Not so peaceful childhood

Dix's training went great. By then his eyes healed completely and he recuperated from the surgery. He made 100 clones and made them all attack him for until one of them can hurt him or they run out of juice. These 100 were normal clones, it would've been pretty hardcore otherwise. At first he had to get used to combat with the sharingans. It felt like he can see everything around him, and track any movement, so sometimes his reflexes or reaction time was a bit messed up. He had to acclimate himself as fast as possible, so next to the 100 clones he summoned another 200, 40 with sharingans and 160 to attack them. They stood up in groups of 5 and the sharingan users had to try and defend against as many and different attacks as possible.

Actually Dix had his doubts about copying the sharingan with the shadow clone technique, but it still worked, something which he was extremely grateful for. There wasn't any actual drawback to it, it just consumed way more chakra to summon a clone with sharingan, than one without that feature.

He also noticed, when the transformation technique is applied to his eyes, and he uses sharingan, then an optical illusion happens, the red sharingan merges with the blue fake eye, and a beautiful glowing purple color comes out at the end, with three blue tomoes (the little jewel-like things in simple sharingans). It looked really interesting.

To further his training, he took up the mantel of the local vigilante again, and started hunting different criminals, fugitives or hostile ninjas throughout the region. He had to make a few changes to the plan though. He absolutely couldn't let anyone live that has seen his sharingan, even thought its hard to recognize it due to its color, thus he summoned 150 pairs, so 300 clones to start roaming around.

So from then on, his clones would move in pairs, the first one rushing into any combat situation possible, while the second watched from the sides and tried to pick off any escapees or stragglers, then they would switch for the next one. When both of them had battle experience they would disperse. The clones had to meticulously go trough every battlefield for survivors or possible recording devices. Nobody was allowed to leave after they witnessed the sharingan, and nobody was allowed to have this kind of information. He made sure any civilians or prisoners would only see a shadow when they get released.

Next to hunting criminals he also summoned the training squads to continue working. With this, he had around 500 active clones working either in the training camp or on the fields. He would get a report every minute or so about some clones dispersing after a successful ambush or siege, or clones running out of chakra in the forest.

This was the last great push before he has to enroll the Academy. Not like anything will change then, because he will probably just send in a shadow clone to ditch classes. But still, he wanted to do his best in this 4 months that was left.

Nothing much happened in those four months. Dix was a bit bored, while the civilians everywhere cheered that someone is keeping the order up on the roads. Not like he cared, that wasn't his intentions, just some positive side-effects of his training. Anyway, four months passed in a blink of an eye.

Dix's sharingan consolidated its power and found its place in his system. It was like he was born with that power, which is obviously not the case. Unfortunately. Still, he was able to feel the small changes over time, that the chakra converter was going well and it slowly filled the eye up. Also he noticed, that the thrill of fight and killing significantly boosts his eye's growth. Maybe there really is something to those emotions? Who knows, he will have to experiment with it a bit though.

A few days before the entrance ceremony at the Academy, the Third visited Dix to check on him, and also to inform him of stuff regarding his studies, and the soon to come ceremony he had to attend. By that time Dix knew everything, but he still put on a happy facade, mostly for Hiruzen, but he himself liked if data and knowledge is double confirmed.

When the day arrived Dix lazily got out of his bed. He wasn't an early bird, but the ceremony started quite early, which he was annoyed by. He got his bearings together, took care of his hygiene, got a nice formal cloth to wear, at least as formal as you would expect from an 8 year old, then made his way to the Academy. There most of the kids were already lined up in front of a big podium at the back of the Academy. The parents or other relatives that came with the kids stood on the side, well all sides, except the podium itself, and formed a rectangle around the new students.

After a bit of waiting one of the teachers, specifically Iruka, someone of great importance in Naruto's life, walked up on the platform and made a roll-call. This was the first time Dix saw him, so he was a bit excited at the prospect. Everyone was present, so Iruka moved to the side to give way for the Third, who gave an okay speech about determination and the Will of Fire. Dix never really liked these, so he kinda spaced out, but then he remembered he actually wanted to look around for the others he was supposed to know and would be there. He was in the back, so he was able to pinpoint Sakura that was in the first row. Not many others have pink long hair. He noticed the Uchiha Clan's logo on someone's back, in the second row to the left. That must've been Sasuke, as no other Uchiha was supposed to be alive in the village. Last he found Hinata, who was a bit harder to notice. She had short dark blue hair and fair white skin, but that alone wasn't really enough. He wasn't able to confirm its her, but after the ceremony he would do so. He also found Kiba and Shino, Ino, Choji and Shikamaru. These were all important characters in the series, so he had to look out for them.

After the speech the students were assigned to classes and had to familiarize themselves with the layout of the Academy, then their homeroom teacher would give them all the information for the next few years they will spend there.

The plot stayed the same, Dix's actions haven't moved anything yet. There was only one class this year, because of the peace not many new ninjas were being trained, thus, this year the number of students was low enough to put all of them into a single class. Iruka was appointed the homeroom teacher, just as it was supposed to happen.

Dix tried his best not to fall asleep while Iruka was explaining how their studies will be arranged. Iruka noticed this, and was quite annoyed, but he didn't want to make a scene on the first day. It was a bad first impression. He was one of those that had a huge grudge with Kurama, as his parents died at that attack. Iruka was also among those who couldn't distinguish Naruto from the Nine Tailed Beast for a long time. And Dix didn't like people with tunnel-vision. He wasn't interested in making friends with Iruka, as he was a simple side character that had a strong emotional bond with the original Naruto. He was his psychological cornerstone, something Dix didn't require. Other than that, Iruka serves no other role in this world that could be considered important.

When Iruka finished, the class was dismissed for the rest of the day, and the real school would start the day after. Even though everyone was free to go home, most kids stayed around to speak with the others and get new friends. Shikamaru and Choji obviously stayed, as Shikamaru wanted to see who he will be in a class with for the next four years. Choji was just going after Shikamaru with a huge whatever face, as long as he gets snacks he is good with anything. Kiba, Ino and Sakura stayed too, even though the latter two were on bad terms.

Some kids left the premises for different reasons. Hinata had to go back to the Clan immediately, Shino was simply anti-social, while Sasuke was walking around with a serial-killer's eyes. Obviously he wasn't happy. His brother, who he adored so much, massacred his whole clan, along with their parents. Sasuke almost died to a genjutsu he was subjected to, but it wasn't supposed to kill him in the first place. It was Itachi's 'mercy'. He wanted to fuel Sasuke's hatred, and it turned out to be a resounding success.

Dix stayed around too, talked some with his classmates, but he soon got bored and went back to the woods for training. The others noticed his unique behavior, he was kinda nice, somewhat funny and mature, but creepy at the same time. They felt like something was unnatural about him. But they didn't want to lose out on a chance to find good friends. Even though people shunned Dix/Naruto, their kids didn't. They didn't know what their parents did, so they didn't differentiate between him and any other random kid.

While the original Naruto in the series tried to play with other kids as much as possible, Dix never really showed his face around the village. The former only managed to earn a lot of parents' annoyance and worry, who had to tell their kids to not approach him at all. The latter on the other hand, as he wasn't around at all, was almost completely anonymous and blended into the group of kids.

Dix exchanged a few words with every major character, and some of the unknown ones too. Soon he had enough though, so he excused himself with the pretense that he has important training to do. Which was actually true. He exited the village and started training. Like any good ninja would.