
"To make things clear, I did not enter the restricted area. Our guards felt something was amiss, so for the sake of precautions they entered and found a man lurking in the shadows. Maybe, Knight Vladis was exhausted due to his fight a few days ago or was injured, but thankfully we managed to catch the culprit and it turned out to be him, your majesty" Josh replied.

Arthur turned quiet. If many witnessed Vladis, then he can't refute them. If he did, it will portray as, him to trying to save him on purpose, which can be used against him.

"Josh, is there anything else? Any other reasons for capturing Vladis? We should be careful with our action, after all, he ain't anybody but the Knight commander. If this turns out false, the council will need to take responsibility for it." Thomas said plainly.

Josh smiled.

"Indeed, your honor"