
(Hello guys( ╹▽╹ ) good to see you again)

(Read the Author thought(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.))


Upon reaching the front door Leon then open the door and see a voluptuous woman with silver hair, violet eyes that could be called a seductress if she weren't wearing clothes that hiding her beautiful body.

He also see two people behind her first he see is a petite beautiful girl with long silver hair and purple eyes. She is dressed in a black dress that has white frills most of the time and what seemed to be like a functional keyhole on her collar, where her magical key is meant to be inserted in, black leggings, and boots that have a purple hearts on them.(google)

Behind the little girl he see is a beautiful young woman shorter than Leon with long crimson hair reaching her waist and pink eyes. Wearing a pink polkadots dress.

Suddenly he got tackled by voluptuous woman and hold his back head and put it in her bosom while gently stroking her son's hair with affection. Leon is slightly taken aback by the sudden action of Lily.

"How are you my son, do you miss me?" said by Lily with affection and stroking Leon the two people behind is suprise by Lily's doing. Then Leon answer to Lily's

"I'm okay mom and I miss you but there's people behind you" said Leon with muffled voice with tint of red in his face. Because of what his feeling right now and also embarrassment.

"I miss you too Leon, Ah!" Lily chuckled and kiss his forehead after that Lily then remember what she will do here. Then they hear someone call all of them.

"Master, Madam, and two ladies, should get inside we already prepared lunch for everyone" a female voice come and greet them.

"Okay, Grayfia-chan please call everyone" said Leon who just escaped in the abyss.

"Oh~ to think that's you already have taking a step to your maid" said Lily while walking inside the house with the two people behind her. Well a lot of events happened while Leon was growing up for example that he accidentally came in the bathroom when somebody is there (◠‿◕). And there we have it a 'Lucky pervert'.

"Well..." Leon shrugged his shoulder and Lily chuckled at him. Then upon coming inside the dining room they see 3 people already seated in their respective chair.

The first one they see is a scarlet red hair, with scarlet eyes, braided wearing witch garb with no witch hat since their are eating and inside the house also with alluring body figure and breasts. The second person is a black hair with light brown eyes during the past years her body or assets grew even more like if Leon were to touch her breast and butt cheeks his hands will buried in those assets.

The third person is a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, very long black hair and violet eyes. Her hair is usually tied in a long ponytail, reaching all the way down to her legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backward, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place. In fact all of them is with voluptuous body including Grayfia.

"Hello Madam" said by Irene, Shuri, and Akeno to Lily. Irene of course needs to greet her because she's the one save her. Why did Shuri and Akeno called her Madam because in the past year she (Lily) and Alex allowed both of them to assists Leon in Underground business. Maybe in the distant future they will call her 'sister' instead of madam.. Yes, the four of is already woman of Leon but sadly they are not doing the deed yet but sometime Leon relieved their pent up by giving them foreplay. (A/N: Sigh quite sad indeed.)

"Oh hello there, three of you" Lily smiled at them while going to a vacant seat.

"Here, two ladies" Grayfia gestured at the crimson hair girl and the black hair short girl to seat.

"Ou" said meekly by the girl with crimson hair.

"Ok" said normally by the girl with black hair.

Leon sits between his mother and Grayfia suddenly a black cat jump at Leon's lap then rest there. Leon who felt that look at his lap then stroke the cat's fur.

"Where did you go?" while looking at his cat and smiled.

"Nya~" answered by the cat while licking at his palm.

"Oh, what a lovely cat here~" said Lily when she noticed the cat on his lap then stretch her hand towards the cat then pet her head.

Ah! yes Leon got the black cat when he by chance to have a night walk and saw a cat is getting chase by some random mob. And the cat also got hurt before was getting chase by the random mob. Leon then saved the cat and took the cat in his de–home.

(A/N: A nekoshou and a fox hah...hehehe just keep reading and find a...)

After eating and talking to each other they talk about what happened here when Lily and her husband. Even though they talk about this when calling the couple or the couple is calling them via online.

"Ah!, I almost forgot why I'm here" Lily looked at the two girl who sits on the couch. Hearing that the four ladies then took noticed in their presence while Leon just smiled and keep stroking at his cat on his arm who already became happy.

"This is Naruse Mio and this is Naruse Maria" said Lily while pointing at the two 'sisters'.

"Hello I'm Naruse Mio" she then introduce herself to everyone while bowing at them.

