Master and Maid -1

In the study.

Rune and Vladis already knew that Arthur wanted to tell Ceil about everything. So they patiently waited for Arthur to do it. Ceil waited for them to start, but they all just remained silent, and frustratedly, she asked, "what's the matter?"

Arthur started, "Look, Cecil, there are certain things in the empire that you don't understand. So I want you to not let your guard down at any cost."


"Enemies are lurking around in the dark. And the attack on Camy is not any coincidence or any accident that just happened out of animal's ferocity."

"Are you saying this was planned and someone is trying to harm us?"

"Yes. We can't protect you all the time, or there may be times when you would be alone, and the enemies might attack us, so don't let your guard down at any cost."

"But why would they do that. Especially to Camy and me. I mean, big brother and Vladis can have their share of enemies, but Camy and I weren't even here for most of our life. How would we gain enemies?"

"There is a blessing called the blue moon. It can give you some powers which can bring immense destruction to the empire if fallen into the wrong hands and unbelievable powers if given in the right hands. Our ancestors have also been involved in this". Rune explained his family history to her and the blue moon blessing. Ceil was silent, trying to absorb all the details, but her stoic determination was against Arthur's expectations. After listening to all of this, she finally asked patiently, but worry could be sensed in her voice.

"What about the Council? Can't we ask them to help us? Is the Council going to do anything when this conspiracy is happening in the dark?"

"This is something where even the Council can't do anything. Some of the council members are also involved." Arthur replied.

"Then what about my father? Is he also in danger since he is a part of the council member?"

Arthur wanted to warn her about her father but decided not to, since he wasn't sure about her reaction. He viewed that she wouldn't believe him. He also couldn't tell her about Vladella as that'll be a little too much for her today.

"We will take care of him." That's all he could say. He wasn't sure in what terms he would take care of her father, but he was determined to do it in his best way.

"For now, we need a new plan." Arthur sighed.

After this revelation, he asked Ceil to move out for a while and then turned to face Rune and Vladis as he ordered, "Rune and Vladis. Both of you go to the Central library with Resel and find out more about the blue moon. Treat this as one of your secret missions, and don't fail to complete it this time. I assure that your absence in the empire would also remain a secret."

They bowed and were about to leave when Arthur stopped them, "Rune. beware of your parents. Divert their attention anyhow. I don't want your emotional recklessness to come in between all this, or else you know what I can do". He even smiled, which didn't reach his eyes and was more like a threat to Rune.

Rune wasn't afraid of him, but he knew that he couldn't afford any carelessness because that would cost his sweeties' life. He just bowed and said, "Yes, my lord."

And they all left the study. Ceil was sitting in the chair looking at Camy's room when Vladis and Rune asked her to come with them. Arthur then only came out of his study and heard Ceil saying that she didn't want to go because she wanted to stay with her sister, so they all left without her.

Arthur then came to her and said, "Stay here for the time being."


"It would be tiresome to go back and forth to Taylor's mansion, so stay here to take care of your sister."

After contemplating for a while, she agreed to stay at the palace. She asked her father about this. He refused her immediately, but Ceil convinced him that she wanted to take care of her sister, so reluctantly, he agreed. Rune also informed his parents that he would be out for some council work with Resel.

In the Study


Ceil was standing in the middle of the study room while Arthur was sitting on his chair, with his head butler on his side, his head down. Arthur was checking on the daily report. He informed the head butler, "She is Ceil. she will be now staying here." he looked at Ceil, looking around the study as if her attention wasn't on him. A mischievous smile formed on his face when he continued, "As my personal maid. She will be responsible for my everything so please explain to her about her duties. But she will be staying in the second guest room, so prepare her for that."

Head butler bowed his head and said, "Yes, my lord."

Ceil was shocked and felt cheated. She wanted to curse him loudly, but since he was the Lord so she could fulfill this wish only in her heart. Arthur looked at her and said to the butler, "bring me the tea."

"Yes, my lord."

"Ms. Ceil, please." He gestured for Ceil to come with him, and they moved out. Ceil sadly moved out with him. Arthur chuckled and amused and happy at this reaction.