Old Church

Dark clouds gathered in the sky and the weather became unusually windy today. At a distance, you could see a man walking towards a dilapidated church. The church was in shambles with its old pillars and walls surrounded by creepers and vines. If not for the cross that was engraved on the entrance, anyone could easily disguise it as a shady building where people used to worship Satan.

The man was wearing a formal set of black uniform. Though his face was covered with a black mask, it could not hide the handsomeness of him. He was a tall and strapped man. His coat was fluttering because of wind and his voice, but it did not affect him. He maintained his calm composure and entered the church.

The church was decent from the inside. It had good artwork on its windows, and you could also see sculptures of Mary and Jesus. It was intricately decorated that gave a holy vibe but the man knew best that this holy place had witnessed most of the horrific and brutal deeds. As he was immersed in his thoughts, a Parson came from one of the restrooms inside the church.

"Young man welcome to the house of God". Parson spoke amicably but there was a glint in his eyes which was gone in an instant but the young man managed to see it, however, he acted as if he hadn't seen anything.

"Good evening Parson Norman. How have you been all this time? Please forgive me for not coming early to greet you", the man said.

The person laughed happily but it disgusted the other man. Parson Norman was a big burly man and had crooked teeth. It was best that he became a parson and never married because even if he wanted to marry, no woman would be interested in him. He had a pathetic round face with a short neck, and it made him seem like a human face ball. The man behind the mask was practically gagging inside but he maintained his composure from outside.

"No worries child. I am healthy and very much delighted to see you."

"Parson Norman I assume you know why I am here" the man addressed.

The smile on the parson's face froze for an instant but he resumed his smile in the next second. "Sure, I know what you are seeking and would love to help you, but you know the rules."

"I understand Parson Norman and in return for your help, I have prepared a gift for you. I hope you will like it" the man spoke calmly.

"So considerate of you child. I will ask blessings for your share from the almighty god".


The man and the person discussed something for an hour.

The parson was so engrossed in his discussion that he did not notice that a youthful frail man was staring at him from the creaked open church's door. He saw various emotions on the parson's face such as Rage, sorrow, sadness, yearning, murderous, sadism, and many more however the boy remained indifferent and maintained a void expression on his face. It was as if he was seeing a stray animal but the clenched fist on his side betrayed him. His nails were practically digging in his palms. Nobody knew what he was thinking, but there the glint in his eyes made one shudder.