
"She also knows about the history of the blue crystal which was even not known to us. Only old man Rubin and she can open the lock of that locked library." With that, Rune took out an old map of the empire and handed it to Vladis.

"This is several decades old. The places and towns have all grown differently after decades. To find the marked place it would be similar finding a needle in a haystack." Rune groaned.

"Tell us everything about that blonde girl and the blue crystal," Arthur demanded.

Rune explained everything to them.

After hearing Rune's explanation, Arthur and Vladis' brows were knitted. Vladis silently looked toward Arthur and then nodded his head. Rune noticed this weird behavior but didn't probe. He knew that even if he asked, there was a high chance that they wouldn't tell him, so he decided to remain quiet.

"Someone is trying to kill your sweeties" Arthur remarked. As predicted, Rune's face paled, shock evident in his eyes.

"Why? They've never interacted with the dark side of the community, nor do they have any major enemies, then why?" Rune questioned, his hand tightening into a fist.

"We don't know either. They could be anyone and have any reason." Vladis said solemnly.

This time, all of them had the same thought in their mind.

'These damn girls are always attracting danger. Why can't they live like ordinary Noble girls?'

All of them let out a deep sigh simultaneously.

"Are you sure they weren't your enemies? Maybe they came for you, not my sweeties. Vladis, you are knight commander of the Reinstle empire. Your marriage with Taylor is an important decision and will impact the empire directly. There would be many jealous ones who would like to kill my sweeties for her position." Rune questioned, raising his eyebrow in suspicion.

"No, it's not like this." Vladis narrated the whole incident of the festival except they didn't mention the part where they flirted with his sweeties. They didn't want to anger Rune.

"Do you think it's because of the blue crystal?" Rune asked.

"We don't know who they are, nor do we know their motive. All we can do is solve every question one by one. I feel like everything is interrelated and is revolving around the Blue crystal." Vladis commented.

"True, we need to search for the locked library and solve this mystery," Arthur said.

"What about my sweeties? I can't do anything knowing that danger is lurking on my sweeties."

"What are you afraid of? Camy has Vladis and Ciel has me." Arthur asked in confusion.

Vladis's jaw dropped in shock when he heard Arthur.

"I can understand why Vladis wants to protect Camy, but why the hell do you want to protect Ciel?" Rune spat out. His voice tinged with displeasure.

"What a foolish question. I am the Lord and a wizard too. Of course, I will protect Ciel. I am a dutiful wizard who protects his countrymen. You people will never understand my burden and responsibilities" Arthur huffed.

Vladis was too embarrassed to hear this. He just wanted to hide his burning face.

'For god's sake, this wizard here was spouting nonsense. When had this wizard even care about countrymen and what the hell about responsibilities and burdens? It is all on me. I am the one who carries out the work whereas he just orders around.' Vladis sulked in a corner.

Rune's face also kept changing colors. The above statement was controversial, and he was very well aware of Arthur's temperament, but he couldn't voice it out.

"Fine, you take care of Ciel and Vladis will take care of Camy while I will take care of Resel."

"Yeah right, I have a favor to ask you," Rune spoke.


"I want you to lift the curse from Resel. She isn't healthy, to begin with, and this curse will only weaken her. We need her for my sweeties." Rune tried to explain with a straight face, but a part of his heart was filled with anxiety.

"Blood curses aren't easy to lift. It will definitely need God's blessing. The most I can do is to expand her lifetime, but I can't guarantee that."

Rune's heart sank down a bit, yet he maintained a passive expression on his face.

"Thanks for the help, Lord Arthur." Rune bowed his head a bit, acknowledging Arthur.

"You leave this map here, Rune. Vladis, send this map to the alchemy department and see if they can find anything. Pack your stuff, Rune. Within two days we are setting off to the old library." Arthur ordered.

"You sure are confident, Lord. The map hasn't even been sent to the alchemy department. Are you so sure that they will be able to find the exact location?" Rune asked, contempt hidden in his tone.

"I know that they are fools and they'll surely fail. They would only be able to find out the time when the map was made." Arthur mentioned casually.

Rune and Vladis were shocked. The alchemy department of the Reinstle empire was topnotch and had helped solve several cases. They were literally a team of elites. If the alchemy department people got to know that their Lord considered them a bunch of idiots, then they would surely weep to death.

This extraordinary wizard was always belittling others.

"So why bother?" Rune hissed.

"So that they can all be busy and know their worth. Nothing more than a bunch of insane idiots. Don't worry, I will handle this matter by myself."

"What should we tell Ciel and Camy? We need to inform them since they are in danger." Vladis brought up a point.

Arthur and Rune had the same question in their mind. It would be difficult to protect them if they didn't tell them about the looming danger. But informing them could cause them panic.

All three of them were fearless warriors with mighty power wielders.

'In a battle, you can only be sure of yourself, the enemy is never to be trusted.'

They could fight till death for their loved ones but no one wanted their loved ones to be dead.

"Don't worry, I think father is going to make a move which will surely involve Camy and Ciel," Rune said in a tense tone.

"Don't Mr. Taylor love his daughters to death? Why would he want to harm his little sweeties". Arthur asked sarcastically.

"Father does love them. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, I don't know what father aims for, but I will never jeopardize my sister's safety, no matter what." Rune declared.

"I shall take my leave, Lord Arthur," Rune turned around and left the study.

"He won't ditch us, would he? "Vladis asked.

"Who knows?"

In the living room, Resel was seated uneasily while sipping fruit juice.

As soon as she saw Rune her eyes glistened. She abruptly sat up and fumbled forward. Before she could fall down, Rune hurriedly walked towards her and with one swift tug, he caught Resel in one arm and the glass in another.

"Clumsy," Rune said gloomily.

"I am sorry." Resel smiled sheepishly.

Rune helped her to stand and said," Let's go."

"But where?".

"Of course, home. Where else do you want to go?" Rune glared at her.

Resel knew he was irritated but she didn't know why. "Where am I going to stay? Don't tell me you are planning to leave me alone to stay in the streets." Resel asked in shock.

"Of course not, your safety is important so you are going to stay in my mansion as a guest. Don't worry, you won't feel uncomfortable. My sweeties and my mother are there too," Rune assured her.

Resel knew that he wouldn't leave her alone but she never imagined that he would take her to his mansion. Taylor's mansion. It wasn't a joke. "I must be very lucky to meet the three greatest men of our empire in a day and at the same time as well as to get a chance to live in Taylor's mansion." She murmured to herself.

"Why are you smiling? Your cheeks are red. Are you running a fever?" Rune asked her when he saw her smiling foolishly.

Resel was embarrassed that she was caught by Rune. so, she tried to make an excuse. "Well, isn't Lord Arthur and knight Vladis too handsome? I feel like I am in love with them."


"You fool. You are not in love with them, you are just infatuated by their looks. Now hurry up, or else I am going to leave you here. Then you can ask your handsome Lord and Knight to give you shelter." Rune said annoyedly and walked away.