
"Sis, I think before we settle for our marriage let us solve this puzzle. I want to find out about that big brother" Ceci said excitedly.

Camy too nodded her head in acknowledgment. She too wanted to find them and thank them sincerely but whenever she thought about that big brother Vladis face would pop up in her mind. His hot breath on her face, warm embrace made her heart flutter. Maybe it was her imagination, but she felt that the touch of Vladis and of that big brother was the same. They both have the same warm smile and safe aura around them. Thinking about this her cheeks turned red as her heart raced.

Ceci was also thinking hard, finding the big brother who carried her. She wanted to beat the shit out of him. She can clearly remember his lazy and haughty demeanor and it increased her anger toward him. "Just you wait, sleazy big brother. I will make you pay for your crude words ", she said under her breath. It was cold outside and soon

Ceci started shivering in the cold. "Ceci let's go inside. It's pretty cold outside. I think we should just go back to our room and try to get a little bit of sleep."

With that, both of them went inside their respective rooms and slept soundly.


A certain lord in his study was burning the midnight oil when suddenly he felt itchy inside his nose and sneezed.


"Hmm, it's strange. Am I having fever but I never got one" he started frowning.

"Who dares to speak badly about me behind my back?" Lord frowned.

"It is not like they can say bad about you at your face, can they, Vadis scoffed."


Whatever ....