
Arthur sat on the balcony of his room after he was done with his work. He already had so much on his plate and everything seems to be interrelated and yet so different from each other. One problem didn't end and the other showed up.

He knew that everything revolves around the blue moon's blessing, but the chain to interlink them was still missing. His train of thoughts stopped when Chesire came to his feet and started rubbing his head with his leg asking for his master's attention. He picked him up and put it on his lap. As he was stroking Chesire soft furs, out of nowhere he remembered about the bracelet.

The bracelet given by the fairy reminded him of the whispers he heard. He had a slight smile on his face while recalling his feisty little birdy. No one had ever talked to him the way she did. He was rather amused to see that. He even told her about his real identity, yet her reaction was unexpectedly opposite. Cecil was another thriller for Arthur. He chuckled as he said in a little mischievous voice, "you didn't change my feisty birdie and it's going to be fun with you". With that faint smile, he went to sleep.

Vladis, after Arthur left, lost all his sleep and was running his horses to figure out something about the letter. He couldn't draw any conclusions about his dream. Frustratedly he started pulling his hair and decided to try to have some before they start solving the mystery tomorrow. The moment he laid on his bed he thought of the time he spent with Camy at the Spring festival.

He remembered her eyes twinkling whenever she found something interesting to shop. He had a bright smile while he was thinking about her. He was extremely touched and excited when Camy brought something for him and was helping him eat candy.

"We will meet soon honey", with that thought he went to sleep.

At Taylor Mansion

Rune took Resel to his house. After two days they would continue their journey to solve their mystery so till that time she can stay here where his mother and his sweeties can take care of her. While she got off the carriage, she was still shy and embarrassed about staying at his house. Rune, seeing her standing still with her head down, realized that it might be awkward for her, but this was the only place he could guarantee safety of hers.

"We will stay here for two days and then we will go to the old library. Don't worry, my mother and my sweeties also live here so they will help you if you need anything.", Rune informed, and after asking the butler to move the luggage inside he said," Let's go".

They were greeted by a very warm atmosphere. His mother was cooking while Camy and Cecil were bickering about something. Rune instantly lost his stiffness and transformed into a warm and friendly guy. He went to hug and greet them. Resel was surprised to see this change and seeing them she also felt like an outsider which she was actually.

She was woken up when Camy asked, "OH! we have a guest here, mom". She went to her and greeted Rune and said, "Oh! Why are you standing there? Come inside".

She nodded her head and Rune introduced her," Mom, she is Resel. She works at the central library. She is here to help in some council work, and will be staying here for 2-3 days."

"Okay", his mother replied and turned to Resel, "Hello child, please be at home. I will ask Camy to show you your room and if you need anything, feel free to ask. Also, dinner is ready so go freshen up".

"No need Camy. I will show her the guest room. It's on the way" Rune said out of the blue.

Camy and mother both nodded their heads. Rune and Resel went upstairs while Camy went to ask the butler to move her luggage to the guest room. Mrs. Taylor also became busy in the kitchen. While Cecil was having a mischievous look. She thought that her brother never brought a girl home even if it was for work then how come now? She was very excited that she had something to tease his brother off.


Rune showed her the room and informed her," My room is one door away so if you need anything let me know. Also, don't tell anyone about the blue moon. If anyone asks, you say you are here to assist me in the council work. okay?"

Resel was a bit embarrassed while standing at the door and talking to him alone but she still managed to reply, "Okay".

"See you downstairs", with that Rune went to freshen and Resel also went inside the room.

While they were having dinner, Rune asked," Would Dad come late today?".


His grip on the spoon tightened for a second but he released the force and managed to say "Okay"

No one observed it except Resel.