The Massacre - Sharingan II.

When he arrived to the entrance he could see that he wasn't discovered and the bodies were still there where he left them. He was good with the time schedule he set up, now there should be no guards on patrol around, so he was able to move the bodies to the closest roof one by one. He sneaked a peek outside, and as he saw the streets were empty he pulled out the first body then rushed up to a nearby building's roof that had 4 small urns and the tiny hermetically sealing containers and the huge bottle of solution he got from the 'general store'. He put down the body next to one of the urns then rushed back to the wall. He pulled out another body and repeated the previous process, then again with the last body. Soon all three were on the roof so he was able to start the process.

Dix had to extract the eyes there, then hide the bodies and properly remove them later. He started the procedure right away. He grabbed one of the small tanks and filled it with the special solution he bought before, then moved on to the small boy and put his hand on his right eye first. That was the first one because his eyes were the most expendable. Dix had seen that in the anime people would just go ahead and rip out the eye, not giving a fuck. Well, he couldn't afford to do that. He had to surgically remove it so the nerves are not damaged in the slightest. Healing nerve damage is extremely hard. He wanted to avoid it as much as possible. He had to take it slow, but at the same time he had to pick up the pace. Either Madara or Itachi might take a look around the district to pick off any stragglers. Unfortunately it was easier to butcher a person than surgically removing their eyes.

He learned of a medical jutsu called Chakra Blades in the library of the Third. He already used it way before, but its possibilities go far beyond the normal blade form. With enough control one would be able to shoot out a small blade of chakra into another person's body and cut whatever they wanted without opening a wound with a knife for example. Dix mastered this, and practiced it on many dead animals before.

Dix proceeded to disengage his seal, as he was quite far away from the Uchiha district, thus neither Itachi nor Madara was supposed to find him trough this. With the seal turned off he had to start severing the nerves between the eye and the brain right away, He proceeded as slow as possible, considering every medical book and process he learned so far. He was confident if he cuts the nerve the right way he would be able to properly reattach it later without outside help. When the nerves were severed he simply grabbed it with three of his fingers and gently pulled it out. It was quite disgusting, and Dix had a hard time enduring it at first, but he had a plan to finish, so he put up with it.

With that done, he quickly put the eye into the container. Now, with actual experience under his belt he summoned 2 clones to start working on the other two bodies. He then moved on to remove the other eye. It went a bit faster as now he knew what he can actually do to a human's nerves and what not. He forgot to practice these on the bandits he killed before. Anyway, he handled the second eye quite well then put it next to the other, sealed the tank then put it into the bag that was hidden nearby. When all was properly arranged he dragged the body of the boy to a specific part of the roof where he was able to cremate the corpse without the light showing too much.

Dix had to decide on which fire technique he wanted to use for the process. At the end he chose Dragon Fire Jutsu. With this technique, the user spits flames from their mouth that, like a dragon's, quickly travel forward in a straight direction. Upon contact with a target, the affected area is engulfed in flames. Whereas the Great Fireball Technique will burn everything in the vicinity, the Dragon Fire Technique is more narrowly focused at its initial target, likened to a projectile, thus making it easier to control. This way he was able to cremate the carcass without much mess. It took him a few minutes, but soon the corpse was turned to ashes.

By that time the clones were done with their part, so they were practically queuing up behind Dix to burn the rest of the bodies. As the clones joined the process it became easier and faster to cremate the other remains. When that was done Dix and 4 clones started putting the ashes and the remaining bones into the urns. As soon everything was cleaned up Dix picked up the backpack and rushed back to the orphanage.

There he entered the open window of his room, which contained one of his clones. Every remaining clones that were present anywhere were cancelled, as Dix jumped in the window with a huge sigh of relief. Even though he had to be quiet now, as there were others living close to him, he wanted to shout and wake up everyone to tell them he succeeded. He wanted to celebrate with a good whiskey which he missed so much from his previous life. But now he just decided to go to sleep and worry about whatever is left tomorrow.

Before sleep hee wanted to meditate a bit, then speak with Kurama to discuss what happened. He entered his subconscious then moved to Kurama's cage.

"Congratulations, kid. You pulled a good show out there. Even I was a bit excited. You saw Madara too, but to tell you the truth, there was something off about him..." he said right as Dix stepped into the chamber.

"Hahaha, yes thank you very much, I tried hard. By the way, you are not wrong. I just call him Madara for the sake of simplicity, but he isn't actually the one. The Madara you knew is already dead. This one is a random nobody that was saved by Madara to follow his plan. Later he will be the one to revive the original, so he is definitely a strong player on the field." Kurama just looked at the boy flabbergasted and dumbfounded. He was starting to get used to the idea that a small kid knows way more then he, who lived for many centuries, but this one was too much, so he just entered a silent contemplation for a few minutes. Dix just patiently waited it out.

"Are... you sure, that this was the best course of action?" Kurama asked after some time.

"Well, yes. It really is sad to see Indra's bloodline to degrade this much and that its on the verge of dying out. But I already know this is not the end of this clan. Its just a new beginning, as there is someone special left behind, and he will be able to rebuild it from the ashes. As for the Sharingan... Yes, there is no other way. It will be imperative to have one at the final fight, for many different reasons." he said as he tried to look compassionate. Kurama couldn't help himself but laugh.

"Ahahaha, no, don't misunderstand me, I really don't care about the clan. I pretty much hate them, as they are the only ones that are able to control me with their eyes. I think they had this coming for a while now. Its just I wanted to make sure you know what you are doing. Well, it seems like everything is fine. You go sleep now. You have a hard day behind you. We'll meet again soon." he said as he lied back on his stomach, putting his head on his arms to go back to sleep.

"Yes, thank you for the talk Kurama. You don't have to wait much more. In a few years I will be able to request to be taught how to use nature chakra. There I will also be able to get my hands on the key for the seal." Dix said as he slowly disintegrated. Hearing this a small smile crept on Kurama's face.

When Dix opened his eyes he was back in his room. He changed his clothes then went to sleep. He will have a lot to do the next day.