Leo and Reo

"Alright," Camy said.

"The moonlight is so bright today, isn't it?" Ceci spoke.

"It is."

"What do you think of Knight Vadis?" Ceci asked.

"I don't know Ceci. You know it is rather complicated. Knight Vladis, you, me, marriage.

It's all messed up" Camy explained frustratedly.

"Yeah, sis. You are right. I am also very confused. I am having a very strange feeling. It is like although we are the ones making choices somehow I feel that we are catering to somebody else's wishes" Ceci said truthfully.

"You too Ceci" Camy asked in a surprised tone.

"What do you mean sis?" Ceci asked in a bewildered tone.

"I am also having this creepy feeling. It's like we are being led by our nose" Camy said.

Both remained quiet for a minute before sighing at the same time.

"I think we are thinking too much," Ceci said.

"I hope you are right Ceci" Camy wished loudly.

"Let us forget this. I want to tell you something about my dream. I had a super weird dream." Ceci said.

"Go ahead", Camy replied.

"I had a dream in which you and I got separated inside a jungle when we were young, and our life was in danger. A big beast was after our life and then two boys whom we called big brother rescued us and you, you...." at the end, Ceci started stammering.

Camy wore a very odd expression during the whole time but towards the end, her face became flushed red, you could sense the uneasiness in her voice. "And what?" Camy asked desperately wishing that may the end of the Ceci dream be different.

"You, you ..."Ceci was also embarrassed but she managed to speak, "you kissed the big brother who was carrying you on his cheek."

Camy was too embarrassed to face her sister and closed her eyes to escape humiliation. Seeing Camy all flustered made Ceci laugh uncontrollably so she put one hand over her mouth to cover her giggles. Camy took some time to manage herself and was now wearing a very serious expression. Seeing Camy like this made Ceci giggles non-stop. "What happened Ceci?"

"Ceci what if I tell you that I too had the same dream just like what you described. Same to the same but the only difference was that I saw two puppies following us which we decided to give big brother Rune as a gift."

Ceci froze for a moment before recovering. "I too saw puppies but it's just I didn't mention them" She spoke seriously.

"This is bad!" Camy spoke in a lowered tone.

Ceci was quiet for a moment before grabbing Camy's hand.

"Camy, isn't Leo and Reo are those puppies whom we brought from the forest," Ceci spoke bewilderedly.

Camy was dazed for a moment before it struck her memory. It wasn't that she had forgotten her pets but now since they were grown up, they weren't as cute as they were in their childhood. Now Leo and Reo were one of the feared beasts in the whole empire and Rune had to put a seal on them so that they behave themselves. They were the pillars of Taylor's power in the empire.