
The carriage door was softly opened from the outside; however, before the person could enter, Camy had placed the knife on his neck.

"Who are you?"

"It's me. Vladis," Vladis replied in shock.

She sure had her guards up.

"Oh," Camy was flustered and quickly removed the dagger from his neck and made space for everyone inside the carriage. She was happy to see her brother but her happiness soon faded when she noticed injured Resel.

"What happened to her?" She asked.

"She got pierced by an arrow. I don't know if it had poison or not, but from the looks of it, she is poisoned. We need to make way for the royal infirmary quickly." Rune said.

"Let's go then. What are we waiting for?" Camy said aggressively.

Rune and Vladis nodded and ordered the coachmen to drive the carriage, but soon they heard footsteps in numbers.

Rune's face turned ugly.

Robbers surrounded them, even after facing so much hardship.

"Damn! Talk about being unlucky," Camy cursed.

Vladis knew the situation was not good, but he had faith in him as well as Rune. Since they both were here, they would make sure both the women would remain safe and sound. Vladis wanted to console Camy, but the moment he noticed her expressions, he was baffled. There was no trace of fear in her bright eyes, and there was just sheer excitement. Her hands which Vladsi thought were shaking because of fear, were shaking because of her excitement. He wanted to say something, but then he noticed Rune's troubled expression, and he understood.

This girl was different. The more chaos she got, the more the level of excitement it was for her. Resel too noticed Camy's odd behavior, but she felt awkward and ended up remaining quiet. There was nothing she could say at the moment as she was herself gravely injured.

"You both stay inside the carriage. Vladis and I will go and settle things out. Camy…." Before he could finish his words, a small figure leaped out swiftly.

She was so fast that they didn't have a chance to react. It was easy for her to escape since she was the closest to the door.


Rune sighed and somewhat expected.

Vladis froze, but his reflexes kicked in, and he, too, barged outside the carriage to only see Camy fighting with a group of bandits with her raw strength.

He was baffled.

Rune was annoyed.

"Are you just going to watch her kill them all?"

"Are you joking? She can't kill them?" Vladis replied.

However, he was answered soon enough by Camy when she twisted the neck of one of the bandits.


Camy smirked.

She was very proud of herself.

Vladis gulped.

She was a monster with such brute strength.

Since the mission was top secret, Rune didn't bring his guards with him. Heck! He even forgot to carry his sword, and the same was the case with Vladis. Luckily they did hold their tiny daggers and quickly used them to slash the Thugs. However, they soon noticed something peculiar and Bizarre.

The Thugs were not skilled and brawny but were skinny and weak to the point that they looked malnourished. Their complexion was deathly pale; they looked like corpses. Earlier, their faces were hidden behind their mask, but after being attacked by Camy, most of them turned injured, and their faces were thus revealed.

"Stay back," Rune roared.

He was the first one who noticed the difference in their physical traits. He was visibly shocked, but for the sake of survival, he managed to keep his cool. He gravely said." they aren't humans."


Camy was visibly dissatisfied with her brother. She admitted that they looked different from the rest, but she wasn't a delusional girl. She thoroughly believed that their malnourishment is the reason they look like corpses. Perhaps they even might be affected by some chronic illness that had taken their life force. There could be many causes to it.

Camy wasn't interested in talking, so she showed her tongue to her brother to tease him and continue fighting. Rune was frustrated.

"Don't just stand there and protect that foolish girl," Rune roared at Vladis.

Inside the carriage, Resel shivered with fear. Unlike Camy, she was an ordinary girl. She was frightened when she realized that the thugs had surrounded them, but her chaotic heart came to ease when Rune assured her safety. She would be a fool not to believe in him. She was well aware of Rune and Vladis's power. They were one of the bravest Soldiers of Reinstle.

If they promised something, then they would stick to it, come what may.

She quickly picked up the basket from the carriage base. Earlier, when Camy escaped, she left the basket, and it stumbled on the floor. Soon she heard shouts and howls of men. One by one, men fell on the floor. She rejoiced and started seeing Camy in a new light. For her, Camy became an Idol. A powerful yet delicate girl. Her lips quirked up, but the smile faded the instant she heard Rune's description.

Something clicked in her mind, and her hands turned cold. She broke in a cold sweat.