The Massacre - Sharingan I.

In the four weeks he operated Dix managed to track down and raze 26 criminal groups main base. The ripple effects of this were felt throughout the whole region. For normal people it was safer and cheaper to travel, and those living on farmlands and such didn't have to fear for their lives or didn't have to pay 'protection fees' to local gangs and bandits. Also trading was easier, as traveling merchants could move around more safely, which led to a small economic boom in the Fire Nation.

Trough the 26 fights 2 are notable, as in those cases superior power and speed wasn't enough, both times the clones had to fight against rouge ninjas that had some sort of tricky trump cards up their sleeves. Neither of them were in actual life threatening harm, but due to their nature when they got hurt they dispersed almost immediately. When Dix got notified of these failures trough the links he went to avenge his clones with even more speed and firepower and the promises of sure death by the burning fire of vengeance.

All in all this was a great experience for Dix, he managed to have actual fights to the death. He was ready for what is to come. The day of the Uchiha Massacre he unpacked his tools and equipment, checked their integrity and went over the plan once again. Then he started moving around the village, mostly close to the Uchiha district to place key items to different places. With that done he had to wait many more hours anxiously. This was an op he couldn't miss or fail. He has to get it right.

As it was getting late and the sun vanished behind the horizon, Dix rolled out to the best surveillance spot he found, then erased his presence and activated the body seal. He just had to wait. He took position on the wall of the mountain, because the Uchiha district was moved to the edge of the village, right to the base of said mountain after Kurama's attack on the village. The Uchiha Clan was still lively beneath Dix, he felt somehow excited knowing about their impending doom, while the actual ones with their fates sealed were having fun without knowing a thing. From high up above the Uchiha district he was able to see if anyone entered after curfew, as most of the people properly followed the protocols and by the sun set, the streets were mostly empty.

It took quite a few minutes for Itachi to appear. First Dix had a hard time noticing the slight movement among the houses, but he found it right as the lights started going out. Itachi was on a pretty bad route for Dix, he had to be really fast and climb down the mountain undetected and had to approach the entrance he made as soon as possible. Itachi started at the side which he wanted to infiltrate, so he had to double time it so he doesn't fall behind on time. He knew Itachi makes quick and clean work of anyone, so Dix was on a tight schedule.

He climbed down, then entered right away. He was at his highest alert status, his focus was unmovable and perfect. He felt like this is the spearhead of all his previous work, as he entered the 'zone' and became hypersensitive to any noise, while erasing his own to the last. He wanted to check the last house he wanted to enter, as it was the closest to the entrance. First he wanted to extract the body from the farthest house, which, according to his calculations, Itachi was clearing right now.

He looked into a small crack he left for safety measures when he made the entrance, and could see a family going with their evening routine without knowing anything. The youth with the sharingan looked up like he noticed something and turned toward the house Itachi was supposed to be in. Whatever disrupted him, it was gone already, so he just shrugged and continued on. Dix just checked them out, then moved towards the house he wanted to loot first. Itachi was supposed to come straight from one house to another, so Dix had to take a route around to avoid him. For a second, as he got into the cover of a shadowy corner, he noticed Itachi exiting the previous house, and he was able to see the right side of his face, which had dried up tear trails on it. It seemed like he wasn't noticed, but he just stayed there for a few seconds and make sure he was moving behind Itachi at a fair distance.

When he made sure there was no one around, he swiftly entered the building and as he was about to enter the room, he suddenly felt a huge amount of chakra concentrating at a certain point in the room. Space itself started to ripple and fold, as the signature visuals of a powerful space-time jutsu were going off inside. Dix only had half a second to get into cover and stop even his breath. He knew what that was. That was the the power of Madara's sharingan. He even went as far as to get his heart to beat slower and quieter then usual. There was a technique for this he read in the library of the Third.

Madara looked around, like he was disturbed, but couldn't find the source. Maybe its just the sentries Itachi didn't silence yet. He looked around once again, but couldn't explain the inkling feeling that something isn't right. But he didn't have time to dilly-dally. He checked the bodies of the dead family, then moved on, again, using his space-time jutsu to warp away.

