Parson Norman

Nobody knew what they were talking about, not even the young boy standing beside the window. The man had probably cast a spell while they were talking so that even if anyone wanted to eavesdrop, they cannot do so. Nevertheless, the frail boy didn't intend to do so.

Parson laughed loudly for some reason and then the faint voices could be heard in the room. The man had removed the spell. "Child, I have sincerely helped you and now I do not have any other help to offer."

"I am grateful for Parson Norman's help and will surely return your sincerity. Jeff" He called out.

Soon a young boy around 19 years with a fair complexion and soft features entered inside the church and stood beside the man. As soon as he saw the man the person was full of smiles and his eyes glinted.

"Ah! Parson Norman allowed me to introduce him to you. This young boy is Jeff, and he is an orphan. My last mission was to kill some traitors and unfortunately, his parents were also involved in some conspiracy so I had to kill them, but I couldn't bring myself to kill this boy and kept him by my side for one year. Initially, I thought I could train him to be a soldier but as you can see this boy here has a frail body and thus is incapable to be a soldier. So, I suggested him to be a Parson and he accepted it so I bought him over here so you can train him. I am sure under your guidance this boy will surely become a great Parson and will help people just as you have helped them till now. I only wish happiness for this child because he has suffered a great ordeal. I hope Parson Norman you will treat him like your son and will take him as your disciple."

Parson Norman was smiling amicably but the glint in his eyes was saying another thing. "Don't you worry. I will take him under my wings and guide him to be a person full of morals and virtue". The person replied happily

"That is great. I am thankful for your kindness Parson. This boy Jeff is usually a quiet and obedient child and will not trouble you. In case of trouble just drop me a message I will surely come to resolve it. Now if you allow Parson Norman. I have to leave" and with that, the young man went back leaving Jeff under the care of Parson Norman.

"Come Jeff. You would be hungry and exhausted from traveling. It's almost time for supper let me show you your room" and with that, the Parson helped the young boy and provided a set of keys to him showing him a room.

"Thank you, Parson Norman" Jeff said shyly.

Seeing his shy demeanor made Parson very happy. "No worries child. Let us call it a day and I will teach you from tomorrow onwards" and with that Parson went to his room. He failed to notice but Jeff who was quiet and shy earlier now had a menacing expression on his face.

"Parson Norman!"


He chuckled eerily under his breath and then he too went inside his room.

The man removed his mask and a finely crafted face was revealed. Who else it could be if not for righteous Rune. "Parson huh? Count your days you bastard and pay for your sins now"