"Hello everyone I'm Naruse Maria~" she playfully said and look at a certain person while grinning then examine the body of Leon from top to bottom. Speaking of Leon's body has lean and refined his physical age is 18 but his true age is 16.

'Oh, this loli succubus' Leon thought and smiled at Maria when she looked at him then unconsciously lick his lip. (A/N: Oh! f*ck *the author face become pale*)

[Mu!] Leon suddenly hear someone talking to his mind.

"You what?" he questioned Iris since the silver haired milf talk to him.

[Never mind] said Iris to him then Iris say 'you f*ck*r' in her mind. Leon then ignore her antics.

Maria who notice that then her loli body shuddered and blinked few times.

"I want you Leon to take care of them since their parents is not here anymore" Lily looked at Leon while she said that Mio who heard Lily become depressed about her parent. Maria who notice the depressed Mio then calm her down.

And everyone become shocked and sad at her. Akeno who saw Mio became depressed also became sad since she almost loose her mother if not for Leon's help.

"Yes, mother I will take care of them here" Leon assured his mother about the girls while in serious tone.

"Okay then I believe in you then I should leave now" Lily stand up then walk towards Leon then hug him.

"Take care mother" said to his mother.

"Take care too son" Lily and kiss his cheek then back up then a magical circle take form in where she stand then disappear.

(A/N: In the future chaps a problem will come to their family....a little spoiler? who knows....)

"Irene please lead them to other room and have them rest since its already night" Leon said to Irene while looking at the sisters.

"Okay young master, then please follow me" Irene look at Mio and Maria then the two follow her. And everyone walk out to the living room and walk to their own room

Leon walk towards his room while the cat is his shoulder. After that Leon locked the door while the cat jump of his shoulder then.


The cat transform into a voluptuous woman with cat ears and two tails and have a long black hair with hazel gold with vertical slit on the eyes and wearing a black kimono with yellow obi the kimono features a red interior and it is open at her shoulders, giving view to her large breasts.(google)

"Master! nya~" the nekoshou suddenly jump to Leon then move her head up and down while her tails sways left and right.

"Easy there Kuroka" Leon smiled and caress her black hair and his way to bed with Kuroka in tow who happily sniffs his scent. Yes, he already know her name half a month ago but still not said why is she hurt when he first meet her albeit Leon already knows the truth but still respect her decision and they lie at his bed.

(A/N: Heads up he's still a virgin man even this special scene. The one who gets his V card is...)


(Special scene between nekoshou and fox)

"Master!" Kuroka suddenly shout at Leon then begin to lick his body because she is intoxicated by his natural scent. Leon was taken aback by Kuroka he then nibbled at her cat ear and lick it. Kuro felt that the moaned and lick his nipples. After that she lowered her head to his abs then lick again. Leon turned on and unconciously release his charm to Kuroka, her pupils become a heart like shape and her petal soaked at her own juice .

"Ahn Ahn Ahn" Kuroka moaned because Leon is licking her two tails where her erogenous zone at and then she look at Leon.

"Master its my turn now" Kuroka lick her lips then Leon transform into a fox of course Kuroka already knew he was a fox since when both of them talk about their life..enough of that...Seeing that Leon transform she immediately kiss his lips and play with his fox ears. While Leon's hand is at her pussy rubbing it his long fox tail and her cat ears entertwined like their tongues and she cum. Kuroka's other hand is playing with his rod.

"Hah..Hah..Hah" their breath became ragged when they broke their kiss. Kuroka's pupils stay's at heart like shape. Leon moved at her pussy while Kuroka is facing his rod. Leon begin to lick her pussy and Kuroka began to Blowjob his rod. Leon played her clitoris by circling his tongue. While Kuroka is on top of Leon she insert his rod into her mouth its reaching at her pharynx. Leon felt her warm mouth speed up his by savagely licking and inserting his tongue to Kuroka's pussy.

"I'm about to cum Kuroka" Leon said to Kuroka who feels his rod swelling and becaming hot.

"Cum at in my mouth master" said Kuroka began to speed up her motion.

Without saying anything Leon start pumping and cum at her mouth. Kuroka who's swallowing his hot cum her pussy is beginning to cum as well.

"I'm cumming too master" said Kurora then Leon start to envelop her pussy and sucking it and love juice begin to come at Leon's mouth. Leon starts to drink her juice while Kuroka's mind become hazy then became lose consciousness. Leon then face Kuroka then hugged her and begin to arrive to the land of dream.