By the time he left Dix's head was already purple and he was nearing a blackout. He boosted up his heart and lungs to get back the lost oxygen and blood pressure. He seriously almost shat himself back there. The only thing that kept him from doing that is the thought that the smell might give him away. And that would've been a pretty bad way to go.

Anyway, he looked around, checked into every corner with utmost care, then went to check on the family. There were four people in the room, a father, a mother and two teenage kids, a boy and a girl. The girl would've looked even fine, but her face was distorted to the limit because of the violent way she had to go. Dix was sure he seen her somewhere before, but he wasn't sure, so he just continued. The others he just couldn't care about, so he rushed to the dead body of the boy. He was around 17 with the usual looks of an Uchiha. Almost all of them look the same, black hair, black eyes, signature facial features. He checked the eyes and they were undamaged, the sharingans were still active, due to the extreme emotions the poor boy experienced before his death. Now the eyes were sucking dry the body of all of the chakra it had left.

He just had to pick up the body and move it. Even though he was still 8 and the boy was 17 and almost twice as big, Dix just grabbed him however he was able to, lifted him and started making his way towards the entrance. When he got there he just put the body down. He didn't want to take it outside, as there were regular patrols on the streets, something he managed to scout and track weeks before that night. There will be one moving along the same street that the entrance opens onto. So for now he just left the body as it is, and headed for the next house.

When he entered the deed was already done and Itachi was long gone. He was going faster then anticipated, so Dix had to move it. He found his way into the kitchen where two family members were having dinner before their inevitable end. Neither of them was his target, so he had to rush up the stairs as quietly as possible and had to check the bedrooms. He found the body in the second, it was another teenager, slightly smaller in frame, so he was able to move the body a bit easier. He quickly checked the eyes, which were alright once again, as his throat was slit in as he was sleeping. Dix grabbed him, and rushed out to the entrance. Two secured, two more to go, half way there.

Dix kept his pace and rushed into the third house, which he heard some noises from before. As he entered he found himself in something like a butcher's back room. It looks like the young boy somehow detected Itachi and wanted to fight him. His age and big frame gave him some chance, but in front of ItachI's skill and genius he was only able to mess up the whole room. He rushed to check the eyes, and to his dismay, both of them were pierced by kunais. It seems like this one was pretty good and Itachi probably felt threatened. He must have felt like the power of the boy's sharingan was too troublesome, so he destroyed it first, to make the fight way easier. This was a huge loss for Dix, as he had to make-do with three or possibly two pairs.

With grim thoughts he moved out of the house towards the next. He felt like he was getting closer to something bad, so he became extra cautious. This was the house with the crack, so he decided to check that out. When he looked in he seen as Itachi was about to pierce a woman's heart that was sitting at the table in the kitchen. There was no one else in the room, probably everyone already went to bed in their respective rooms. Seeing this Dix got quite scared, but his discipline he forced on himself trough the last 2 years made him reflexively enter 'stealth mode'. It seemed like Itachi noticed something for a fleeting moment, but the same way as Madara, he didn't know what caused the disturbance, so he just looked around to make sure no one was about to ambush him. As he secured his surroundings he made his way upstairs.

In a few seconds Dix could hear a muted yelp from there and knew Itachi finished already. He heard the sound of windows opening and a barely audible thud. Dix was sure Itachi took the fast way out, trough the window, so now he was able to move around and enter trough the backdoor. He passed trough the kitchen where the woman's body was and made his way up the stairs. There he had to check the rooms, and he found the boy in the last. He was a 13 year old really tiny boy, which made him a good candidate for extraction even though he only trained his sharingan to the second level. Dix wanted to use his eyes to experiment about upgrading and evolving the sharingans. When he checked the eyes' integrity he let go of a small sigh of relief, as both of them were undamaged. Thus he quickly grabbed the small boy and headed to the entrance.