waiting for the answer.

"Its because my friends will come here and sleep here" Leon could only give them wryly smile. 'Or maybe they will live here' added by Leon in his mind.

[Master you lecher]

Said Iris to Leon and his mouth twitch when he heard that and wanted to smack her head but alas.. she's still a corporeal body she needed a stone and soul less body. And have a sufficient power to just to store her soul into the soul stone and attach it to a body.


-After giving Suou to Mil-tan-

"Leon is it okay for us to stay in your house and we might become a bother to your family" asks Shuri because they might bothering his family since his willing to give them a home and hide from the eyes of the Himejima clan.

"Nah Its okay Its not like my parents are in here" said Leon while they are currently in living room. Suddenly two girls wearing a wearing maid outfit and witch garb walk inside of the living room. With hot chocolates in tow since they're arrived at midnight.

"Young master is that the friends your talking about" asks Irene while she gesture to Leon to seat in her lap. Leon then sit in her lap and buried himself in Irene's breast while smiling and drink the hot chocolate.

"Yup they're my friend I saved them from a birdie" said Leon to her while enjoying the hot chocolate and the warmth in Irene's body. Seeing that Akeno pout and stare at Leon. He saw that smiled wryly at her, the two maids and Shuri giggled at them.

" Hello I am Shuri Himejima and this is my daughter–" Shuri introduce herself to Leon's maid she also want her to introduce her daughter but she was interrupted by her daughter.

"I am Akeno Himejima I'm Leon's girlfriend" Akeno said proudly she want to provoke Irene so she said that word. All of them including Leon become stunned by her sudden provocation. The three adults laugh at her and Leon suddenly smiled and think of something.

[Master, +1]

[Master what are thinking?]

In Leon's mind, the system suddenly send notification to him and Iris then question him. Even though she's in his mind scape he can separate him and her. So that Leon can have private time on his own.

"Um...Iris what is that +1" Leon immediately change the topic so that Iris forgot about that.

[Master that's the sign when you get a lover] said by Iris to hearing that he is curious how Akeno became his lover this early. He think deeply why the system suddenly decide to give him a notification like that. He suddenly see a colored pink panel hovering infront of him the panel shows capatalize word HAREM.

[Harem tab...discovered]

[Would you like to unlock the tab? (y/n)]

"Huh?" Leon is confuse by the suddenly pink panel infront of him. Seeing that he's confuse Iris then speak at his mind.

[Master that is the new function by the Multiverse system. Every system tab have a special condition to unlock them. Also you have use your points to unlock that tab.] Iris explain to the confuse Leon, he then nodded at her explination. He click the (y) and a confirmation notification pop up infront him.

[Would you use 100 Mp to unlock this?(y/n)]

Leon clicked the (y) then suddenly words turn visible in his eyes to show themself at him.

[Harem tab

Self proclaim: Akeno Himejima

Lovers: ?¿?

Servants: Grayfia Lucifuge, Irene Belserion

Slave: ]

(A/N: I added the slave in the harem because Leon is their owner. Simple enough right also it can be any type of slave. (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.))

While Leon is busy in his mind his two maids then introduce them self at Shuri and Akeno. The first one who speak is of course the silver haired maid.

"Hello I am Grayfia Lucifuge I'm one of the maid of Leon-sama" Grayfia introduce herself with bow to Shuri and Akeno and thought 'what a mannered maid' both of them said in synch.

"Hi I'm Irene Belserion I'm also one of the maid of Leon-sama" Irene then introduce herself while she envelop him with her hands. Akeno who see that could only grinned her teeth at them. Shuri notice her daughter become jealous towards Irene 'oh my daughter your already developing feeling towards Leon so nice to be young' thought to herself while she giggles at her.

Leon then come back from his mind scape because of Irene sudden motion. And see the look of Akeno fuming with jealousy and sweat a little bit and began to speak.

"Hm..I think we should sleep now" said Leon with sleepy tone while resting in between Irene's breasts.

"Grayfia please guide them to guest room....zzz" said Leon while he finally sleep in Irene and finding comfy place.

"Yes young master goodnight" Grayfia said with gentle voice and look at Shuri and Akeno and gesture her hand to let them follow her. Seeing that the two girls then follow Grayfia. While Irene walk towards Leon's room and suddenly change her outfit to night gown and lie with Leon in the bed and hug him. They then go to the land of dream. After sometime Grayfia then come inside in Leon's room then change her outfit to night gown and join the two in bed.


Days become weeks become months become years.

(A/N: I did cause I forgotten the remaining years hehehe)

Leon became bonafide torturer and teenager those years went he throughly train himself to become stronger so that he can make troubles in this world. He can create different creatures with different sizes with his sacred gear like mythical creatures and creatures for tortures. How he know about mythical creatures? well its from his past life... He also hunt stray devils in the town and use them as guinea pig. And save people when they got attack. His torture chamber is not known for all of the people in the house even his parent.

About his relationship with his two maids and Shuri, Akeno it went well because he always talk and accompany them with that their affection towards Leon to max percent. Iris become more....welp lets talk about that in the future. He can now get 10 percent of pure energy in his own realm. There's also a healing function in tow however when he receive a serious wound it takes hours to heal that.

Leon then ordered the system to show his status.

[Leon Walker

Titles: Son of Reincarnators, Silver King

Bloodlines: Divine void Nine tails, Half devil

Soul rank: Heavenly devourer void soul

STR: 315,000

MP: 520,000

DEF: 200,000

AGI: 200,000

DEX: 250,000

CHR: 150,000

INT: 100,000

Inventory: Death bringer, Zanpakuto, 100 senzu beans, soul stone, Custom body, Custom death sycthe

MP: 910

Sacred gear: Annihilation maker

Active skills:

7 elemental magic

Barrier magic

Sealing magic

Apocalyptic magic

Magic Creation



Energy manipulation


Weapon mastery

Supreme Origin Realm (Sealed){10% usable energy}


Immortality (locked) ]

(A/N: See that immortality, I forgot to add a "locked" beside it. That can be unlock when he gets the specific object. Also I did not add to much abilities cause of something. )

"Huh? why all of a sudden my passive immortality suddenly got locked" said by Leon even though his passive abilities are quite small he still okay with it because its only the beggining.

[Master, Its because the system forgotten to lock the immortality it can be unlock again by getting the specific object then it can be unlock] Iris said to Leon and thought 'system can forgetful huh?'.

"Okay thank you Iris"

[Welcome master]

Then Leon hear the doorbell ring and stand up and head there after sometime, he open the door and see two girls standing.



welp this is the result of doing this in 2 days. 2 days of breaks(sat & sun) and 2 days for not listening in class. ( ╹▽╹ )