Dark Arts


"Miss please slowdown"

"Miss Cynthia, please wait", shouts of an old man reverberated within the corridors. He wanted to catch up with a young girl, who was his young miss but apparently, the girl was too fast.

"I don't want to" She hurried off after replying. Sighing to himself the old man could only grit his teeth as he followed her out. When he was out of breath, he rested his hands on his knees and took a short rest.

"Morsee" A sweet voice called him. His gaze followed the voice to only meet his young miss who was standing on the exit door. A big grin was plastered on her face.

"Tsk…Your bones are turning old" she giggled.

Morse was caught off guard, but he didn't mind. It was true, he was becoming old. "Aye, miss is too athletic, even surpassing me. I don't know how long these old bones can hang"?