Gione Arrives


A red beam from below flashed across the faces of the defense squad in the passage and threw the green figure away from their front. The already disgruntled bunch looked down the passage to see eight people on the hall's floor, all in black elegant coats and black trousers. They were made up of seven men who all wore hats and a woman.


The Head of the defense squad had an improved look on his previously depressed face as he looked down to see the governor of Kouzlo, the magical continent. Gione, a tall middle aged man in his late forties, with blue pupils in narrow eyeballs, looked up and nodded to the squad's head, before signaling to his own squad to spread out in a semi-circle.

"Serantus…hmm, it would appear Ferenc's hunches were correct from the start, good thing he prepared for this." Gione looked up at the green figure. "I take it you've killed Ferenc eh, Serantus…or what should you be called given you have three heads?"

Serantus, the green figure descended a little and back to the level of the second floor. It turned its head towards the direction of the squad there, and just as it was about to shoot a green beam out of its body towards the defense squad there, the woman in Gione's squad shouted; "No you don't!"

Just as she shouted, she stretched her hands towards Serantus, and everything about the green figure, from the rate at which the green fog about it moved, to the speed at which the green beam left its body, slowed down drastically.

The defense squad, on seeing this, fled the trajectory of the beam and away from the second floor's passage. The woman then released her outstretched hand.

"Good work Lydia," Gione commended her. He then directed the three men to his left to attack the green figure.

The man in the middle of the three stretched his hands out and looked up, and suddenly all the three men began levitating. When they had reached the level of the green figure, about five meters from the figure horizontally, they spaced out. The green figure turned around to face them. The man with the outstretched hands in the middle dropped his hands, and with few incantations l, blue magic circles forming around their hands, they began their attack.

The men persistently shot out blue beams from their hands to Serantus, who was being pushed back with each attack. Vexed after taking a few hits from the men, Serantus suddenly let out a burst of magic; it sent a shockwave of magic in a green spherical form which expanded rapidly until it reached the three men.

The men blocked this attack by quickly forming a transparent blue shield around them with their hands stretched out. The shield looked like a blue force field. Those below on the ground floor fell to the floor due to the forceful effect of what the green figure had released. The effect of the shockwave rocked the building, and little amounts of dust poured from the decking of the passage's around the hall, with the glassy dome above also resonating, releasing a tone as it did.

Serantus looked really pissed off now; the three heads shouted in the direction of the men still in their shield, but the shield looked like it would yield any moment due to the intensity of the enchantment directed at them.

"Such power…where does this monster get it's power?" One of the three men in the shield said with an intense frown on his face as he tried to focus on keeping the shield up.

"The people it's killed of course, if we don't keep this up we'll be one of them…what the hell's Lydia doing?" Another of the men said, looking down to see the others with a frowned face filled with both fear and annoyance.

After the remaining five below got to their feet, Gione looked at Lydia and nodded to her. Lydia understood the signal and once again stretched her right hand up to Serantus. Serantus again slowed down, and the intensity of his attack on the three men dropped. This gave the men the chance to move away from Serantus' attack while levitating under their blue shield. They descended beside their squad.

A slowed down Serantus, now attacking nothing but the glassy Crurix, which itself wasn't suffering any damage because of the strong enchantment protecting it, started turning its head and diverting its attack below to where Gione's party was.

Lydia was struggling to keep Serantus slowed down. She supported her outstretched right hand by holding her arm with her left. She then turned to her partners. "Do something will ya! I'm near my limits here!"

Gione turned up to face Serantus, and after some moments conjuring a spell, he released a violent beam towards Serantus which sent the figure upwards through the dome covering the hall, and out. Showers of shards of glass rained down on the hall.

A flat blue magic shield was already conjured by one of the three other men who hadn't done anything so far just before the glass shards came raining on them.

Gione nodded in approval to him. The glass materials falling over them were deflected around and down the shield, just like a umbrella protected against rain, only most of the glass broke as it touched the shield, which felt solid enough to the glass to do so, and the particles poured to the ground.

"Gioneee! Ever so reckless eh?" Lydia was kneeling on the floor, holding her right side while the others were standing. They hadn't noticed her posture.

Gione turned to her, and saw blood flowing from her side.

"Oh gosh Lydia!"

"The Serantus' attack brushed me as it turned while you attacked it." Lydia looked at Gione with a pained face.

The men apart from the one holding the shield up bent down and gathered around Lydia to see the intensity of her injury.

"Not now…it's not very bad is it?" Gione asked Lydia, his face filled with deep concern.

Lydia groaned as she released her grip on her side, but blood splurt out of the injured area. She quickly covered it back with the palm. "I guess it got a vein," she said.

"Lokai, can your level of healing magic take care of this?"

"No sir, a busted vein's beyond me," one of the men replied Gione.

Gione looked up to see Serantus entering the hall from the broken dome, and stood up, along with the rest of his squad.

"Stay down Lydia, you'll bleed out if you continue fighting. We'll handle this," Gione said.

"Well we all know my ability's needed to seal this thing. Let's just make it snappy now shall we, and you guys can just stop looking and start fighting." Lydia released deep pants after she finished talking, holding her side.

Gione turned his gaze from her back to Serantus, and started barking orders at his subordinates.

"Listen up, seven of us men will attack this thing together. Lydia will hold the emerald to seal Serantus, while she slows it down best she can…try not to get hit by it again okay, Lydia?"

"Hmn," Lydia hummed affirmatively.